Rating:  Summary: did you ever read this thing? man its good Review: did you ever read this thing? man its good. its the story of this really racist guy who goes back in time or something and then he learns a valuable lesson. what lesson you might ask? you'll just have to read the book to find out. by the way, the book is twilight zone the movie. read it stoned too, it'll rock your whole way of thinking about things. i know it did that to me.
Rating:  Summary: :.: Review: KJV is not a bad format, depending on the apporach you decide to take to Bible. If it is for faith affirmation, go ahead, surround yourself with inauthentic, incorrect, archaic thous and shalts of KJV. If uncovering the deep metaphoric layers is what you want, abandon this pompous stupidity at all costs. Incorrect translations and all to big liberty-takings destroy what literary value this book has. Look elsewhere if your aim is to study mythology and metaphor in the book.
Rating:  Summary: The Book for ALL Ages... Review: The Bible. Some call it a fantasy book, others scoff at it and say that Jesus never rose from the dead, never really lived, and that the stories of the Old Testament are archaic, unbelievable, scientifically 'inaccurate', and that they promote death and destruction of innocent people...But is all of the above really true? Or are they the beliefs of people who have chosen to be blind rejecters of the Truth. No, the Bible doesn't support Racism. The Children of Abraham were told to destroy the Caananites, but throught the Bible, God time and again says that he isn't willing that people should perish. The Caananites had 450+ years to turn to God, but they didn't. Same said for Israel prior to the attacks by the Assyrians which destroyed the Northern Kingdom and the Babylonians which destroyed the Southern Kingdom (see 1st-2nd Kings, 2nd Chronicles). The sinfulness of the different and various kingdoms of the world mentioned in the Bible were suffered by God for a time, but not forever. As he judged the ancient Kingdoms of the near- and middle-east, he will one day judge the world. The Caananites were destroyed because God's patience with them ran out (and though God is limitless in his mercy and Love and Forgiveness, he does have a limit to his patience with sin and sinfulness). Further, the Bible's prophecies are 100% accurate, and up-to-date for today! Though the Bible was written up until about 1900 years ago, the warnings, prophecies, visions, and words of the different writers and teachers - not to mention the teachings of Jesus Christ Himself - are relevant for today and fresh as the Morning Newspaper! The times written of and spoken about in the Old and New Testament are being played out before us today like never before! The Signs that Jesus spoke of concerning his return have been happening at a break-neck speed! All anyone has to do is read the news with the Bible in hand to see the truth of what God wants people to know!!! The stories of the Old Testament are definitely believable. I find it amazing that people will so readily discount the Great Flood of Genesis, the Giant Philistine Goliath and his four brothers, and the miraculous freeing of the Hebrew Children from Egypt, yet claim that the Arabian Nights Stories, the Fanatasies of Disney, and the gross inaccuracies of Hollywood to be entirely believable and possible. Further, those who claim Creation as bogus and Eviolution as true need to look again at what they believe: Evolution is no more provable than the Creation story in Genesis 1-2, and Evolution actually takes more faith than Creation. Creation came about by a Creator...Evolution's idea comes about by chance and chance alone. What kind of hope is there in Evolution? Finally, the life of Jesus Christ. Did he really live? Did he walk the Earth and teach good news and Salvation? Did he really die on a Roman Cross? To all of these questions: Yes. NFlavius Josephus and Marcus Livy both write of Jesus in some of their Histories of the Roman Empire. Further, every one of Jesus' apostles (Except John) died horrible, torturous deaths, confessing that Jesus was risen. How many people will suffer torture and death for something that they know to be a lie? Millions of Jesus' followers since have also willingly laid down their lives for Him, believing Jesus to be alive. For forty days after his death and resurrection, people saw Jesus alive (500+), talked with him, and spoke with him. How am I able to say all of this without a hint of regret? It's all written in the Bible. The Bible is God's inerrant, written Word, a love letter to us today. Is it a Book that divides? YES! Either you hate the Bible (because it shows you how and what you really are: sinful and judged guilty of death byt God Himself), or you love the Bible (because - as I - you have accepted the message and Good News of the Gospel and the Salvation which is freely ofered to thos ewho choose to accept and believe). There is no middle ground, no no-man's land. Giv ehte bible a chance, and it WILL change your life!!!
Rating:  Summary: badly used literature Review: this is quite a nice piece of old literature, but it has been used to kill millions. can't see how it's possible to see ''god'' as a merciful person. in reality, and this example of ancient literature shows it, god is a cruel being. now i'm going to get the old ''i hope jesus saves you''. but remember that doesn't actually improve our oppinion on christians.
Rating:  Summary: Fuuuuuunny Review: Well, aint this just THE BEST book you ever read? How fuuuuunny is this?? A great look at humanity from what are obviously seriously mentally deranged peoples. I agree with two other reviewers-vampires would make this book SO much better. And an ass kicking Jesus! (like buffy)
Rating:  Summary: read the book so that you can know the truth! Review: I have to be honest. I have gone on spurts where I have been faithful in studying the Bible and then have gotten away from reading it, while never losing my faith in God and Jesus, but I have been led astray. And why and how? Because Satan is constantly working to lead us astray. I am now reading the Bible again and it has enlightened me to why all this turmoil in the world is happening. The Bible says evil will rule the world but we must remain righteous to the end and we will win through God's love. All you have to do to see Satan's work is to turn on the t.v., watch the world events, etc. and then read the Ten Commandments and see if we are following them. I especially was interested in Deuteronomy and the Revelations and of course, the whole Bible. I will admit that sometimes it can be hard to understand and that is why I ask for guidance from Jesus because he is the light. I found that there were a lot of things that I was doing wrong that I hadn't realized and wished that I had been more diligent in my study of the Word of God sooner. In conclusion, I had to ask myself, do I want to live in a world of righteousness and God's love or a world of evil? It didn't take me any time to find my answer. I highly recommend reading the Bible. It will show you the light. It is sad that so many have been deceived by Satan. May God bless you all!
Rating:  Summary: As a religious work and as literature Review: The Holy Bible ("Book divine! Precious treasures thou art mine!"--to recall a popular hymn) like many great works of religion can be taken on two levels. The first is as literature, the second as the revealed word of God. As far as literature goes, the King James Version, "translated out of the original tongues" during the time of Shakespeare some four hundred years ago has been since its inception the standard by which all other versions are compared. More than that, along with the works of Shakespeare, the King James Version of the Bible is the bedrock upon which all English literature rests. The language used by those anonymous translators ranges from the mundane to ethereal poetry of the highest order. If you are reading the Bible as literature, the King James version is the one to get. More than that, one can hardly be considered educated without at least some familiarity with this great work. As far as the Bible being the revealed word of God, there are two possible ways of looking at it. One, literally; that is, the Bible as the absolute, denotative truth put down by scribes acting as instruments of God. This is the way Christian fundamentalists view the Bible. "God said it. I believe it. That settles it!" (To recall a bumper sticker.) Two, symbolically; that is, the Bible as wisdom from God set forth in symbol, parable, story, myth and metaphor. To be blunt, I don't think there is much to be said for the literal approach. In the first place, the Bible is contradictory in many places and it requires some clever babbling to reconcile the contradictions. For example it is written in many places that the Lord was moved to anger by the misbehavior of his people. Indeed in Kings 17:18 it is reported: "Therefore, the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight." A God that gets angry would seem to be not much of a God and cannot reasonably be reconciled with the all-knowing, all-powerful being seen elsewhere in the Bible. Attributing anger to God is a pathetic anthropomorphic projection. There is a lot of this silliness in all religions of course. But more than that, the Bible itself clearly indicates in many places that a literal expression is not what is meant. Thus Jesus spoke in parables ("And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables..." Matthew 22:1) and often used metaphorical language ("Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" Matthew 7:3). Clearly a literal meaning was not intended. Because of these considerations the Bible is not taken literally by most practicing Christians. Consequently the "seven days" of creation can be seen as a metaphor for Big Bang cosmology (if one likes), and the Garden of Eden as a metaphor for human nature before we acquired consciousness. The Bible can also be seen as psychological truth. All great religious works that have come down to us are repositories of psychological truth. They have survived partly because people have found them valuable in their daily lives. Regardless of literal truth they are psychologically true. It is a good psychology, for example, to "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Or, "neither cast ye your pearls before swine." And it is a great psychological, as well as a moral, truth that "all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this the law and the prophets." (We are in Matthew 7 where Jesus speaks with especial eloquence.) How does the Bible compare to the other great religious works? is a question worth considering. Certainly it is longer than the most famous works of other religions such as The Bhagavad Gita of the Hindus or the Tao Te Ching of the Taoists, although not much longer than the Koran. It is much more uneven than any of these, speaking in a multitude of voices from the begets of the Old Testament and the sublime poetry of Ecclesiastes and the Psalms to the eloquence and wisdom of Jesus in the New Testament. One would need to take all the Vedas, for example, from the hymns of the Brahmans to Krishna's expression in the Gita to find something comparable, and indeed there are many similarities. In one sense all religious works of any antiquity are similar in that they are written in a symbolic and metaphorical language. If they were not they would not survive because the literal concerns of one age are not that of another, and furthermore, it is impossible to express many of the great psychological truths in a strictly denotative way. Even more than that, it is perhaps best to express these truths in a general way so that each of us may discover them ourselves as they relate to the challenges of our lives. Thus it is said that "Many are called but few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). Called to what? Chosen for what? Jesus was referring to wedding guests, but this passage speaks to us of spiritual matters. As does the Bible itself, properly understood.
Rating:  Summary: Blue Print of Civilization and Decency Review: The Holy Bible is probably one of the most influential and important examples of literature in the world. The core message of this monumental work can be found in the Ten Commandments of The Lord, which are summarized as follows. I AM THE LORD THY GOD AND THOU SHALT NOT HAVE ANY STRANGE GODS BEFORE ME. This commandment instructs the reader not to worship any other deity but The Lord. For example, if a person worships protectionist market forces under the misleading rubric of "free trade" as do key members of the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, then according this commandment, they would be doomed to eternal damnation. THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN This commandment instructs the reader not to mention God's name in a casual, self-serving, or superficial manner. For example, when politicians invoke the name of The Lord to help win elections as does a certain president who used to have a drinking problem, they are taking His name in vain and according this commandment, are doomed to eternal damnation. REMEMBER TO KEEP HOLY THE LORD'S DAY This commandment instructs the reader to observe the appropriate rites and behavior on Sunday since that's the Lord's day and the Sabbath day, and definitely not a time to work or to mess around. For example, if people were to take a duck hunting trip together on Sunday as did Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and Vice President Dick Cheney, then according this commandment, they would be doomed to eternal damnation. HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER This commandment instructs the reader to honor his/her father and mother. For example, if, a certain president were to have bad mouthed his father during a youthful drinking binge and subsequently were to have challenged him to go "mano-e-mano", then according this commandment he would be doomed to eternal damnation. THOU SHALT NOT KILL This commandment instructs the reader not to kill. For example, if a certain governor of Texas were to willfully execute a convicted murderer despite her pleas for clemency, and if he were to subsequently mock her by laughing and saying, "Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me!" then according this commandment, he would be doomed to eternal damnation. THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY This commandment instructs the reader not to cheat on his or her spouse. For example if anyone emulated the behavior of famous adulterers like Bill Clinton, or those less known for their adultery such as Mike Bowers, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Michael Deaver, Dan Burton, Bob Barr, Rudolph Giuliani, Strom Thurmond to name a few then according this commandment, they would be doomed to eternal damnation. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL This commandment instructs the reader not to steal. For example, if one were to deliberately purge the voter roles of eligible African American voters to prevent them from voting for the opposition candidate as did Florida Secretary of State, Kathleen Harris, and Governor JEB Bush in 2000 in order to steal an election that they otherwise could not win, then according this commandment, they would be doomed to eternal damnation. THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR. This commandment instructs the reader not to lie about other people. For example, if a best-selling, rightwing, political writer were to deliberately lie about liberals in her books "Slander" and "Treason" or if a president were to deliberately lie about a foreign dictator's weapons capability then according this commandment, they would be doomed to eternal damnation. THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE This commandment instructs the reader not to want or pursue his neighbor's wife. If a man did this, as did Representative Henry Hyde, whose actions ultimately broke up a family, then according this commandment, he would be doomed to eternal damnation. THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR'S GOODS This commandment instructs the reader not to want or pursue his/her neighbor's stuff. Oh, you know, for example if your neighbors south of the border have lots of bananas like Nicaragua does, or copper, like Chile does, or an abundance of other natural resources as Brazil does then it would be a sin to want these things so badly that you depose their elected leaders and put oppressive dictators in their place who are sympathetic to your desires. And if your neighbors on the other side of the world have a whole lot of oil, then ... well, you get it: according this commandment, coveting that stuff will make you doomed to eternal damnation.
Rating:  Summary: Do you Believe? Review: Reading the Bible is an act of faith in and of itself. If you are not a believer in God and in Jesus' teachings there is nothing anyone can say about the Bible that will make you read it (or believe for that matter). If, on the other hand, you believe in His words and His teachings, then there is no reason to read a review about the Bible anyway. It all depends on YOU and what YOU believe. Many of the reviews about the Bible (like some of the ones above and the ones below) pass judgement Christianity because of the Bible itself. Others pass 21st Century Judgement on things that have happened in centuries past. The idea being not on helping you decide wether you should read a book like this or not, but rather to press the writer's own ideals upon you. Few reviews will ask you this: do you believe that you should read a book like this? How strong are your beliefs and are you brave enough to find out? Do you believe that you are the creation of a Higher Being or do you rather believe that you are beyond such things? Do you want the easy out and declare that there is in fact no God or that what is contained in this book are not His words and His teachings? That is what you should be asking yourself if you need to read a review of a book like this.
Rating:  Summary: Utter Foolishness!! Review: I love how the intellectuals, modernists, scientists, sarcastics, atheists, and so-called level-headed thinkers tear down the Bible and any other sacred institution, only to replace it with: NOTHING!! You guessed it! "The Bible isn't real. The scriptures aren't real. They're suspect at best. So be like us. Believe in nothing. Question everything. Have no foundation and no belief system. Believe in man. So when he lets you down and life lets you down, you can: GO NOWHERE!!!" Yeah, what a concept!! It amazes me how these reviewers from Nowhere,Kansas, Nowhere, Texas, and Nowhere, Europe can use their superior intellect to tear down a book that's been in existence for thousands of years, yet this same intellect replaces this book with nothing. These reviewers are afflicted with, what I like to call,"Smartest Man in the Room Syndrome". They don't really have an alternative to the teachings of the Bible, but they know questioning it makes them seem smarter than the rest of us. Wow. Where would the universe be without you guys? You are all the smartest the universe has to offer. Keep questioning those Gospels and casting doubt. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm convinced. The next time life throws me a curveball and it seems like too much to handle, I'm going to ditch the Bible and go to the teachings of the Amazon Intellects. NOTHING. I think I'll be better off.