Rating:  Summary: An atheist attempts to warn us of Armageddon Review: I bought the very first "Bible Code" book by Michael Drosnin when it came out years ago, because I've always had a hunch that there might be some very interesting mathematical properties concerning the Bible texts. In the first book, Drosnin demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt that there are some fascinating properties in the Old Testament biblical texts --they seem to have some incredibly detailed information about various past historical events and people, and there seems to be the ability to determine future events as well. This information is encoded in skip sequences through out the biblical texts. While one could scan "Moby Dick" or "War and Peace" and probably find the names of all the presidents of the United States encoded within, you would NOT be able to find their names, the dates of the births, the dates of their deaths, and the names of the cities where they were born, all within the same short section of text. Most likely, you would find information scattered in a random fashion throughout the texts, if you found any correlation's at all. But for some inexplicable reasons, significant dates, information and names all appear encoded in extremely close proximity to each other in the biblical texts.The reason Drosnin has written a sequel to the first book is to warn of an event that is slated to take place in 2006, which may have dire consequences for the entire planet. According to Drosnin, "Bush," "Arafat," "Sharon," "Barak," "Peace," "End of Days" "World War" "Atomic Holocaust" "In the End of Days" are all encoded and crossed referenced with the same year: 2006. Drosnin believes that the Bible code is attempting to war us of an impending "atomic holocaust" which will take place in 2006, and it will be directly related to the currents troubles and tribulations we are now experiencing in the Middle East. He believes so strongly in this prediction, that he has gone to great lengths to warn all of the people mentioned in the encoding: Bush, Arafat, Sharon and Barak. However, only Arafat has taken the time to meet personally with Drosnin, to discuss the coming nuclear annihilation, and the fact that the Bible Code also clearly predicts that Arafat will be assassinated by members of Hamas! (You heard it here first, folks.) Of course Arafat already knew this was a very likely scenario, but was happy to have the Bible code confirm his suspicions. Though Bush, Barak, Sharon and Clinton have not met with Drosnin personally, he has met with people on their staffs, and has briefed them on the prediction in the bible code of an atomic holocaust in 2006. Of particular interest is the reaction of Dan Meridor, an Israeli cabinet member in charge of preparing for non-conventional terrorist attacks: "We already knew this was a probability", said Meridor. "And we already knew these years--2005, 2006--are the probabilities." In other words, the Bible code is only confirming what Israeli intelligence had already determined through normal intelligence analysis. The Bible code doesn't have any information to tell us how to prevent this possible catastrophe, and so the Israelis didn't really find the coded warning all that useful. And so it goes, lots of interesting encoded warnings about dire events that have already been taken into serious consideration by those involved. So even though the "warnings" are a day late and a dollar short, it at least seems to further validate the code's reliability. This would be a good book if the validity of the bible codes were the only item on the agenda, but Drosnin; an admitted liberal, atheist Jew; has no problem incorporating his ideology into every single page of the book, which is very unfortunate for those us who are not of his particular faith --or lack thereof. Yes, all the typical left-wing, atheist talking points have been incorporated into this book. Items mentioned include how Bush stole the election from Gore, (and the bible codes confirms it!), the "seeding" of our planet with DNA by aliens from another world, the greatness of our past president, Bill Clinton, the wonders that were Israeli prime-ministers Rabin and Peres; and how the secret iron obelisk will unravel the secrets of the Bible code once it is found somewhere in Lisan, Jordan, near the shore of the Dead Sea. Drosnin's unrelenting mixture of his ideological beliefs with the facts of the Bible code and current events makes for very challenging and exasperating reading. He's a very good writer, but the unrelenting liberal viewpoints and atheistic theology get tiring very quickly. It is with great mystery and wonder that a person like Drosnin can be convinced of the validity of the bible codes, and yet absolutely refuse to believe that there was a God who created them. So the encoded information in the Bible is very believable, but the plain text testifying of a God who inspired these texts is a farce? One cannot help but to begin to think that Drosnin has some secret special agenda in his unrelenting belief that there is no God, since any normal person would be convinced beyond any reasonable doubt long ago, as was his friend; the great mathematician Eliyahu Rips; who first discovered the bible's encoding of detailed information. Personally, I do hope Drosnin finds the iron obelisk with the key to unraveling the Bible code. And I do pray that the atomic holocaust in 2006 does not take place. Fortunately, the "end of days" predictions are general enough that they can be avoided, or, at least, perhaps wrong conclusions were made given the scant information. Yet I'm anxiously awaiting the proof of this prediction, and I'm afraid it may come to pass.
Rating:  Summary: Sigh... This again?? Review: You've gotta be kidding me. After anyone and everyone with but one skeptical bone in their body debunked Drosnin's last offering, he has the nerve (or lust for money) to send this second pile of dreck our way. Ridiculous. Look, people - pick up any lengthy text and start scanning the letters at regular intervals and, lo and behold, you'll find 'prophetic' messages encrypted within. - ...
Rating:  Summary: INTERESTING !! Review: Well I am not long winded but I will say that when I bumped into this book it was at another book store and needless to say that I didn't get past the stand, I actually stood and read three chapters. It was very interesting the way he reveals the current events. He also shows the code to you and where those events are encoded. However, if you don't read Arabic and you can't see dots, true enough you may not know whether it is valid. Never the less I truly enjoyed this book and it made me think. He states that the End of days has been encoded with Pres Bush, and that it will be an atomic war in 2006. By looking at everything going on, that isn't hard to believe.
Rating:  Summary: The book is good , then you can agree or not Review: I have read this book and I think that one thing is clear .
There's a code inside the Bible, at least in the first 5 books . For me that's interesting enough. After this we can agree with Michael Drosnin views or not . But I find the book very entertaining .
Rating:  Summary: interesting book Review: I have the 2 books of Drosnin but i think this new one is more interesting but i agree with other Review its like Indian Jones searching 4 the obelisk, in this second book he needs to put more things of the future or more facts that proves that the code is real
Rating:  Summary: Bad bad bad Review: This book is a joke. In the first page of the book, Drosnin starts out by telling us he is an atheist, then goes on to say he believes that there are hidden codes in an ancient book that is supposed to be written by GOD. So either he is a moron, or a liar. He frequently makes off the wall conclusions, simply because he found 2 or 3 words encoded near eachother in the torah. The book is already irrelevant, because Drosnin predicted(I take that back, he says the bible predicted) that Arafat, Bush, and Sharon would present at the end of days. Oops! Arafat's dead! Nice job you fraud.
Rating:  Summary: A Con Job Review: Drosnin says he learned about this from the smartest man he ever met. WRONG! The smartest man he ever met was his publicist, probably himself.
This book is nothing more than a random walk and a con job. Save money and interpret cumulous clouds for free. He is probably laughing at his followers. Do a google on him and all will be confirmed.
Rating:  Summary: Why? Why? Why? Review: Is there a way to comment on others' reviews? Here's why - above all, the following glaring omission should stand out like a sore thumb, similar to story "The Emperor's New Clothes":
If, as Drosnin speculates, the Codes were first revealed to us at this particular dangerous era as sort of an early warning system, to enable us to change the course of events in a positive way, then WHY THE HECK DIDN'T DROSNIN (or any other "insiders" for that matter) OFFER AN EARLY WARNING RE: THE TSUNAMI and future such disasters which may happen? Also, why don't the "insiders" allow the Codes to be used in a benevolent way to reveal cures for chronic illnesses which cause so much suffering?
Well, Drosnin? Ripps? Over to you! I wouldn't be the least surprised that you may formulate some smooth response to this, but I assure you, that any response you may give will not cut it with me.
Rating:  Summary: Bible Code is All that it's cracked up to be Review: This book is by far the best I've seen. It not only explains the bible code, it shows you exactly where it is seen. The details in the book are amazing. I've looked for other books similiar to this one and have been disappointed. This is the best book money could buy. I'm looking into finding the software to give it a crack of my own. Spend the money, the book is worth it!
Rating:  Summary: This was horrible Review: This was possibly the most horrible book I've ever read. I had high expectations to start and then they sunk. The man doesn't even believe in God, and is getting all his "coding" from the Bible. What is the Bible about? God. He tries to tell us that aliens could have written this to foretell us of an impending doom. We already know from just reading the Bible, in plain text, that Armaggedon is going to happen and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The author of this book is a wanna be Indiana Jones wanting to make a name for himself, and push his anti-Bush message. Which totally didn't belong here.
Also, he says this our DNA was sent here in a vehicle from another planet and the vehicle is possibly located in the Dead Sea. Where does this man's imagination end? He needs to quit watching the X files.
I'm glad I only paid 6 bucks for this book, looking back I wouldn't of even paid a penny. Not worth your money, or reading time.