Rating:  Summary: Fantastic insight into Catholic beliefs Review: I read this book as I was going through the RCIA conversion process in the Catholic Church. David Currie explores each Sacrament siting both Scriptural and personal reasons for their importance. Having been raised in a Fundamentalist church and home, sith skewed notions of the Catholic faith, the book made all the truly "foreign" aspects of the Church (such as communion of Saints, true presence in the Eucharist, and the Rite of Pennance, among others) very understandable. I highly reccommed this book for Protestants and for those Catholics who desire to learn more about their faith.
Rating:  Summary: Protestants/vs. Catholic Conversions Review: As an Evangelical Protestant (once Catholic) I have read almost every book about Evangelicals who turn Catholic; I am honestly unimpressed. The same arguments about historicity, Scripture, and truth can be argued by Eastern Orthodox, Mormons, and who ever wants to prove their point. The fact is that all Believers are a part of His body, period. Who are true believers? Those who are born again, Jn 3. Our rerlationship to Jesus Christ is what is most important, not church membership. P.S. I am not including Mormons or cults with this group. You are hung up on Catholicism, Chritians who are educated in Scripture are hung up on Jesus. What could possibly be more authoratative than His Word? Answer; Nothing!
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't Quite Rise to All The Praise Review: Several reviewers said they ran out and bought umpteen copies. Why? To bolster their already held beliefs? This is worth the read as a conversion narrative, but the apologetic angle is hardly convincing. Currie studied at Trinity Seminary but doesn't even quote any Big Guns on Evangelical theology. He seems to have converted from a very narrow Fundamentalism to an equally narrow, polemical Catholicism. Peter Kreeft joined with J.I. Packer to edit a series on essentials of the faith. Colson and Neuhaus collaborated on ECT. But one can hardly imagine Currie extending such generosity to any of his old commrades. Some good points are dwarfed buy a recent convert's pver-enthusing. Reminds me more of a Mormon than a Christian approach to Protestants. Triumphalist Catholics can have him for now. In a fews years maybe he'll see fit to temper his approach and turn this into a more enduring work.
Rating:  Summary: Highly recommended! Review: As a new convert to the Church, I found Mr. Currie's book invaluable when answering the frequent question, "Why did you do it?" Every convert (and cradle Catholic) should read this finely written defense of the faith.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent starter book Review: As one who is just beginning the journey out of Fundamentalism/Conservative Evangelicalism into Catholicism, I have found this book to be very helpful in realizing that I am not alone in my decision, and that others have happily and successfully gone before me, and for the very same reasons as I. Mr. Currie does an excellent job of describing the thoughts,emotions, and spiritual process involved in making the transition. He then provides help to the inquirer in understanding the tenets of the Catholic faith in terms and concepts that an ex-Fundamentalist like I can comprehend. It is a valuable guide to those in the early stage between those two worlds, and has helped affirm my own decision.
Rating:  Summary: A good overview of the What and Why of Catholic beliefs. Review: Mr. Currie has given us the story of his personal journy from fundamentalist Protestantism to Roman Catholicism, written as an explanation to his children. As such, this is not necessarily an exhaustive work. What is enough to sway one person's opinion may not be enough for another. I read this book during my own journey from the Lutheran church to the Roman Catholic Church. I found the book to be a strong affirmation of what I was beginning to understand and believe about the Catholic Church. It answered many questions and raised a few more. It also helped me understand some things that I didn't even know I was missing. I bought a copy of the book for my father who is still a staunch Protestant. My father, who doesn't care to read, finished the book in 5 days. He said that the book was compelling, informative and food for thought, but not convincing or in-depth enough for him. This book is a good read for anyone searching for a good basic overview of Catholicism's disagreement with Protestantism.
Rating:  Summary: excellent book Review: Evangelical Christians interested in knowing more about Roman Catholicism would find this book a good place to start. It is well organized, written in evangelical language, and deals thoroughly with all of the major theological differences between the two traditions. For me, the author's clear and careful explanation of those differences removed the barriers to serious consideration of the Catholic faith and began my journey home from evangelicalism to Catholicism. Highly recommended
Rating:  Summary: An excellant volume. Review: I recently bought this book, and enjoyed reading it. As a one-time Protestant, I can share Mr.
Currie's exhiliration. I was born Catholic,
but was confirmed Anglican, I rediscovered
my roots,or ours,five years ago. Its great to
read Mr. Currie's story,and share my experiences
once again. If you are a Protestant, or not,
or have Protestant friends, this is an excellant
book for apologetics. You will read it again and again!
Rating:  Summary: Catholic Apologetics at its best Review: This is a superb book giving reasons for why a Fundamentalist Christian ought to seriously consider becoming a Catholic
Rating:  Summary: Myths Dispelled Review: As a former Bob Jones University student, I had many preconceptions about Catholicism. Over the years I have stayed true to the Evangelical "religion". But recently it has failed me terribly as crisis after crisis began to over run my life and began to question God's love for me. A Catholic friend suggested that I talk to a priest since the pastors of my church were giving me hopeless hope. Apparantly, my sins were seperating me from God and He was no longer interested in me. After a few sessions with a priest and a few visits to mass, I knew that this was the true Church. David Currrie writes well for those that are well informed in the Evangelical religion and for them I highly recommend this book. BUT it is not, I believe, for a beginner in any faith. It is written in great theological terms to explain the myths that are given towards Catholicism and is difficult to follow if you are not familiar with Bible theolgy or terminolgy. But if you are searching out the Catholic faith, this is a very excellent book to include in your reveiws. All of his thoughts are backed by scripture, not only from the Catholic perspective, but those that are used by Evangelicalism as well. I believe now that God has used the crisis' in my life and this book to bring me to the Place that I truly belong and can be active in serving Him.