Rating:  Summary: very complete Review: This is a very good start for an adult approaching to the Catholic Church or for a Catholic that needs a good refreshment. My husband used it for RCIA. It's a complete book that should be in every good Catholic home.
Rating:  Summary: "A special gift" Review: This is where to start - the official statement of what the Catholic Church professes to believe. Really, when you think about, this is probably the most unique book on the market (next to the Bible). What other religious institution has ever published such a document of reference? Who else makes such effort to present their faith clearly? And who else would have two thousand years of history to sift through?But I recommend the Catechism because it is more than that - it is poetry; it is the closest humans have come to understanding the mystery of God. And it is the only attempt that any religious institution has ever made to clearly communicate it. This Catechism is truely, in the words of John Paul II, "a special gift".
Rating:  Summary: Not Just Another Reference Book Review: I always thought the Catechism of the Catholic Church was something you used like a dictionary or encyclopedia - to look up information when you needed it. Recently I picked up my husband's copy and found it to be fascinating reading! Things I never would have thought about looking up were suddenly jumping off the page with incredible clarity. This book also does a good job of including the Eastern Rite Catholic practices in its explanations, which most Roman Catholics don't even know exists.
Rating:  Summary: Authorized teachings of the Christian Church Review: This book sets forth the official moral teachings of the first and biggest Christian Church. It organizes the teachings in accordance with the Nicene Creed and the Ten Commandments. The table of contents and index are extremely helpful in assisting one to find a particular concept.
Rating:  Summary: Answered All My Catholic Questions Review: I'm still in the process of reading this book but it has already taught me so much. It has helped me to understand things in a way no person has ever been able to explain them to me before. I became Catholic last Easter and this book has throughly answered all my questions that I've asked others and not gotten a satisfactory answer to. I know it will prove to be a very valuable tool for when my son is old enough to ask questions about his religion. Thanks to the Catechism I will be able to answer his questions and can refer him to it when he's old enough to understand what he's reading. I highly recommend that all Catholics read this and anyone else who is curious about the Catholic faith or Christianity in general.
Rating:  Summary: Great great book!!! Review: It's such an honor to be given the chance to learn about His beautiful Church, which, with 2000 years of the Holy Spirit's guidance, has grown to be our taste of heaven here on earth. In learning more about Him and His ways(through the Catechism), I have been able to grow in love and discipline. I love this book and recommend it to all! God bless.
Rating:  Summary: My Catholic "Almanac" Review: Go to pub for an initial answer to something like: "What exactly is the Church's teaching on..." It reflects all the changes called for in the Vatican II documents and references the Vatican document and paragraph number when applicable (also any pertinent scripture references). Tremendous cross-referencing within the book to fully explore a topic and all its nuances. Recently gave a talk on the laity to a weekend retreat and strongly recommended this book as the first stop for a nagging question. It'll lead you to any additional books for research.
Rating:  Summary: Definitive! Review: Excellent! Definitive! Its all right here. No study of the Catholic faith could possibly be complete without this wonderful book. It is definately the next most important book after the Bible.
Rating:  Summary: After the Bible, the most important book for any Catholic Review: No doubt many other Catholics associate the word "catechism" with the simple and often-mocked books written in the past to introduce children to their Catholic faith. Be assured this is a different creature entirely. In a bit over 800 pages it covers all the basics of Catholic faith. I can't imagine any Catholic who's faith and understanding wouldn't be strengthened by reading the CCC from cover to cover. It's also a reference that can be opened to any page at random and provide insights. For both Catholics and non-Catholics, the CCC is the place to turn to find out what the Catholic Church -really- teaches, as opposed to what some of the more agitated Catholic-bashers may claim it teaches. I was largely prompted to write this review after reading the bitter comments by "Todd" in an earlier review. Not only is Vatican Council II mentioned in the CCC (starting on, ahem, page 1!), but documents from that council are referenced quite often, as are documents from many other councils, writings of the church fathers, and, of course, the Bible. As for arcane and difficult to read, here are a couple of passages, chosen at random as I type: "346 In creation God laid a foundation and established laws that remain firm, on which the believer can rely with confidence, for they are the sign and pledge of the unshakeable faithfullness of God's covenant. For his part man must remain faithful to this foundation and respect the laws which the creator has written into it." "2268 The fifth commandment forbids direct and intentional killing as gravely sinful. The murderer and those who cooperate voluntarily in murder commit a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance. Infanticide, fratricide, parricide, and the murder of a spouse are especially grave crimes by reason of the natural bonds which they break...." Depends on what the meaning of "difficult" is, I guess. Finally, regarding authorship, Cardinal Christopher Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna, was the general editor of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, if it makes any difference. I commend him and his colleagues for a job very well done!
Rating:  Summary: Superb outline Review: This book is a superb outline of Catholic doctrine, straight from the source's mouth. But it is only an outline. I think that is why some other reviewers have had so much trouble with it. It is a great foundation, but it is good to keep in mind that literally scores of its numbered paragraphs could be expanded into book-length treatments of their subject. Definately buy it, but be warned that it is more a reference work than a novel.