Rating:  Summary: a great source book Review: As a person who is studying early christianity, this book is highly invaluable. It gives you the ability to read for yourselves what the gnostics believed, instead of just reading interpretation. But anyone reading these texts must be very careful. As most historians agree, the gnostics had a peculiarly bad habit of taking existing literature and altering it to fit their own theology( Plato's Republic for example), which at times can be inclusive, exclusive, spiteful, loving and anti-semitic all at the sametime. These should not be seen as Protestant versus Catholic, because that is not the case, but Greek Christianity( gnostic) versus Jewish Christianity( orthydox). And like most Greek philosophers, the Gnostics were very diverse.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Sourcebook for Ancient Gnosticism and Christianity Review: Many reviewers have noted that they have found spiritual enlightenment through reading these texts. I am an atheist with a passion for history, so the value that I found in the Nag Hammadi Library was of a different sort. The texts reveal the Gnostics as they saw themselves, not as the Church Fathers characterized them, and thus these texts have provided a wealth of information for the study of ancient Gnosticism and, by extension, ancient Christianity. Although some of these texts may be perhaps found on the internet, it is entirely worthwhile to purchase this volume. The translation has been conducted by a team of scholars, correctly noting the lacunae and those places where reconstruction of the text is conjectural or where the English equivalent is approximate. This ensures an accurate translation. Moreover, the notes alone justify the low, mass paperback price of the book. Each one of the documents is introduced with excellent notes on estimated dating and other information critical to an understanding of the text. This volume is a welcome addition to the personal library of any person who professes an interest in the history of early Christianity, and it is absolutely necessary to anyone who is interested in ancient Gnosticism.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST TO FIND SOPHIA Review: THIS BOOK MADE ME KNOW I AM NOT ALONE! With the greatest of gratitude for the publishing of this book. It is an answer to all the visions and revelations received from the year 1975 until this prayer answering book was published. Mother Jerusalem/Sophia was a mystery to me for all those miserable years that no one knew what these things were that were revealed to me by the Lord. This book should be read by EVERYONE on this earth, and believe these writings are written by the REAL Jesus and disciples. The Sophia of Jesus Christ contained in this book is the TRUE gospel of Jesus himself. Anyone who believes Jesus to be God and the Creator, should not deprive themselves of this new revelation which was not made available to the churchs soon enough. These writings of Sophia and Jesus calling himself Sophia, Mother Achmoth, are true as for myself because I received this doctrine from the invisible Word, and was teaching it before I knew of any of these books. Believe me, Jesus is the bridegroom and Sophia is the Bride . This doctrine was confirmed to my when the Savior sent me to Israel to prophecy in Arabic and Italian, and other foreign languages by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. Now I know I was not crazy! All churchs should be ashamed of themselves to deny the people the true writings of Jesus himself. Even the New Testament is not written by him. THANK YOU JAMES ROBINSON FOR THE PRECIOUS WORDS OF JESUS HIMSELF
Rating:  Summary: Challenging Review: I became interested in the Gnostics after learning that so many Christian religions held them in utter contempt, yet could not define nor communicate their beliefs. Understandably so, as the Nag Hammadi is not light reading and tends to find favor among intellectuals. The rewards are great for those who are willing to put forth the effort to study this collection. A good dose of intuitiveness helps, as well. It certainly isn't boring. Plan on devoting months to reading and comparing to other religious texts as the Nag Hammadi can become a delightful obsession. If nothing else, you will find others are fascinated with the Gnostics and you will have a wonderful source for deep and meaningful conversations. The Nag Hammadi is relatively obscure in comparison to the attention given to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Not surprising since the Gnostics are still viewed as "heretics" with a "mish-mash" of beliefs. I am surprised their writings are so readily available given they are scorned by most mainstream fundamental religions, and largely misunderstood. I am amazed (and grateful) that the Nag Hammadi was ever published.
Rating:  Summary: Invaluable Guide! Review: This long lost collection of ancient codexes belongs on your shelf! While I strongly disagree with the post below that Jesus was somehow an initiate in Egyptian mystery cults, the Gnostic texts of Nag Hammadi show an earnest effort to experience the Divine on a personal, human level. They tend to contradict even themselves, but are still a great read. The Gospel of Thomas, Teachings of Silvanus, Apocryphon of James, Book of Thomas the Contender, and Apocalypse of Peter are so far my favorites. We see here a stark rebellion against the simple faith of the first-century Christians which was itself deviating and perverting the Gospel into what we know call Catholicism. Maybe the lesson these aged and fragile papyri can teach us is that WE MUST find the Divine IN OURSELVES, for He is, to quote the text, "Everywhere yet no where. In you yet beyond you. Visible yet invisible."
Rating:  Summary: The Nag Hammadi for years Review: I have had the Nag Hammadi Library at my bedside now for over 15 years. There is hardly a week that goes by that I am not studying it for some topic. Neither my 8-translation christain bible not my 4-translation new testament are able to be readily located. They are most likely in a box somewhere. THE NAG HAMMADI LIBRARY is a great book. Also read THE HIRAM KEY, by Knight and Lomas. A great non-fiction read and believable too.
Rating:  Summary: Nag Hammadi's Review: I have had the Nag Hammadi at my bedside now for over 15 years. I never cease to study it at least weekly. Ironically, I don't even know where my 8 translation bible, nor my 4 translation new testement is now located. Probably they are in some box somewhere. Also read the HIRAM KEY, by Knight and Lomas. A good read!
Rating:  Summary: a right scholarly translation.... Review: ...of the lost "Gnostic Gospels." I particularly liked, and grieved over, that of Mary Magdalene, who claimed that Jesus liked her best and often kissed her on the mouth (which will undoubtedly offend people who still need to idealize Jesus as a perfectly pure Son). What did the rest of the missing text say? In any case, a worthy collection.
Rating:  Summary: Yashua(jesus) was initiated into the Egiptian Mystery School Review: This book is very excellent, and I recommend that any Christian take to heart of the text, and then research Egyptian Wisdom writings, because it will prove that Yashu'a(jesus) docrtrince was Egiptian doctrine. Here is an example. Yashu'a(jesus)said in the Gospel of Thomas verse 77, and I quote, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am THE ALL. From me did The ALL come forth, and unto Me did The ALL extend. Split a peace of wood, and I am there. Lift up a stone, and you will find Me there." In Ancient Egipt, we taught the Science of THE ALL, in which originated from the teachings of an Egyptian God named TEHUTI(THOTH, HERMES. Some such teachings of TEHUTI goes as follows, and I quote, "The ALL is Mind; The Universe is Mental", "The Infinite Mind of THE ALL is the womb of Universes." These are Egiptian teachings, and remember, Yashu'a was taken the Egypt immediately after he was born for protection, so he evidently was exposed to the teachings, and utilized them as an Adept to the Myesteries. Which is one of the Reasons he often spoke in parables to the public, and this is the same thing the Egiptian Priests did when speaking to foreiners, expecially the Greeks and Romans. This review is simply to connect the Truth that All of the major prophet and teachers of the world learned from The Mystery Schools of Ancient Egipt, namely, Abraham, who was initiated by KHUFU(Cheops), becaue the name "Abraham" is an egiptian tri-literal word, which is AB(heart) RA(Sun God) and HAM/KHAM/KHAMET(majesitc blackness) AB-RA-HAM, it is not an ARAMIC/HEBREW word,its egiptian. MOSES was initiated into the Mystery schools, and he was taught by the Egiptian God TEHUTI(THOTH, HERMES) himself. The Buddhists learned much informatin from the Egiptian Priests, same goes for the HINDUS, CHINESE, GREEK, ROMAN, HERMETICISTS, MAGICIANS, etc,all got their knowledge from THE ANCIENT EGIPTIAN ORDER. Refer to THE KYBALION, and search the Net for FACTOLOGY.COM, or DR. Malachi Z. York, or NUWAUBU, or email me for any questions, NEFERTEM19@aol.com
Rating:  Summary: great compilation Review: Many people among my acquaintances do not even realize books outside the Bible exist. If one asks me where to look relating to Gnosticism, this is the place to go to read actual Gnostic texts. Very good and a great source of primary material. Highly recommended for extra-Biblical studies.