Rating:  Summary: Quintessential Review: Quintessential Christianity. A watershed work. A standard for this generation.
Rating:  Summary: What's more important than learning our purpose for living? Review: As a Christian regenerated later in life as an adult, and who has engaged in serious, structured Bible study for 7 years, I didn't think anything could change my life more profoundly than the fellowship with God that Bible study already has yielded. Certainly, the discipline of in depth study of God's revelation to man is indispensible and irreplaceable. But Warren's book is the kind of work that changes lives, regardless of where you find yourself spiritually. This book is most helpful in unveiling God's desire for us to know Him, to be active in our lives and mold our characters to become more like Jesus. Those who consider Christian faith "religion", something man can do to see a little bit of God, can develop insight and understanding about the reality of what a tangible, personal relationship with Jesus Christ lives like moment by moment, day by day, decade by decade. With this annointing of the Spirit, religion in one's life can be eliminated in favor of a purpose driven life in joyous concert with the living God of the universe. We're talking about the real thing here, God manifested plainly and clearly in one's life; enablement, not some weak effort by man to be pious and holy. If you come from a background where you think faith is based on man's opinion about God's revelation, this book will help you see (assuming you're inclinded to see truth) that's it's not about YOU, it's all about God. Our culture is filled with those looking for the next great idea. Ultimately, that boils down to one satanic axiom: being sinful is too much fun. Warren's book will help honest sinners to learn how to open their hearts to God's ministrations, and He will produce character change, yielding a life of purpose and "God actualization". Ultimately, that's where the real "fun" is. Religion is nothing like what this book lays out. Warren gives a 40 day outline, directed by God's word, helping even those who know little about scripture to understand what God is saying and how He wants us to live. If you don't think the Bible is God's innerrant, inspired revelation to man, Warren will help you understand what God's point really is. Yes, there's still alot of sin that He will not condone, but Warren shows us by explaining God's word how much more riveting life is when we are freed from the lostness of the secular, intentionally sinful life. We can live like free men and women, not like slaves, bringing glory to God and experiencing peace, joy, and contentment unrealized in our former lives. This book does more than I've ever expected from a work by a mere mortal man. Warren challenges the reader to read a chapter a day for 40 days and pray about what is taught each day, asking God for revelation in mind, soul, and spirit. If you're an agnostic, are you an honest agnostic? Read this book and put your self understanding to the test. What have you got to lose, except a pointless life, and possibly an eternity in Hell?
Rating:  Summary: Lacking truth Review: I was really excited as I skimmed this book. It seemed to have some good principles. Then as I read more closely, I found it does not follow the Lord's Word. If you feel that the King James Translation of the Bible is the closest we have to the original word of the Lord translated to English, then this book is not for you. As I read and compared the King James text to the translations used by Mr. Warren, I saw how much he has distorted the Lord's Word. I will say though, his assertion that without knowing God and His Spirit, it is virtually impossible to understand our purpose on this Earthly journey.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous resource for those desiring to grow spiritually Review: THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE is the best book I have ever read on developing a mature Christian walk and growing closer to God. I've been looking for a book like this for a long time. Since it is divided into short chapters with a scripture verse and a challenging question at the end of each chapter, I used it as a daily devotional. The author doesn't just give his opinion--he uses many, many scripture references from a variety of different versions of the Bible. The writing is so clear and sensible and RELEVANT, yet takes the reader on a deep spiritual journey. I plan to buy copies to share with other members of my family.
Rating:  Summary: A useful, practical guide for any life! Review: I couldn't put this beautiful book down. It is extraordinary in its depth and reveals fascinating insights into the spiritual life.
Rating:  Summary: A useful project Review: All in all I think the book is worthwhile reading as a daily devotional for 40 days. I agree with other reviewers who state that the author makes too much over the 40 day time period. God kept Paul in Arabia & Damascus for 3 years. (Galatians 1:17,18). I also think it is too early to compare this to "My Utmost For His Highest" as that work had endured the test of time where this volume is still new. I also agree that the book is very basic, but somethimes is is profitable to be reminded of the basics. It would have been better for the author to have chosen one or maybe 2 translations (KJV/NKJ, NAS, NIV) and stuck with those. Using this many versions makes the author's approach seem like a random "pick & choose" method. Although Mr. Warren did adequately explain his reason for using many versions.(I am not in favor of the modern paraphrases but prefer to stick with a proven translation.)It also would have been preferred had the author listed the scripture references on the same page. Instead, the reader is forced to turn back to the back of the book to find the references. But, this work is beneficial.
Rating:  Summary: There is a purpose for reading this book Review: There is a purpose for reading this book, and that purpose is purpose. We all need to know what our purpose is and fufill our destiny's. Another book of a similiar nature I would like to recommend is, The Little Guide To Happiness. Great books for growth.
Rating:  Summary: Basic Stuff Review: I think the popularity of "The Purpose Driven Life" indicates how status-quo Christianity has become. There's nothing revolutionary here. After getting glowing reports from several people, I was surprised at the book's lack of real insight into living the Christian life in the modern world. I think one's time might be better spent reading a Christian classic like "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis, or "Introduction To The Devout Life" by St. Francis de Sales.
Rating:  Summary: Don't bother.... Review: to read this book if you're happy with the status quo. Warren's work cuts to the quick. Guess what folks, it's really not about you. It's all about God! History will prove this to be a pivotal book in the life of the Church.
Rating:  Summary: This book and tapes set me on fire for serving Jesus Review: I have this book and the cassettes because I'm not really a big reader. The tapes were great for keeping up with the people in my church who were also reading this book. I have experienced a change in my life that I give credit to the God inspired word of Rick Warren. The tapes are read by the author and truely have set me on fire for working and serving Jesus. I am more full of joy and engergized by them and even though we are through reading the book I still listen to my tapes every day. Thanks Rick, and thanks to my Pastor Darrell Quinn for this assigned reading material.