Rating:  Summary: Why did you have a child? Review: If you expected a constant flow of affection and appreciation, we are talking about a pet! Even dogs get taught and trained to behave appropriately, so that their company is pleasant. Children are far more precious and in greater need of committed parental devotion, discipline=training in order to become the responsible, kind, loving and productive adults we hope for someday. It doesn't just happen. I picked this book when my oldest was only two, after realizing this parenting thing involved far more than changing diapers and round-the-clock feeding. Having seen the devastating results of no training, neglect and abuse in our own families, I vowed not repeat the same mistakes. I DARED to be a different parent, one that is dead serious about the task. Today our children are 27, 23 and 19. Each one is successful, not only in academics, talents and marketable skills, but also in the excellence of their character. Loving and considerate, they are highly regarded by their employers, spouses and families. I'm thankful for the principles outlined in Dare To Discipline. You don't have to agree with all that suggested in a GOOD book-you need to be wise and choose as your own all that is useful! And then try it out yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Old-fashioned discipline. Review: Dr. Dobson's main premise - that parents need to be in charge of their children - is wise and very much needed in today's world. I'm sorry that he feels a parent should resort to spanking or other harsh methods of discipline to get their point across, since his basic philosophy is so very correct. I'd suggest you read this book - and temper the ideas with your own common sense. I'd also recommend Perfect Parenting Dictionary of 1000 Parenting Tips by Elizabeth Pantley for quick solutions to daily problems.
Rating:  Summary: God inspired information for raising children Review: Dr. Dobson has written into this book a method for raising chilren that works. There is one key thing that is vital to being able to understand this book - you must be a believer in Jesus Christ and a reader of the Bible. With this as your filter for everything in life you will be able to see the Love and Compassion that Dr. Dobson advocates in this book. One of the biggest problems that we have in society today is kids that have grown into teenagers and then young adults that have not been disciplined. They move into society and do not know how to control theirselves (self discipline). ...Read this book if you want to know how the Creator of the Universe intended that we should raise our children. Read the humanistic books if you do not want to do it correctly. When will we learn that God's ways are the ONLY correct ways. Study the bible and compare it to the condition of our world and the condition of our children.
Rating:  Summary: Great boundaries and consequences to actions Review: If you read this book with an open mind and a willing heart, you will know that the reason children today do not respect authority is because of no real guidelines and loss of respect. If you dare to wisely use the content of this book in the framework of your own individual family, it can bring great results. As the mother of 3 boys I thank Dr. Dobson for teaching us to raise our kids not only for us but for others. My sons are now 22, 18 and 14.
Rating:  Summary: Some good ideas if kept in perspective. Review: This book doesn't deserve the uproar it's causing. Dr. Dobson states repeatedly in the book that he advocates spankings only in rare instances of blatant, deliberate disobedience, and not even for all children because children are so different. As for the Christian justification of corporal punishment, that is indeed nonsense and shouldn't be taken literally. But I have read several books that are full of psychobabble and permissiveness and I have found them beyond useless, and I am pleased that someone encourages discipline. By the way I have managed to apply Dr. Dobson's principles of establishing guidelines for good behavior and responsibility WITHOUT ever spanking my child, and I believe it is these principles exactly that have made it unnecessary for me to ever have to spank her.
Rating:  Summary: A must for parents of a "strong-willed" child Review: I firmly believe in Dr. Dobson's approach to raising a child. I also recommend 'The Strong-Willed Child' by Dr. Dobson. These books were life-savers during a very tumultuous time in our house! He teaches discipline with love, love, and more love.
Rating:  Summary: This book made me hate my childhood Review: I grew up surrounded by Dobson-ideology; not only did my mother read 'Dare to Discipline' and 'The Strong-Willed Child', she kept them by the paddle in the pantry. I've read the books myself, now that I'm an adult, and see them as psychology-shrouded justifications for violent people to exercise their angst on their smaller, defenseless children. I'm afraid to be a parent. I don't know how to be a good one, and it's mostly due to this book and its dangerously self-righteous author. He doesn't understand how far his sugar-coated words can be carried, or how many people he's unwittingly hurt by way of all those royalty checks. Please, please don't buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Absolute garbage Review: This is the worst book I've ever read. I only read it out ofcuriosity. The title itself is degrading to children. Dobson hasforgotten what it's like to live. Instead, he wants children to be weighed down with overly protective parents and unnecessary restrictions. I remember as a child going to my first concert. You know what? It was a very dangerous place. Lots of drugs and everything. But I had FUN. Thank God I didn't have parents who would've followed this drivel. Dobson promotes constant spanking and meaningless boundaries that restrict children from any sort of real freedom. Part of being young is being free of responsibility. Having fun is what life in general is all about. For anyone out there craving life and all its splendors, don't read this. Don't risk your children hating you for their restricted and unfun youth. That is all.
Rating:  Summary: Hooray for Sanity in this insane world! Review: Dobson taught us how to balance the need to show our children love and produce responsible kids. I read the original book 10 years ago and now buy the New one as a baby shower gift. Other parents make comments on how well balanced my kids are. We learned to laugh, love and set boundries. These guidelines brought peace to my home. We're not tyrants, we are respected....and loved. I now have teenagers and I don't know why parents hate this stage. It is challenging, but with great reward. The guidelines stand the test of time. I also recommend Patricia Sprinkle's book on getting your kids to work around the house.
Rating:  Summary: Read it and decide for yourself! Review: I find it hard to believe that those who unjustly criticize Dr. Dobson have truly read this book. I've found it to be balanced and even-handed. Discipline is emphasized as a positive and loving reinforcement (looking for opportunities to catch your child doing the right thing and praising them) as well as negative (the rare use of corporal punishment - without anger! - in instances of direct and defiant disobedience or lying).