Rating:  Summary: Should be called "The book of Metaphors" Review: In the days when people had no insight in the woof and warp of the universe and no basic understanding of any scientific investigation whatsoever, they had to make something up to tell their children (for it is a trademark of children to ask annoying questions wich are hard to awnser). These people "Jews" somehow consciously or unconsciously gave them a metaphor in a collection of books, called "Bible", wich means library. This "library" contained two kinds of metaphors: "Scientific and Spiritual". An example of the scientific kind would be that of the creation of the universe, the Spirit of the Lord floated upon the waters, before any kind of life hath sprung into being. Evolutionary biology teaches us that all life came forth out of the water. It's astonishing to note that God first created all animal life and finally humanoids. Humanoids thus being the highest kind of creation wich is also advocated in mainstream biology. Since God would surpass everything, even time, seven days should be seen from a diffrent paradigma and not from the shrimpy humanoid perspective wich so-called "Creationists" hold to be true. An example of a spiritual metaphor contained in the Bible would be the Ascension of Christ into Heaven. Jesus first went trough an enormous ammount of suffering before He could make himself rise above the appearant reality of the physical universe. In the same way mankind has to burst trough it's barriers of the subconscious mind and be lifted and exalted above the reality of this universe. The Bible is part of a special kind of "brotherhood" of books. Wich are at first sight diffrent, but in essence the same. These brothers are: The Koran, The Tora, The Veda's and The Book of the Dead. The actual linking of these books is called the "Perrenial Philosophy." Though this book has some good things, I only rate it 2 stars for it has a discriminating view on women, for it tells us we should physically punish our children and not to have sex before marriage. The latter has been pushed hard by almost all people who believed in one of the "Brotherhood Books." This is a shame since Adam and Eve were thrown out of paradise, one of the few things left from paradise was sexual love for oneanother.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book. Nuff said. Review: This is one great book. Or, to be more precise, this is THE great book. Even if you are determined not to believe in God and therefore go to Hell, you will find much useful advice in this book. Some people say this book is nonsense, but the only nonsense is their words. Read this book. I promise you, you won't regret it. Don't say you don't believe in The Bible as a lousy excuse to treat others rudely and behave immorally.
Rating:  Summary: Addressing the 'Bashers' of the Christian Faith. Review: Just the other night, I was searching for a edition of the Bible to purchase, along with a copy of the Torah and Koran, to aid in my theological studies, when to my utter shock and yes horror I found this page, and all the disgraceful 'reviews' that cover it. These 'readers' from 'anywhere USA', criticizing - USUALLY IN CAPS - the very book on which billions of people stake their very lives (and souls) on, are absolutely ludicrous. Most of these criticisms aren't even intelligently written, indeed most use sarcasm, or outright hatred to drive home their intolerant point. Not showing respect for others religion is really a loathsome and despicable thing, one that I would think not to exist in this day (and in this country) of enlightenment and knowledge. I believe the Bible is no more fact then the Torah, or the Koran, or even Classical Mythology, but I would never disrespect anyones own core religious beliefs just because I don't agree with them. It is a persons (Christians, Jews, ect) right to believe in whatever they do so wish, and, we must remind ourselves, it may indeed even be true. So in conclusion, if you're a Jew, or Muslim, or even a atheist, and don't believe in the teachings of the Bible, don't cut down, and insult, the people whom do, for then you would be missing the teachings of not just the Bible, or any other religious script, but teaching of mankind itself. But if you would rather dwell in the ignorant darkness of the dark ages, go right a head, but do it as any medieval would do it, in the dark, sharing your views with only those whom are also submersed in the shadows of ignorance.
Rating:  Summary: Leading People To Christ - by a 12 year-old Christian Review: The Bible is God's Word. It contains all of God's instructions for us on how to live our lives. It tells us that anyone can have salvation-FREE!!! All we have to do, is except the Lord Jesus Christ into our hearts. This is the only way to get to Heaven. God wants us to share His word!! B-basic I-instruction B-Before L-leaving E-earth
Rating:  Summary: The Holy Bible Review: I was reading alot of the reviews from people and it makes me very sad. People treat this book as a fantasy novel and it is not at all that. This book is a history book that tells the story of Jesus Christ and how we as people were created. There are many authors in the book not just one. Jesus was not crazy!! Jesus is the son of God who was sent onto this earth to die for us so that we may be forgiven of our sins. There may be things in this book that you dont understand, however highly suggest if you dont then find someone to help explain it. I am happy about all of the reviews in one way: everyone read it!! I will be praying for all of you and God bless!!
Rating:  Summary: Not worth the effort Review: Trite and full of superstition. This book could need some serious updating.
Rating:  Summary: This is _THE BIBLE_ Review: Seriously, THIS is THE BIBLE. "Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps: Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling his word: Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars: Beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl: Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth: Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: Let them praise the name of the LORD" Psalm 148.7-13 Isn't this so much better than: "Praise God from where you are, you fish, holes in the water, hot things and cold things, frozen water and water-vapour, fast wind doing what he tells you to do, big hills and little hills, fruit trees and fruitless trees, livestock, cows, bugs and birds, leaders, citizens; politicians and officials in the world; boys and girls, senior citizens and children: praise God's name."
Rating:  Summary: the greatest book ever written Review: After reading this. . . I know I am a different person. Not in the flesh, but in the spirit.
Rating:  Summary: Oy, Christ! Review: I have attempted to get through this novel again and again, and it wasn't until I realized that it had a whole sh**load of authors that I understood the reason it's so unevenly written. The creation of the world in SEVEN DAYS???!!! Give me a break! It takes that long to drive across the United States if you are giving yourself a reasonable amount of driving time (stay at Motel 6 - they are the BEST!) Leviticus? Please! Those "laws" basically mean: we, the priests get a guaranteed amount of meet in return for shaving off your foreskins. Huh? Loved Job! God has the sickest sense of humor. Maybe God is really Don Rickles or Margaret Cho. What a sap - faithful til the end, and then he gets back everything - except for all his DEAD LOVED ONES. Those crazy prophets? I was sitting there thinking: Okay, today these guys would be locked up in the state mental ward and loaded with Thorazine, but then they were given the royal treatment: what a con! You married someone of a different ethnic background, so Israel is going to be exiled for another 200 years. Of course, the ultimate protagonist is this guy, Jesus Christ, who has a kind of kinky entourage of 12 other guys who follow him around and eventually eat his flesh and drink his blood. You gotta ask yourself...who dreams this stuff up? The crucifixion is pretty violent, so make sure you tear out that scene from your kids edition, but then, again, Exodus is even more violent - Go and kill everybody in the town and all of their animals, says God, and I will richly bless you. And they DO it! (I got the feeling there was a little bit of self-justification going on here, didn't you?) But the ending - wow! That guy must have been chewing on some ergot-flavored bread. In any case, you have to admit the writers and compilers have done a great snow job on a large percentage of the human race - I can't think of which is worse: Hollywood blockbusters or jerkily written prose about a nasty old guy with a crusty beard sitting on a cloud. (Anyway, remember Motel 6 is the best -- cheap rooms, serviceable, and a reasonable checkout time without a lot of fancy doodads.)
Rating:  Summary: Common Sense Review: "The fool says in his heart, there is no God". The well educated Scientists and esteemed professors at the most prestigious universities seem to be the most vocal in ridiculing such a primitive theory as divine creation. They lay claims on technology and medical science as answers to outdated religious beliefs, yet when asked to give their logical explanation of the origins of our universe they say that we exploded from nothing.? Is this logical? How can something just spring up out of nowhere from the abyss of nothing? This theory contradicts their own logic. If we were created from a random explosion, it sure is some coincidence that our bodies somehow formed itself out of the air with a working heart, brain and DNA code that instructs our anatomy on how to operate together. This is like saying that you can set a bomb off in a junkyard and the parts will randomly explode into a working airplane or motorized vehicle. The next time someone ridicules your faith, ask them to provide a more sensible explanation than yours and I'll guarantee they won't be able to give you one. The more thought you give to this the more clear it becomes. The very first statement "In the beginning, God created..." exposes the foolishness of the atheist. This proves that we don't need to reach deep into our hearts to justify our faith, just a little dose of common sense will suffice.