Rating:  Summary: A PURPOSE TO READ Review: There is a purpose for reading this book. And that is purpose in your life. This, and the book called, The Little Guide To Happiness: How to smile again, are my favorite books in this regard.
Rating:  Summary: A Witness Tool Review: It was hard for me to get past the first chapter. After that, I found I was purpose-driven to finish the book ahead of my Sunday School class. While reading through the book at several places, I was put in the position to quote from it pertaining to what was going on in my household. I was able to clarify the word "zealous" as also purpose-driven to my husband when he was faced with replying to an e-mail to his boss. I had been ministrying to a 22 yr. old woman who wanted to know why she had a thought and then committed the sin. I had read the answer to the question the night before. I have something highlighted on every page. Rick's story about his Dad touched close to my heart because of my Dad's passing. I just sat there and said, "WOW"! I can't wait for my Sunday School class at First Baptist Euless to get to chapter 26. I plan on buying copies for people I know, especially the ones who aren't rooted Christians. I have SHAPE.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: This book is very simple and to the point. You won't have trouble time-wise reading a chapter each day. I will use this as a guide to teach my children about how to live a Christian life.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: I'm 14 and sometimes it's hard to believe that GOD really has a purpose for my life. But in this book Rick Warren has showed me different. And God has definately taught me a lot through this book as well.I'm very glad I found this book. I recomend it to everyone. And I also would like to say on special note, that though people might think this book is more for adults... I totally disagree. It can teach so much to teens and adults alike. Once you read this book you will see how God had His hand in the project the whole time. Don't miss your chance to read it!!! Buy it now!!
Rating:  Summary: One more try Review: I am having difficulty review the book because I am rather ambivalent about it. If my first review was too positive, my second review was too negative, so I wish to try to give my thoughts once again. 1.) This book is useful when used in a group. I read through the book with a small group and it was a good discussion starter and had some good basic ideas and principles that can help one, especially a beginner, in spiritual growth. The outline is useful and the author's intention to focus on God's making us holy rather than happy is noteworthy. 2.) At the same time, I didn't think that the book was the best thing since sliced bread. I do have some concerns. For one thing, there were few to no literal translations of the bible that were used. Rather, a hodge podge of questionable "translations" and paraphrases were used and sometimes out of context. Prooftexting, rather than thorough exegesis of passages seemed common. 3.) The author clearly has some familiarity with some of the Christian classics but never really cites them or provides a bibliography for readers. In the bibliography and suggested further reading, all of the readings are from the Purpose driven life series. Where are the references to Brother Lawrence, John Bunyan, Thomas Merton, C.S. Lewis, and others that the author has clearly looked at or mentioned briefly in passing? 4.) I have some problems with the theology of the book, notably its lack of a sacramental understanding of Christian spirituality and its weak ecclesiology, but to me this seems reflective of the mega church growth movement in general. 5.) To me, it seems too programmed, and if fact, it is intended to be a part of a program designed primarily for people in this specific mega church/small group type environment. I suppose I was expecting something more. I would like to give the book 2.5 stars but I will give it 2 stars since there are enough flaws to prevent me from giving it a three star rating.
Rating:  Summary: The Meaning Of Life. Review: Ever wonder what your purpose in this world is or what lies beyond it? Are you unhappy with your life? Wish there was something better than where you are now, or how you live your life? Well, there is a solution, and Rick Warren points us all to the answer. Mr. Warren has created the first self-help book at looks outside the self. What do all self-help books suggest? The answer lies within you. Your problem and solution are within you. Really? Let me ask you a question, that the author poses. If I gave you an invention, some device lets say, and I asked you to figure out how it worked, what would you do? Ask the person who created the device? How about look up how the device works in some form of an instruction manual? Well, when it comes to you, where is your instruction manual? One didn't pop out of the womb when you were born. Well, actually the creator of you, and all of us did leave an instruction manual of sorts. Its the bible. The very word of God. Its his message to us. What God expects from us. How to live our life. What awaits us in the next life and eternity. Rick Warren has put together the most comprehensive manual on how to live like a Christian. He's divided the book into 40 chapters, and suggests that you read only one chapter a day. The chapters breakdown a particular area of subject matter, backed by very appropriate passages from the New Testament. Each chapter ends on a reflection for the reader to think and pray about. The author poses 5 points that a Christian should live by in order to not only life a fulfilling Christian life, but also have a meaningful relationship with God and a fulfilling life in heaven. The main points are belief in Jesus Christ and how you live your Christian life. The first point determines if you are going to heaven. The second point determines what you are going to be doing in heaven. The remaining points the author makes help clarify what is expected of us Christians. Many Christians these days don't go to church, or go to church only 1 day a week. God doesn't want you one day a week. He wants you every moment of the day. The author suggests in our daily activities, no matter what they are to do them in remembrance of the Lord. By doing so, he suggests that we are in fact worshipping God. Also, its important to attend Church to maintain fellowship with other Christians. Fellowship can't be stressed enough as it helps us all in our walk. Prayer? Many of us don't pray enough. Rick Warren gives some great suggestions on improving prayer. I'm finding that I pray more often than I've prayed before. I thank God for Rick Warren's ideas. Purpose Driven Life is a great book, but I did have some problems with it. What I didn't like about the book? I understand that Rick Warren would like to make money from this book. Hey, how else is he going to pay the bills and upkeep. The first chapter and final section in Purpose Driven Life covers all the Purpose Driven Life branded items you can buy along with this book. Purpose Driven calendar with inspirational quotes. Purpose Driven date book. Purpose Driven mouse pad, coffee mug...etc...etc. I found commercial aspect of these sections to border on the tacky. It wasn't enough to detract from the book and the message presented, but it sort of put me off initially. Perhaps a single page in the end of the book with a web address to a site that sells these items would be more appropriate. Also, the author claims that God has changed many people's life in the course of 40 days. He gives a number of biblical examples from Noah, to Daniel, to Jesus Christ. Yes, God does work miracles in our lives over time, but to make a claim that God is going to change your life in 40 days is a bit preposterous. God works on his time, not ours. How do you know that someone may read this book in 1 day and not be changed by its word in a week? How about a year? A few years? First time Christians or even those that are seeking the Christian life may be let down in expectations that God is going to change them in 40 days. Overall I highly recommend Purpose Driven Life to the new as well as the old Christian alike. I've been a born-again Christian for about 3 years and I feel that Mr. Warren's book has added a new dimension to my relationship with God that I've overlooked.
Rating:  Summary: Applicable To Today's Grind Review: A person lent me this book. I'd never browse through it at the bookstore because I usually don't read these types of works. But I did read it in part because upon reading the title I realized this was another of a growing number of works that target an ever increasing market in America: Americans who have no idea that there is more to life than shopping to buy silly things, keeping up with the Joneses (via appearance & debt), and talking about all the things they're going to do "someday." (It's never now, but in the "future.) But what's interesting here is that this book is composed of the standpoints of Christian-leaning philosophy or mentality. Nothing wrong with this. If there's been tons of books in the feel-better-about-myself and spiritual genre to hit the shelves toward the mostly un-religious Americans, this is a good opportunity to provide something to the tens of millions of the population that are Christian. But the benefit is that a person doesn't have to be one to gain from this guide to healthy living. The author Rick Warren is a pastor who writes very clearly and there is a Christian bent to the book, but it's not overwhelming and the concepts he discusses can be used and applied to anyone, regardless of faith, or lack there of. As is often when using translated scriptures of any religion as the basis for an assertion, belief, or thought process, abstract words are taken and applied to modern, real, living. Taking words, phrases, and themes and "interpreting" them to suit oneself goes back to the beginning time. For those people that are Christian I assume there will be heaps of rhetorical disagreement over this book. But there is also a useful "real-life" practical application to "Purpose Driven." As an example, for all of the footnotes he refers to only 18 out of over 800 that refer to the Christian bible. This convenient and very practical book is comprised of 40 short chapters, intended to be read over 40 days time (if one wants to). It can be understood and applied to all components to the general public, meaning, one doesn't have to be a Christian to benefit from, apply, and enjoy this book.
Rating:  Summary: 40 days that bring you much Review: Whenever I buy a book that is spiritual, I buy it since I want to gain at least two things, a bit of workable knowledge and have a closer spiritual experience that can really sink in. I found that here, I am very impressed not only with content, but the overall plan. This is a highly right on and functional plan. The book itself I can deduce was carefully designed, and probably over a period of years. The plan has direction which is agreeable, sometimes predictable as it follows mass correct thought, but at times is surprising. Surprising in new thought and teaching which has incredible insight from true spiritual guidance. If you enjoyed this I also encourage you to read a very good reason as to why we are here book, SB 1 or God by Maddox
Rating:  Summary: Dave Willis Review: This book is so much more than a "self-help" book or a listing of guidelines for "healthy living." This book has a transforming power that allows the reader to see their own life through the lens of God's master plan. No matter where a person may be in their life and their faith, "The Purpose Driven Life" is a must-read. It was truly a blessing for my wife and me. It will be the same for you. Rick Warren is a gifted communicator and there is Godly wisdom on every page of his book. -Dave Willis Lexington, KY
Rating:  Summary: A Message To Parents Review: Life. What's it all About? To answer that question, read Rick Warren's "A Purpose-Driven Life" for the religion-based --- belief and revelation --- perspective on understanding life. I have, and I can give testimony to how wonderfully inspiring it was, and is. To make sure I had a handle on the complete story and my own understanding of life before chancing to go on to help my little ones (and older kids, too, for that matter), I also read Norman Thomas Remick's easy education on the philosophy-based --- reason and knowledge --- perspective of understanding life, "West Point: Character Leadership Education...". Reading these two books have brought the answer to the age old question, "what's it all about?", into clear focus for me. Now, having both God and Galileo, so to speak, I feel confident talking with both my little ones and older ones about life, morals, ethics, character, and virtue. Sound impressive? I think it is, and think everyone should read both books, but especially "The Purpose-Driven Life". As a concerned parent, like me, you will be able to explain things to your children, and to anyone, for that matter.