Curing paralysis, healing those with Lou Gherig's Disease (ALS), destroying cancer cells, even bringing people out of comas are among the accomplishments of this unique healer named Dean Kraft. Kraft, who is not a religion-based faith healer, has been simply laying his hands on people's bodies for over 25 years and healing them of medical ailments. No one, including the author himself, is certain as to why or how the curing exactly happens, but he believes it may have to do with the mind-body connection, noting that many of his patients present symptoms after drastic, emotionally-charged life changes. Kraft tells story after story of people with debilitating diseases as well as previously incurable chronic medical conditions that have mysteriously receded at the "laying-on-of-hands" technique that Kraft uses, which incorporates detailed and vivid visualization. Much of Kraft's work has been indirectly documented through patient medical tests. The most notable direct scientific study of his work appears in a study conducted by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, and later by the Science Unlimited Research Foundation. In this experiment Kraft killed HeLa cancer cells (known for their tenacity) by using his healing technique on the sealed glass flasks holding the cancerous cells. Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, the fascinating accounts of healing in A Touch of Hope are sure to make you ponder the mysteries of our minds and our bodies. --Karen Karleski