Rating:  Summary: Spiritual revelation for the pragmatist Review: If you have even the slightest hesitancy about accepting any proscribed definition of your role in this life, read this book! Written with candor, humor, clarity and intelligence, Paramahansa Yogananda opens up a vista onto a spiritual potential that brings tears to the eyes. When I finished this book I felt as I have only done a few times in my life, abandoned! An adventure was over and, like a great vacation, I was the sadder for it. It must be the most wonderful of gifts to know such a person in life; we are indeed fortunate that we may know him after.
This book is a treaure. I heartily recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Autobiography of a Yogi is a wondrous spiritual adventure Review: It has succeeded in forever altering my spiritual outlook. Paramahansa Yogananda's fresh metaphysical and spiritual concepts, sound both logically and intuitively, have the power to inspire, to develop, and to carress the soul in a way unlike any other book I've read. This book will take you on an unparalleled spiritual jorney. I give it my highest recommendations
Rating:  Summary: Moving, powerful,life-changing, spiritually enlightening . Review: This spiritual classic is considered among the best available for those seeking a deeper understanding of God and spirituality.
Of all the books I've read this is by far the most powerful, most inspirational, I've ever come across. Everyone I've ever recommended this book to has told me that it was the best or one of the best books they've ever read on spirituality.
This is THE book I would recommend if I were only able to recommend ONE book for the rest of my life. Because I KNOW that it has the power to alter your life for the better like no other I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: HOW THIS BOOKS VALUE WAS RETAINED. Review: Here are many clear, meaningful responses to many of lifes most profound questions. If you are wondering about the most advanced methods of meditation & prayer. If you need inspiration and motivation to grow spiritually. You will find it in this book. Yogananda's most complete editions are the ones with the orange covers from Self-Realization publishers. Which also includes the 49th chapter as well as changes the author and his appointed editors in chief made to more fully represent the real Yogananda. This may also be verified by further research on the authors life and teachings from a host of other available works from the only society he founded. The master Master himself saw fit to improve this representation of his teachings by making changes to each new edition. Thus the true teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda have been retained in the latest editions intact. This is also supportd from a study of his other most recent works. And by other authors who write about their experiences with Him. Those who are seriously interested in a more accurate picture of Global Spirituality both now and in the past, will find this autobiography a treaure trove of wisdom and enlightenment. You will also get a clearer picture of what the truly essential elements are which link the worlds great religions. This 20th century classic was so far ahead of its time at first publication, that it still remains major modern reference on comparative religion and mystical approaches to spirituality. It is balanced and clear, giving us a reliable picture of the Sanatana Dharma, the essence of global religions, and the teachings and mission of Paramahansa Yogananda.
Rating:  Summary: A WORK OF FICTION Review: The panegyrics stinks. Individualistic biases and notions of the famed author-guru built and sustained VERY BIASED and very romantic notions that later cramped and hampered a realistic outlook on the nation India, Indians, and *having sex* - which is not specially advocated in the book - and far, far less among monks and nuns that publish it. Said a lay members wife once about Yogananda, "He has destroyed my marriage." The work carries with it some negative effects.
Rating:  Summary: A GLOBAL REVELATION FOR THE 3RD MILLENIUM Review: As a long time student of comparative religion the discovering of this spiritual classic "Autobiography of a Yogi" set my thinking and life experience in a very new and unexpected direction. Until I became familiar with the great avatar "Paramahansa Yogananda" my superficial philosophical adventure seemed fulfilling enough. Now I am seeing the deeper aspects of the spiritual life and many new understandings and revelations are being opened to my consciousness. I also read the original edition of this book, which I find somewhat incomplete, as Yognanda himself began seriously revising this book with each new edition. So the reader will get the most complete and most accurate teachings of this great Yogi from the latest editions published by Self-Realization Fellowship publishers, via Amazon books. I highly recommend this edition to all truth-seekers and students of comparative religion as a major key to unlocking our past conditioning and broadening many narrow views that we become attached to in our earlier development. Here is a balanced and insightful approach to world religion and spirituality that gives true ecumenical recognition to all the worlds major saints and prophets. This spiritual classic will contribute much to bringing harmony, peace and mutual respect to this world of so many varied belief systems. The author, with his unique blend of wit, wisdom, insight and intuition has shown us the primary elements and truths that are the foundation of all religions. He does this without criticism, judgement, or error. His is the same eternal message that was given the world by other great saviors such as Krishna, Buddha and Jesus. I have no doubt that millions of lives have already been changed by this sacred literary revelation................ This is surely the work of a God-Realized bieng, a wonderful experience awaits the sincere reader. Don't make the mistake of only reading it once!!! LIST OF SUBJECTS: Author's early life... Meeting your Master... The Master-Disciple relationship... The Science of KRIYA YOGA... Meditation and prayer... Lives of many modern Eastern and Western Saints.. Law of Miracles...how they work... Principle of Raja Yoga... How great masters teach their disciples... the inner meaning of Christ and Krishna... The Astral world... Reincarnation and Karma... How to find your true Path... Travels in India... The Spiritual heritage of India... the Importance of Yogananda's founding of the Self-Realization Fellowship as his only authorized channel for His writings and Kriya Yoga............ Footnotes on yoga and religious history.. Mans purpose and goal in life.......... AND MUCH MORE------------- ALSO RECOMMENDED: Man's Eternal Quest... Divine Romance... Journey to Self-Realization... The Science of Religion... God Talks With Arjuna(Bhagavad Gita)... Where There is Light...
Rating:  Summary: Incredible, was a revelation Review: Yogananda seems to be a truthful man. This book expanded my conception of reality. Someone should make a movie about this book.
I also highly recommend "Journey to the Luminous;Encounters with Mystical Adepts of this Century" by Arran Stephens (President of Naturespath Foods).This book may dispel any doubts about the truth of these stories.
Rating:  Summary: Is Yogananda A Lier? Review: I am not a follower of Yogananda's organization or of his teachings, as I don't like to follow anyone or anything, but I love Yogananda because I can testify to most of his own experiences simply because I too have had the same mystical experiences.
This book is great. It tells of a unique spiritual experience of a highly developed soul.
Yogananda did not want to come to the west. His guru and destiny forced him. No true master wants to publicize himself because he knows full well that there are millions of ignorant people out there, who have never had a spiritual experience, and they are waiting to crucify him. Masters sacrifice themselves when they come out into public view.
In the book he recounted numerous stories that he had heard from other people. Though I don't accept some of the anecdotes-as told to Yogananda-as being totally factual, I do accept Yogananda's own words as factual. I think that he himself is incapable of lying.
Some people will judge him through the actions of some of his followers-most of whom are now squabbling over his name and his work-but if you have had any truly deep spiritual experiences, and especially, akin to the ones Yogananda had, you will see the man for what he was: A true sage and yogic master.
Another thing, I've noticed that those who accuse Yogananda of wrongdoing are always quoting some secondhand account. Something they heard or read that another person said that Yogananda did, I have yet to see someone step up to the plate and say "yeah me, I was done wrong by him".
Personally, I think all these accusations stink of hogwash and may even be spun by jealousy more than anything else.
Aside from the fact that Yogananda was a great master (master of himself that is, as are all true masters), he was also a lowly immigrant from a poor country who came to the U.S. and found incredible success. That can be a source of hatred by more than a few malcontents.
Rating:  Summary: Get the Ben Kingsley recording too! Review: Hi! If you read the text and listen to the tapes all night using a dual deck autoreverse tape deck, I think you will somehow connect with Yoganada's spirit!
Rating:  Summary: A Spiritual Classic for the Modern Age Review: This book will surely rank as one of the greatest spritual classics of all times. In the very first sentence of the book Paramahansa Yogananda mentions that Indian life is characterized by the search for eternal truths and the Guru - Disciple relationship. The entire book is an elaboration of these great themes, filled with wonderful insights. There may not be a more authentic spiritual guide for the modern age than this one penned by such a great Yogi as Paramahansa Yogananda.