Rating:  Summary: Science fiction at it's best, part deux! Review: I knew I was in trouble when the author wrote in the forward, "I do not believe in God." Then what's he doing writing a book about the Bible?I know I was in even more trouble when he started showing things in the Bible but not putting a reference, i.e. John 3:16, Gen. 3:15, etc. etc. Anybody can write a code in Hebrew and make it say anything they want. Finally, I knew I was reading a poor attempt at science fiction when the authos said God is an alien. Wasted my money on this one. Please do NOT buy!
Rating:  Summary: Great as farce, rubbish & lies as non-fiction Review: Just like his first book, Drosnin seeks to profit from the public's ignorance regarding probability and statistics. The exact same "slight" of numbers techniques could be used on any lengthy novel. There is nothing more credible here than in numerology of palm reading. Save your money and buy your kid or nephew a science book like "How Things Really Work"
Rating:  Summary: Monkeys' Random Typing Results in NY Times Bestseller! Review: This book is extremely disturbing, but not because it claims to use secret messages in the Hebrew Bible to predict nuclear holocaust in the year 2006. The upsetting part is that any human being would write such worthless drivel and try to pass it off as truth. Even more disturbing is that this second book, like Drosnin's first, will probably be another top bestseller for months to come. As I read this book, I kept thinking of a line uttered by Superman's arch-enemy Lex Luthor in the 1978 motion picture version of "Superman": "Some people can read 'War and Peace' and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe." In Bible Code 2, Drosnin has stared long enough at a chewing gum wrapper, and, by applying mathematical skip sequences enhanced by his laptop PC, has determined that aliens landed on earth billions of years ago and brought with them the DNA code that now characterizes all creatures on earth -- and that they embedded secret messages in the Hebrew Bible (that could only be found by computers in the late 1990s) containing warnings about a terrorist nuclear attack on Jerusalem in 2006 that will trigger World War III. Give us a break! If the first book's science and mathematics (which have been since debunked by nearly every major scientist and mathematician) were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. Even many proponents of hidden mathematical codes in the Hebrew Bible have expressed alarm at the incredible conclusions that Drosnin draws from the most unscholarly and poorly-conceived attempts to apply mathematics to find secret messages in the Torah. By the end of this book, the reader grows weary of Drosnin's description of all his many failed attempts to contact key heads of state, including U.S. Presidents Clinton and Bush. It's no wonder that of all the heads of state he attempted to meet with, only kooky-bird Yassir Arafat agreed. I can just imagine how President Bush must roll his eyes when an aide tells him that Michael Drosnin is on the line. Please, if you want to read far more captivating yet scientifically unsound theories about the possible extraterrestrial origin of life on earth, read Erich von Däniken's work. He, at least, put together better prose.
Rating:  Summary: Hal Lindsay Meets Erich Von Daniken Review: In my review of Drosin's first nonsensical tome, "The Bible Code," I stated that it was pure science fiction. Drosnin has proven my point in his follow-up. He states, glibly and without the slightest hint of embarrassment, that the Bible Code "proves" that both the Code itself and the human DNA code was delivered to the earth billions of years ago by an alien vessel made of steel, and that that vessel still exists in the Jordanian salt plains of the Dead Sea, along with obelisks that hold the key to "decoding" the Bible Code. This is all "proven" by Drosnin by his own interpretation of the Bible Code. Self-fulfilling prophesy? Or the rantings of an over-wrought imagination? In order to prove his theory he quotes *one* scientist, a man who published a paper in the 1970s claiming that our DNA was brought here by aliens. This is enough confirmation for Drosnin, evidently. Don't look for references or footnotes reinforcing his crackpot ideas - they don't exist. However, he does put in a chapter that purports to be substantiation to his writings, but upon closer examination they are nothing more than out-takes from the body of the book. How disturbing that people believe this nonsense. The Bible is God's Word to mankind. It clearly states that God created the universe. So, how is it possible for the Bible "Code" to contradict this by stating that man is the result of some alien "ark"? Also, Drosnin commits the unpardonable sin of apocalyptic writers: he reveals a date for the "End Times", which, he states, is indicative of the coming of the Messiah. The Bible clearly states that no one knows this date, except the Father. Even Jesus does not know it. So how can Drosnin? This is the same mistake Hal Lindsay made in the 1970s when he said Jesus would return by 1986. So, we all have to wait until 2006, when the earth will be destroyed by an atomic halocaust, according to the Code. I'll meet you all in 2007 for a toast. Pick the place and time....
Rating:  Summary: Katrinka Review: I wish I had not wasted the money on this farce. He tries to make a case for the predictions, yet does not print the verses in the Bible in English so we can read it and decide for ourselves. The Bible clearly states "no man knows only the Father when the end shall come." I'm sorry but I believe my English Bible not this rubbish. When I saw that he believes the election was stolen from Gore then I knew exactly what kind of nut was doing the writing. He needs to read At Any Cost, then he'd know exactly what kind of a poor looser Gore really is.
Rating:  Summary: Nice Follow-Up Review: It is not the gripping seller like his introductory book but this sequal of Michael Drosnin is phenomenalogical all the same. You have got to appreciate his credentials: formerly a reporter for the Wallstreet Journal and he is an athiest. Faith follows fact and Drosnin has the objectivity required in light of these supernatural claims. Names and events that are showing up embedded from the plain text of scripture in groups of word-clusters in startling accuracy. However, the first book asks many questions that were not elaborated on in this release such as the status of Damascus. Neither was there much reaction to other contemporary works today such as my favorite work on the subject "Cracking the Bible Code" by Satinover or Rambsel's publication that demonstrate much scientific and historical perspectives. However, it is a must for your library for this providential generation.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating...but WEIRD! Review: If you're into this kind of thing, don't read this book just before bedtime. I did, and I still got a good night's sleep.
Rating:  Summary: One Word STUUUUUUPID ! Review: Some books are not fit for print...sheesh you have to be whacko to even think this guy is on the level... Ok I am making a prediction, That if you get this book you will agree that it is hogwash... Nuff said...rest easy...
Rating:  Summary: Be On Guard Against The Sin Of Forcing The End Time! Review: When people experience hope mixed with sufferings, we all seek the end of times looking for solace in our deepest despair without societal suicide. This applies to all cultures and religions. Conversely, I found the book to be entertaining as another attempted impotent practice of using divination to seek out prophecy. After all, one would expect that a religion based on old books that can identify with staggering precision the signs of a nonkosher turkey should be identifying the signs of the end times. As I read it I cannot help but recall the teachings from the Pesahim of my youth to protect us against our despairs by teaching such events are unknowable. Anybody can be a teacher but nobody can be our Messiah! There are seven things hidden from all men and women. These are the day of death, the day of consolation, the depth of judgment, not knowing what is in the mind of your friends, no man knows which of his business ventures will be profitable, or when a sinful kingdom will fall and when the Kingdom of the House of David will be restored according to Pesahim 54b. One can add other unknown events from other cultures and religion such as when the Qu`ran pages become blank or the Anti-Christ is born? But will this knowledge actually help you become a better human being? I am not sure speaking just for myself. However, few can suppress the hugely popular mass belief that a new heaven and a new earth is just around the chronological corner. Needless to say, the calculation of portending future events represents an immense theological and emotional risk since many events may not arrive. Even if true, the CIA, KGB, and Mossad would already have the computers and analysts doing it and thus changing our destiny every day, would they not? So why waste time on events you cannot control or know? If you want to concentrate on helping your families or strangers and your community concentrate on preparing for solving your own tasks of today and tomorrow will take care of itself. There is a better world to come, but only due to what you do today. A good book but too many loopholes to explain away events they cannot predict. The claims of revealing a code only apply after such events have happen! If this is not so, can someone do a code and tell me when the stock market will rebound and what stocks should I buy? Thank you!
Rating:  Summary: More Proof... Review: I have read about half of Michael Drosnins new "bible code" book and sadly I must say will leave it there. Mr Drosnin you certainly do make an interesting read but... Well.. You leave out too much. Your evidence is not evidence. There are massive holes in your proofs and it seems that we can interpret hebrew into anything.. "Torah of Lisan" can also mean "the laws of language" which can mean "linguistics". And it seems that any word in hebrew can be spelt backwards and it will mean something else! You give us amazing odds but never tell us how you calculate them. On page 107 in the paperback version "PEACE" is highlighted with "ARAFAT" and "SHARON" and "END OF DAYS". Similarly on page 132, peace is mentioned. Then lets rejoice there will be peace. And yet on most of the other pages you preach destruction...I'm sorry but it seems to me that you are only reading into what you want to see. I'm sorry if i'm ignorant. I really do believe that the bible IS trying to tell us something but your book is so badly put together you will be making more skeptics than believers! And lets be realists for a second.. YEAH IT LOOKS LIKE THE WORLD IS HEADING FOR A WORLD WAR!!! You dont need the bible to notice this. An assassin will assassinate Arafat huh? By a gun? NO WAY!!! Lets bring out the cliches now "you live by the sword and you will die by the sword". You tell us that we may well be living in an ultimate time of danger... I tell you what with 60,000 plus nuclear weapons in the world i already had that one figured out. I hate it how people like Drosnin claim that they saw all this stuff coming when I can predict half it all happening by sitting on my couch and keeping up with the news. Like Mulder "i want to believe" but like thomas i'm still doubting...