Rating:  Summary: A must for any library Review: I went through a watered down RCIA three years ago and as a result, never fully understood the Catholic catechism or dogmas. I never fully accepted Papal authority, the need for reconciliation, the adoration of the Blessed Virgin, or the heretical effects of criticizing church leadership. My Catholic faith faltered, just as my faith had faltered as a teenager when I rejected my Fundamentalist Pentecostal upbringing. As a result of this book, I TRULY understand what it means to be Catholic, and now accept the Church fully and completely. Not only that, but now I understand all of those Bible passages that never really made sense as a Pentecostal. I just wish that I had discovered this book while I was going through RCIA. If you are considering Catholicism, are enrolled in RCIA or a cradle Catholic looking for answers, this book was written for you! Buy it. You won't be dissappointed. Thank you David Currie!!
Rating:  Summary: This book meant a lot to me in my journey to Catholicism Review: I grew up in a fundamentalist, Pentecostal church. At that church, I could see people all around me who truly loved God and who had joyfully committed their lives to His service, just as I had....only I kept having this nagging feeling that there was something missing. Imagine my surprise when I found myself seriously looking at Roman Catholicism! I have never stopped loving my former church or the people in it, just as David Currie explains in his book, but I found there was a richness of worship in the Catholic church that we didn't have at my Pentecostal church. This book was one of the things that led me along the way, incidentally assuring me that I wasn't crazy! It is a very good book, and I recommend it to any person in a fundamentalist, Pentecostal or Evangelical church (or all three) that is searching for an answer to why they feel called to the Church of Rome.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous book! Review: This book explains so well WHY Catholics believe what they believe when their beliefs differ from those of fundamentalists and evangelicals. For those Catholics who want to increase their faith, this is a fabulous book. For those who want to learn why Catholics honor Mary and the saints, believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, believe in the papacy, etc., -- and also to learn Biblical defences of these beliefs -- this book is a fantastic resource. I've read it several times, and have lent out my copy to others who are just as inspired by it as I am.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent for current or former Fundamentalists Review: Having been a former evangelical/fundamentalist for 15 years (Church of Christ, Vineyard, Evangelical Pres, etc), I can say this read rang very true with my experiences. I left the protestant world a couple years ago and this was one of the books that gave me the courage to do so. I would recommend this to anyone who is disenchanted with their "Bible Church" and wishes to find answers why.
Rating:  Summary: Love the book. Pushed me over the line. Review: I grew up Southern Baptist, and for 21 years I had always been a hardcore Protestant. Never in a thousand years would I ever even think about becoming a Catholic! Since reading this book, I was welcomed into the Catholic Church in Easter of 2002. Thank you very much to Mr. Currie! Please read this book, if you are thinking about the Catholic Faith!
Rating:  Summary: Truely Born Fundamentalist Review: Great book, not an EASY read if you are really searching and from a fundamentalist background.. You will find yourself reading and re-reading pages. I have been raised fundamentalist I have a missionary mother/step-father and a baptist preacher for a step brother... I personaly was in the church because I felt "obligated" to follow my husband after many years of doing the "church" thing with my children myself. I did not want to embrass or even know anything about the catholic church until about 5 months ago. This book has answered all sorts of questions and actually made me more and more sceptical. I feel the need to read church history and find things out for myself now. I grunted with agreement and even shed some tears at horrible predjudices I have had over the years.. I went to my first confession since I reluctantly converted 11 years ago, and I want to go every chance I can. My faith has grown leaps and bounds. I used to teach AWANA to Chums and I kept going back over and over verses in my head and wondering why he wasn't covering them,, then I would turn a page and BOOM there it was. I hope he reads all of these reviews and knows that God has used you and thank you for allowing him to do that David Currie. (ps I have just started a womens bible study at our local Catholic church and I am signing up for a Catholic Identity program soon!)
Rating:  Summary: Makes you think, makes you introspect your own faith Review: Well if I wrote this book I mean be calling it Born Catholic, Born Again Christian because I had the exact opposite in my life. I grew up in the Catholic church with a strong Catholic heritage but with not much of an understanding of the history of the church in the same context as the church that Jesus established while he was here. Thus I found other fellowship and ultimately fully gave my life to Christ. But I soon came to a point where I saw just as much confusion and lack of context in even some of the oldest Protestant/Evangelical churches. This book gives a great overview of the Catholic church as a direct descendant of Christ's church and I think does well to dispel many of the Catholic rumors that I've heard since I am now attending a Protestant church. Currie does a great job in many areas, but the ones that have really impacted my life and thinking are: 1) The whole of idea of salvation by faith or by works - he does well to reiterate that our salvations is by GRACE and that we are only justified by our faith, which is only displayed through our works, thus re-iterating that Catholics actually believe in salvation by grace through faith AND works 2) Morality - because I struggled alot with my previous point (faith alone) I often would rationalize my actions and sins because it doesn't matter what you do because we are saved by faith alone - How wrong I was and how wonderful it was when I read that chapter and over the next few days began to confess my sins to others, including my wife, and will renew the sacrament of penance in my life. 3) Mary - I don't think this issue will ever rest, but he makes strong points on the Hail Mary and how it is nearly directly from Biblical passages and how it is done out of reverence and not idolatry, as Rich Mullins once said, "Its not that the Catholics revere Mary too much, its that we don't revere each other enough..." 4) Biblical Authority - I always wondered if the Bible was the only authority and that a person MUST read their Bible to understand God, then how could most anyone in the first fifteen centuries, including those in the first who never even had a gospel, understand salvation. This chapter really explains the importance of the sacraments in the early church and how this was how people showed their faith! As Currie says, its not about literacy its about love. There is even much more in this book and whether you are a zealot or a seeker you should put your pre-suppositions aside and try this book. I'm not sure I'm ready to re-reconcile to the Catholic church yet, but I will continue to let God and his authority to work in my life , and I now that I see the power and premise behind many of those sacraments that I unknowingly took part in, I will keep my heart open...
Rating:  Summary: My First Exposure to Catholicism Review: Keep in mind this is a biased review. It may or may not really be worth 4 stars. I freely admit it. You see, this is the first book that I picked up off the shelf in a local, hole-in-the-wall Catholic Bookstore. It was sheer curiosity. I wanted to know how a Fundamentalist could ever be persuaded to "swim the Tiber," and join a religion that is the total antithesis to Fundamentalism. At the time, I was having a few questions of my own about the strengths of my own foundations (having been raised a Calvinist). I read this book, and it blew me away. Now, Currie is no word-wizard. He does not come across in this book as being a brilliant theologian. What he does is simply share his story, his questions, and the answers that he found, in all simplicity and honesty. He's very real, and very approachable in this work, and the reason it blew me over was simply the fact that I found myself repeating, "He went through exactly what I'm going through." It was comforting to know that I wasn't the first to ask the questions, leave the church of my youth, and feel led towards Rome. Currie answered many of my questions, and even raised a few that I hadn't even considered. He explored the logical conclusions to many Fundamentalist doctrines, such as, "if sola scriptura says that all doctrines must be proved from Scripture in order to be binding, then sola scriptura itself must be proved from Scripture." Some of you reading this may being thinking, "duh," but at the time, so very early in my journey, that thought had never even crossed my mind. I, like Currie writes about himself, had been accepting sola scriptura as an unproven assumption, without ever thinking to question it. Examples like these abound throughout the book. I highly recommend it, but of course, since it was the first book in a long series of books that led me "Home to Rome," it holds a special place of fondness to me - so don't take my biased opinion on the matter. Get the book and read it for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Myths Dispelled Review: As a former Bob Jones University student, I had many preconceptions about Catholicism. Over the years I have stayed true to the Evangelical "religion". But recently it has failed me terribly as crisis after crisis began to over run my life and began to question God's love for me. A Catholic friend suggested that I talk to a priest since the pastors of my church were giving me hopeless hope. Apparantly, my sins were seperating me from God and He was no longer interested in me. After a few sessions with a priest and a few visits to mass, I knew that this was the true Church. David Currrie writes well for those that are well informed in the Evangelical religion and for them I highly recommend this book. BUT it is not, I believe, for a beginner in any faith. It is written in great theological terms to explain the myths that are given towards Catholicism and is difficult to follow if you are not familiar with Bible theolgy or terminolgy. But if you are searching out the Catholic faith, this is a very excellent book to include in your reveiws. All of his thoughts are backed by scripture, not only from the Catholic perspective, but those that are used by Evangelicalism as well. I believe now that God has used the crisis' in my life and this book to bring me to the Place that I truly belong and can be active in serving Him.
Rating:  Summary: an insightful read Review: The author tells his story of being raised in a fundamentalist protestant, evangelical household, took part in evangelical ministry, and finally made his way to the Catholic Church. He writes this as an apology (in the classic sense) of his reasons for leaving protestant, evangelical fundamentalism and embracing the RC Church. The book was well thought out and maintained a readable style. The chapters that were the least convincing were the ones on the Bible, Mary, and premillennialism and Eschatology. I recommend this to anyone wanting to better understand the differences between Catholics and evangelicals and also their common beliefs, and to evangelicals who would like a look into the Roman Catholic Church's teachings from someone who was once a non-Catholic. I give this 4 1/2 stars.