Rating:  Summary: Extremely thorough Review: The MacArthur Study Bible is an extremely thorough and researched study Bible. His many study notes brake down individual verses and words of the Bible to the most minute detail. For me, this has been a blessing and a curse. Also, be advised that are many words in his study notes that are difficult for the average reader to decipher. Such as simile, volitional, seminally, efficacy, inviolable, corollary, familial, cacophony, penitent, libertinism, recalcitrant, licentiousness, libation, soteriologically, and militates to name a few. Keep a dictionary nearby! This is definitely not a study Bible for beginners. But for those more learned, it is an immense and impressive work. Remember also that his many thousands of interpretative notes are his and his alone. I have the genuine leather edition and it is by far the most beautiful study Bible I own.
Rating:  Summary: It's terrific Review: I own five Bibles, but when I am doing serious study, this is the one I reach for. The notes are more thorough than any other Bible I've studied. John MacArthur must rank as one of the foremost Bible teachers of our time. These are study notes and interpretations you can trust.
Rating:  Summary: Detailed but biased Review: The Macarthur study Bible is the work of a single Biblical scholar, which is quite remarkable since it is probably the most detailed one volume study Bible on the market with copious notes and detailed commentary. I have used this Bible frequently since I bought it over a year ago. Preachers will find it useful if they are looking for illustrations and interpretations of the text that their congregation will readily understand. Difficult passages of the Bible are explained with great skill. The one reservation that I have is that the commentary too often betrays a marked conservative Evangelical Reformed bias.
Rating:  Summary: A classic Review: The Macarthur study bible combines the notes of one of the best bible expositors of our generation with the excellent and classy New King James Version. A monumental work at best, this hefty study bible at 2201 pages packs quite a punch and relief from all other unecessary works that give a shallow description and interpretation of the scriptures. I have been enjoying this work for the past 3 years and hopefully for a lifetime. Recently John stated that another edition will be released in the future, hopefully in another translation like the NASB update which i personally prefer.
Rating:  Summary: The best study Bible I've found Review: This Bible is a true blessing because of its incredible amount of study notes. The notes are extensive, scholarly, and clarify passages which previously were confusing. In addition to the study notes, the introductions to the individual books and a section on how we got the bible are excellent for a study Bible. I believe this Bible helps believers to accurately divide the Word of God, which will not "return to Me(God) void" and "stands forever"(Isaiah).
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: My dad gave me this bible a few months ago and with out a doubt, the best study bible I have came in contact with. There are notes to alot of the scriptures so when I'm reading the bible and come across a passage I don't understand, I just look at the notes John has given which gives me a better understanding. I'll probably ware this bible out.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This study Bible is by far the best I have ever used. It has an uncommonly large quantity of notes that do not merely interpret verses, but give excellent historical, linguistic, and necessary background that provide a more thorough understanding of the Bible. In addition to its valuable notes, it contains everything a study Bible should have (maps, concordance, etc.), and the New King James version is an excellent translation to study with.
Rating:  Summary: The MacArthur Study Bible is the best there is. Review: I own many Study bibles and thousands of dollars worth of commentaries by many authors. John MacArthur has neatly and efficiently provided the information you need to know concerning scripture. No other bible that I have seen can compare to this exhaustive work and has to be at the top of the ladder, perhaps stated more accurately, in a class by itself. The scholarship is outstanding, yet easy to understand. No serious bible student would miss out on owning this gem.
Rating:  Summary: I don't think this really happened. Review: After reading this book, I get the impression that the author thinks that he's writing a piece of non-fiction, when this book contains many events that clearly are impossible. Perhaps this represents a new breed of fiction, similar to the "magical realism" of certain Latin American short story authors. Definitely not recommended.
Rating:  Summary: maybe I'm crazy . . . Review: Maybe I'm crazy but I can't quite agree with the rest of the comments about the quality of this study Bible. MacArthur misreads the Bible in quite a few areas that and as a result some of his study notes are horribly misguided. For example, in Isiah Chap. 19 he ignores history to make the outrageous claim that not only will Israel be "saved" at the Second Coming, but so will Egypt and Assyria!!! This was certainly news to me which I quickly discarded in the trash can where this misfounded idea belongs. Also, the "many" maps in this Bible are almost completely useless. Instead of MacArthur's study notes, stick to the classics like Matthew Henry's Commentary or Halley's Bible Handbook.