Rating:  Summary: The quality just hasn't held up Review: I enjoyed the first Left Behind quite a bit. I didn't think that it was brilliant or anything, but it contained some decent writing and some interesting ideas. Unfortunately, as the scenerio continues to get dragged out, I can't help but think that this is an idea that should have been held back to two or three books. The authors just don't seem to have enough ideas to cover eleven books. As a result, plotlines are rehashed here, characters don't go anywhere, and there is nary an interesting idea in the whole novel. When you compare it to a masterpiece like We All Fall Down by Brian Caldwell, it just seems way too flimsy and somewhat pointless. Caldwell's novel says something and gives you more to think about in two pages then Armageddon gives you in an entire novel. If you're looking for a Christian soap opera, I suppose that this isn't bad- I can't think of any other reason that I bought and read this- but if you're looking for a book to inspire and challenge you as a Christian, look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: One of the BEST of the Left Behind books! Review: I've read all eleven...and can't wait for #12. ARMAGEDDON was fast paced and riveting. I read all 383 pages in less than a 24-hour time frame. I couldn't put it down! Chloe captured! What will be her fate? And who died in the literal cliff-hanger? Rayford or Buck? What a masterfully sneaky use of the word "he". Bah-humbug to the grumblers who say the series is too long...or that the entire story isn't contained in one large book. The LEFT BEHIND series has brought me closer to God by vicariously experiencing the characters' resolve, strength, and FAITH in the face of pain, fear, and even death. One thing I particularly liked in ARMAGGEDON was the re-explaining of each different End-Time judgment. Like most people, Revelations has always been a puzzle, so the LEFT BEHIND series has truly been a God-send for explaining the meaning of each Bowl Judgment, color of Horse, etc. I also appreciate that LaHaye and Jenkins don't paint a rosy picture of things being all hunky-dory for God's kids. Bad things happen to us, too. The only difference between us and the world is that we can survive rough times because of the strength from Jesus, the comfort of the Comforter, and the hope of the Glorious Appearing! Excellent explanation to Jewish people why Jesus is the Messiah. Excellent explanation of how, and why, to accept Jesus as your personal Savior. Wish I could have given it Ten Stars!
Rating:  Summary: Armageddon- Can't wait for next book Review: The day that Armageddon came out, I purchased this much anticipated 11th book in the "Left Behind" series. Two days and many tissues later, I am still in awe over the power that this book had on my life. It was like watching Daniel and Revelation come to life in my mind as I am reading. After finishing the book, I immediately opened my Bible and found the verses that described what I had just read. Out of this series, I would rate this book as if not the best, than one of the best. Be prepared for tears, anger and a hunger to yearn for the day of the Lord's Glorious Appearing.
Rating:  Summary: The Ending is Just a Flash in the Pan Review: I am a Christian who really has enjoyed the first 10 books of the series. I feel that Armageddon, however, leaves a bitter and unsatisfying taste in the readers mouth. The 1st 3 quarters of the book are riveting as 2 main characters of the tribulation force are captured and killed. The action in this book kept me hooked in anticipation for the climatic Battle of Armageddon. Instead of effectively building to this climax with great writing, the authors, in the last quarter of this book seem to rely mainly on the readers attachment to the characters to bring about this climax. A couple of members of the tribulation force suddenly and inexplicably take some unwarranted actions which seem to result in their deaths. This may leave the readers scratching their heads. The book ends with tragedy laced with mystery and unanswered questions. Instead of being anxious for the next book (The Glorious Appearing) which comes out in March 2004, I felt somewhat let down because the end of the book did not seem as resourceful as the rest of the book. As a Christian, I understand that the tribulation period is supposed to very tragic. I wonder, however, whether the ending of this part of the story came for the sake of scriptural truth or merely for the sake of increasing the marketing potential of the final book of this series. I can only hope that "The Glorious Appearing" heals a lot of the wounds left by "Armageddon."
Rating:  Summary: No need of a high school education, the writing is that bad Review: The story is ok, but I would be hard pressed to find another book as poorly written as this series. Very vanilla, maybe that is the target audience with this work of fiction, bunch of nitwits.
Rating:  Summary: Don't miss this one! Review: Tim and Jerry have done it again. I have read the entire series, and this is the best in the series bar none. I went out and bought "Armageddon" when the book stores opened on April 8, and started reading as soon as I left the store. As the bowl judgments are poured out upon the earth, punishment of the wicked becomes horrendous. Caracters we have grown to know and love die for the cause of Christ. The events come faster and faster building to the inescapable conclusion... inescapable yes, and yet the end of Armageddon will leave you wondering. Spring 2004 can not come soon enough for me, and yet I hate to think of this series ending. Having said all that, let me, in the strongest possible way, encourage anyone who has enjoyed the Left Behind series to try James BeauSeigneur's Christ Clone trilogy, starting with In His Image. As much as I love Left Behind, I may love the Christ Clone trilogy even more.
Rating:  Summary: More of the same - preaching with little action Review: This series has dragged on long enough. The latest 400 page book is about 300 pages of preaching and about 50 pages where action does occur. Another book? Come on. End it. The real armageddon will occur before the series is finished. The time line also has gone haywire. The kid, Kenny was born in the series six years ago but he is only 4. If they had left out only 50 pages of preaching the series would be over. The story line is also very weak in this latest book of the series. Although there is action it is very predictable and for the most part foolish. BUT it points out that they needed to drag it out for yet another book. I would not be surprised if they even tried to drag it out longer than that. I also have to agree with those who say that "The Christ Clone Trilogy" by James BeauSeigneur and "Conquest of Paradise" by Britt Gillette are better books and much more realistic end times scenarios. Maybe just maybe the authors will get the end finsih the book before next year and end the series.
Rating:  Summary: I completely agree AND disagree Review: I completely disagree with those who complain that the Left Behind series is too long. [I for one will be really bummed when Left Behind is over.] I completely agree with those who have recommended BeauSeigneur's In His Image, Birth of an Age, and Acts of God as a equally excellent end times series.
Rating:  Summary: It Only Took Me 2 Days to READ!! Review: I thought Armageddon was very good. For change, the book wasn't overly drawn out. For awhile there, it did seem that Chole, Buck, Tsion and Rayford were going to survive until the Glorious Appearance, but, lucky you will have to read it for yourself. I would rate this book as a MUST READ.
Rating:  Summary: 4 stars for the whole series Review: I have really enjoyed the Left Behind series and this book is no exception. The one thing that bothers me most though is that the books make it seem like Tribulation Saints get pretty much a free pass on all of God's judgements. For example with the darkness (I think the 5th or 6th bowl judgement) the rest of the world is completely blinded while the Saints only have limited vision. The whole series makes it seem like waiting until the tribulation to get saved could be a lot of fun. I don't think that's a good idea to be giving people. Any way, thanks to the people who have suggested IN HIS IMAGE by James BeauSeigneur. I'm only about 100 pages in and I'm totally hooked! BeauSeigneur explanations around the Rapture are AWESOME!