Rating:  Summary: Asking God for help alot, and often Review: Joyce Meyers is defintely set apart and used by God to spread the Gospel. She has reminded us with "Battlefield of the Mind" that we are in a spritual war between the goodness of God and the evil of Satan. Meyers reminds us that God allows us to have peace, tranquility, and Life forever as gifts from him for looking to him for help. On the flip side she reinforces that satan is a very conniving and cunning adversary. She truthfully states to us that we MUST ask God to help us---ask ALOT! and ask OFTEN. She strikes the truth when she writes that we cannot do it alone! We need God! We need his strength to win the Battle!
Rating:  Summary: ACCURATE AND POWERFUL Review: Many books are written on the power of thought, what it can do and so forth. But this one stands out in its accuracy of the subject and is supported by the teachings of the bible. Read this book and APPLY what it says, i know it will enrich your life greatly according to the truth and power of gods word.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent source of spiritual warfare tools! Review: Meyer once again writes a book that is not only an excellent source of information for those needing help with spiritual warfare - especially that of the mind, but she does it in a way that is comprehendable to new and seeking Christians. Using examples and not preachy tactics, Meyer is able to reach her readers with biblical principles that have been ignored for so long.
Rating:  Summary: Battlefield of the Mind Review: My comments are about the 1995 copyrighted edition (paperback). This book is a tremendous storehouse of information concerning spiritual battle. Those battles that are fought in the mind. This book ranks in the top 5 books I have ever read and has a special place among my favorites and reference books in my home office. It is marked up in every way, form and fashion. I've purchased numerous copies for friends. Joyce is right on target when she shares with the reader the sources of many of our "battles" in life. Daily renewal is the key. God's Word says we are to be renewed daily in the spirit of our minds. It is imperative to the Christian to live a "renewed" life DAILY. I hope this book will be as much a blessing to your life as it has been to mine. It is a must for every Christian's library!
Rating:  Summary: Let Us All Think Right Review: My mother once told me garbage is garbage out. Joyce really opens this subject up for everyones life in some manner. The best part about this book is that it does not matter what level of this Chritian walk you are you can benefit, and not only benefit reading the book once but twice, possibly three times. If you take this information just a little bit at time it is truly nourishing to your soul and there is no way that your life will not change. I encourage others to just take a little bit and they will want the bite of this uncompromising word that Joyce delivers. This awesome and I can truly say my mind has be renewed and gets renewed daily. Read It, Read It, if you want something to happen and want to know how to train your mind to be positively changed and your world with change. PROMISE.
Rating:  Summary: delivered Review: One day I was on the city bus and I happened to glance over at a college student who was reading a book called battlefield of the mind. I truly thank God for the divine intervention. I was really going through in my mind, satan was trying to take over my mind with his nasty, doubtful, lying, unbelieving thoughts, but at the time i did not know that it was satan, I thought it was me and God and so he took me for a ride, i was bamboozled, but God always interceded for me. When I spoke with the young lady and she told me where to buy it, I did. I wish that I could express in words how God blessed and delivered me through this book. I am so thankful to God. He said that we shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free. I am free today in Jesus Name and this book is one of the tools God used to set me free. Yes, the enemy stills tries to play with me but God has equipped me a little more than I was the other times. I thank God for Joyce Meyers, for her obedience to God and her allowing God to use her to right a book that changed my life. Joyce God Bless and keep you and yours. I love you with the love of Christ.
Rating:  Summary: Thank You, Joyce Meyer for being obedient to God, on this! Review: She writes from what God has brought her through. This is more than just ideas which sound good but are hard to implement. They work. As God has given her victory, she has reached out to others in obedience to her Lord. This book helps in so many areas -- showing causes for our defeats, and solutions for victory. I'm buying another copy to loan out. It's only been a month, and things are a-changin'!
Rating:  Summary: On Awareness Review: The more you resist something, the greater power you give to it. That's the meaning, I think, of Jesus' words: "When someone strikes you on the right cheek, offer him your left as well." You always empower the demons you fight. That's very Oriental. But if you flow with the enemy, you overcome the enemy. How does one cope with evil? Not by fighting it but by understanding it. In understanding, it disappears. How does one cope with darkness? Not with one's fist. You don't chase darkness out of the room with a broom; you turn on a light. The more you fight darkness, the more real it becomes to you, and the more you exhaust yourself. But when you turn on the light of awareness, it melts. For a different perspective on this matter, I recommend Anthony De Mello's book, Awareness.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME PRAISE GOD! Review: This book changed my way of thinking and iam only in my youth but it is really good the way she talks about the different minds and the way that people think and how you can get free from that kind of things that hold you bound in your mind its really good I LOVE YOU JOYCE MEYER!
Rating:  Summary: Everyone needs to read this book -- Really! Review: This book focuses on not only why we should change our thinking, but more importantly, HOW we can change our thinking. Often, our prayer life does not line up with our thought life. This book is fabulous and written in layman's terms for everyone to understand. It is full of scripture references and good meaty material for most of us who don't realize what our mind dwells on during most of the day. It helps direct those unproductive thinking patterns on to Godly and positive things.