Rating:  Summary: No telling Review: I'm not sure what has made the authour such a bitter hate filled person, but perhpas if he spent more time working on actual problem solving rather then whining about people with whom he disagrees he might be happier.
Rating:  Summary: Hitchens Blasts Thru Church Propaganda - Gets to the Truth! Review: Christopher Hitchens is to be commended for taking on so revered an icon as "Mother" Theresa. He dismantles her piece by piece, exposing her as the worst kind of charlatan - a ruthless and cynical opportunist who consciously crafted an image that the Catholic Church calculatingly promoted.Hitchens is a meticulous journalist, and all of his assertions are backed up by facts. Not one of the morons who has dared to criticize this book has refuted any of the specific claims that Hitchens makes - because they can't! Because they are all true! After reading this book, you will have a much clearer understanding of what Mother Theresa actually was, and the church's role in promulgating her myth.
Rating:  Summary: Misguided anger Review: Hitchins has always struck me as a man of all talk and no action. Here he seeks to take some of the force out of the great admiration that is given to the late Mother Teresa, merely as an attack on certain elements of the Catholic Church. As a practicing Catholic myself I am well aware of the many scandals and less then Christ like behavior that many in my church have been involved in since its founding. I am a Catholic IN SPITE of them, not because of them. I am, however, also very much aware, unlike Hitchins and many of his ilk, that the Catholic Church is not limited to the Pope, the college of Cardinals, and other member of the hierarchy. All of us baptized in the faith are a part of the universal church. Sure, Mother Teresa was never a huge advocate for changing the economic structures that so frequently resulted in the poverty she confronted on a daily basis. Unlike Catholics such as Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin (founders of the Catholic Worker movement) or Oscar Romero (the late Archbishop of El Salvador - assassinated by the right wing death squads in his country for speaking out in favor of the poor and oppressed) she heard her calling elsewhere. So what? Her legacy will always be the gift of seeing Christ in the poor. It would hope that in the future, Hitchins, who so obviously has an ax to grand here, might look past his own agenda, understand that we all have our human failings and actually work directly with the poor in the manner of Mother Teresa did, rather than sitting in an office writing books like this. For all her faults, Mother Teresa did more for the poor than Hitches. People he claims to care about.
Rating:  Summary: Sorry Chris Review: As soon as I see Christopher Hitchins picking maggots of a dying human being I'll give some credibility to this excessively mean spirited excuse for a book. Like all of us, except for Jesus, Mother Teresa was a flawed human being - yes a sinner. Unlike many of us, however, she worked for those most like to ignore. Hitchins may fancy himself a "progressive," but it is interesting that he spends his time writing books like these instead of serving the "least among us," - the very people "progressive" like Hitchins once claimed to represent.
Rating:  Summary: Should be read along with "Hitler's Pope" Review: Hitchens is fearless! He dares to expose the hypocrisy of this revered symbol of "Catholic charity". In so doing, he drives one more stake through the heart of the Catholic Church, which is now in its death throes. "The Missionary Position" and "Hitler's Pope", John Cornwell's devastating account of Pope Pius XII, a megalomaniac, Anti-Semite, and Nazi sympathizer, provide a one-two knockout punch from which the Church will never recover.
Rating:  Summary: Exposes the moral bankruptcy of the Catholic Church Review: As more information emerges about the Catholic Church, it will be seen that the Catholic Church is the most morally bankrupt organization in the history of mankind, the true "evil empire" (compared with the Catholic Church the Soviets were angels!) the extent of whose crimes is only now coming to light. Hitchens' delightful monograph exposes the Mother Theresa fraud in all its facets. The woman was a total sham from beginning to end, yet she was cleverly promoted because the Catholic Church needed an icon. Hip, hip, hooray for Christopher Hitchens! May the poor, blinded fools who trashed this book come to know the truth that is contained within its covers!
Rating:  Summary: Hitchins exposes a violent psychopath dressed as a saint. Review: Hitchins boldly exposes one of the world's most beloved figures, Mother Teresa, for the conniving b**ch that she really is. Hitchins clearly and concisely lays out all of the reasons why this pathological embezzler/liar/pimp/druglord (the list goes on) must be tried and executed for all of the unparalleled evil she has wrought. Hitchins should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his brave work in bringing this "little hitler" out into the light for all the world to see.
Rating:  Summary: Not what it claims to be Review: Mr. Hitchens is guilty of intellectual dishonesty, muddle-headedness, or some degree of both in the way he frames his attack on the figure of Mother Theresa. By and large what he says is true, but what it amounts to is not so much an indictment of Mother Theresa as an attack on the religion she represented, one that holds, for instance, that salvation is more important than health or confort, that suffering may be a way to greater holiness, and that abortion is a grievous sin. I understand how someone like Mr. Hitchens might disagree with these views (indeed, I am an atheist and disagree with them too), but the book amounts to the shocking revelation that Mother Theresa was (gasp!) a traditional Catholic.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Refutation of Religious Nonsense Review: What a wonderful and delightfully funny book Christopher Hitchens has written! It debunks all kinds of nonsense put forth by persons who have never taken the time to examine Mother Teresa's ministry the way Hitchens did. He "casts a cold eye" on her work, and the results of his investigation are shocking indeed! As even a cursory glance of the reviews at this site prove, people will excuse any kind of skullduggery - as long as it is in the name of God! Mind you, I am a highly spiritual person - what I object to is blind obedience to the dictates of a religion, with no consideration of its shortcomings. Far from dispelling light, as one of the reviewers claims, Hitchens is shining a beacon on the truth about Mother Teresa. Hallelujah! The truth shall set us free, free from the shackles of organized religion.
Rating:  Summary: Eye opening, leaving one wanting explanations Review: In discussing this book with my friends and co-workers, I found that they reacted with the same "raised-eyebrow shock" that I did. But what we also shared was the same mis-quided, media driven vision of a person that was suposedly unquestionable. After reading this book, intently I might add, I wanted answers. I want to know where all the donations to Mother Teresa's organiztion has gone because it certainly hasn't gone to the poor. I want to know why Mother Teresa has posed in pictures with the wife of a dictator, with a man claiming to have a higher spiritual consciousness than Jesus himself, and with Charles Keating, the man who financially raped so many. Her actions and her words are not congruent and I am thankful to those who look at a situation and make the hard decisions. Christopher Hitchens is intelligent and courageous for writing this book and I am now a fan. The book was well written with sources that will withstand independant scrutiny. I don't know how anyone, after reading this book, could say that Mother Teresa is a saint.