Rating:  Summary: REVEALING-AMAZING-INSPIRING AND BELIEVABLE! Review: When I first read this book after many years of aimless searching, it not only answrered many of my deepest questions, but set my spirirtual life in a fresh and positive direction. It was also evident from many past experiences that the author had somehow led me to this book and guided my search until now. Here was something special to really work with! It was after a long study of comparative religion and Yoga that the "AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI" revealed to me the fullness and meaning of the inner life of the Spirit,until then my life was only an external and surface adventure.It provided a clear guide for daily living, and a valuable key to my relationship with God and other people as well as all life. When one reads about the lives and works of Saints and the Great Masters of India, the heart and mind are opened up to a greater understanding of what is really behind the superficial differeces which seem to separate mankind.This book will go a long way towards correcting the many misconceptions about the Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism)which presently occupy the Western mind. With great insights and experience the author ( a geat Yogi who lived in the West fo rover 30 years) gives us a clear picture of the intimate workings of the Master-Disciple relationship - the door to Self-Realization. Here one can make a fresh and rewarding start into that most important of all journeys-the way of deep devotion and meditation through the science of yoga, ending in Samadhi-Cosmic Consciousness. Any student of comparative religion can find a wealth of data and valuable new insights about the past and present course of world religion in this interesting work. It is a treasure of unique concepts about the meaning and purpose of all religion. It is Ecumenical and credits the lives af all prophets. For those who have enjoyed the results of Hatha Yoga practice, here is your inspiration to learn more about the wonderful way of life from a Master who reached its ultimate goals. Yoganada's life story! and writings have influenced the lives of millions of readers, and the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI has been appearing onbest seller lists as recently as 1997( LA Times). It is considered by many to be a modern religious and spiritual classic.....Your outlook will never be the same. LIST OF SUBJECTS: Author's early life... Meeting your Master... The Master-Disciple relationship... The Science of KRIYA YOGA... Meditation and prayer... Lives of many modern Eastern and Western Saints.. Law of Miracles...how they work... Principle of Raja Yoga... How great masters teach their disciples... the inner meaning of Christ and Krishna... The Astral world... Reincarnation and Karma... How to find your true Path... Travels in India... The Spiritual heritage of India... Footnotes on yoga and religious history.. Mans purpose and goal in life... AND MUCH MORE------------- ALSO RECOMMENDED: Man's Eternal Quest... Divine Romance... Journey to Self-Realization... The Science of Religion... God Talks With Arjuna(Bhagavad Gita)... Where There is Light...
Rating:  Summary: A NEW SCRIPTURE FOR HUMANITY in THE 21stCENTURY Review: This sacred Autobiography awakens and inspires the seeker to unlimited heights. Yogananda's new insights (such as the true relationship beteen Jesus and John/Baptist),and many other spiritual mysteries, have finally been clarified by this centuries most outstanding spiritual teacher. A valued asset to any library and collection. Don't make the mistake of only reading it once!!!
Rating:  Summary: You won't want to put it down. Review: This is the type of book that once you begin to read it, you won't want to put it down. It opens up an incredible world that not many know about. I heartily recommend it. Read it with an open mind, and it will open your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Move Furthur if you have read this book. Review: I have read this book two years ago. This book introduced me to sprirituality (so I feel). But the best part was that it gave me a path to move on, a base to investigate furthur. It appealed to me to move ahead. This book convinces you a great extent that (probably) GOD does exists. The only way one can be sure He does, is by trying to get to Him. This book gives you a first hand experience of a great Soul who did find HIM. Justice will only be done if all of those who read this book move on the same path. I have read a couple of more autobiographies of Yogis and they all look very similar and therefore confirm that there is a firm and known route to God. Indeed the similarity is so close, that, one can feel that the others did copy these ideas. But the other autobiographies are from different decades and centuries. Move Ahead do justice.
Rating:  Summary: BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIAN SAW THE LIGHT!!! Review: Many years I have been believing that man would find God by simply accepting a belief in Jesus Christ...After reading this book not only has it stregnthend my love for Christ, but taught me to accept other saints and beliefs as valid. Thank you Mr. Yogananda and Self-Realization Fellowship for releasing this book!
Rating:  Summary: A BOOK THAT COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Review: This book has introduced me to a great teacher, an old friend, and to myself. This book of his life echoed a message compassion and love for all. His writings reveal many beautiful spiritual truths that can appeal to anyone regardless of their backround. More importantly he reminded me of who I really am and how special we all are. After reading this book I have followed his example and set aside time each day to quiet down and go within. In meditations I have experienced peace and joy I can't express in words. How often do we do something as simple as read a book and then look back later and realize it changed our life so dramatically. This can be such a book.
Rating:  Summary: Masterpiece on Yoga and Humanity Review: This book is a masterpiece on yoga, Christianity, and humanity which has touched my life in such a profound way that I'm now a different person than what I used to be. Paramhansaji said the book will be his messenger and it truly is. No book nor any experience have made such a profound impact on
meliorating my life. The words are imbibed in my mind and will remain so for the rest of this incarnation. As you read this book you'll feel his presence as if he was talking to you from beyond the ether. It's truly an amazing feeling, to
get to know and read about men of God who once lived just as mortals but showed in their unique way how to transcend humanity and achieve life eternal. A million thanks to you for rekindling in so many hearts the spiritual fire to realize the self.
If I was to recommend any book amongst all the books that have been written so far throughout the centuries, "Autobiography of a Yogi" will be the one.
Rating:  Summary: The single most significant book I've ever read Review: I have read and re-read this book several times. It carries us on the spiritual and physical journeys of a man who loves God above all. His love for God led him to meet Living Saints of all religions, which he carefully details in this book. He talks of meeting Levitating Saints, non-eating Saints, Saints who battle tigers with their bare hands, and many others. It is an astounding and deeply loving book that gives to the reader a sense of being profoundly loved by God, as well as by this man who was so Godlike, but speaks only of the greatness of others, and was humble about his own vast acheivements. I was so profoundly moved by this book that if I could have only one book to read for the rest of my life, this would be it. I rate it a 10, but would rate it a 100 if I could. It is truly, truly a book that can touch, and change your life, if you will allow it to, in spectacular and miraculous ways. It is the *kiss* of God!! It is the song of an embodied angel!! It is superlative, astounding, magnificent!!! I loved it way beyond what words can say
Rating:  Summary: MUST READ BOOK OF THE CENTURIES Review: Excellent. Paramahansa Yogananda gives the world the opportunity to know the Spiritual World only accomplished from Kriya Yoga. He gives himself and his guru Swami Sri Yukteswar, and his guru Lahiri Mahasaya as examples of a normal human accomplishing the Devine power by Kriya Yoga. He does not separate the religions, but combines them together as many paths to one destination, God. He explains the Hindu and Christian religion in simple words and makes us beleive that they are not so different. Christ and Krisna is one. God has taken many avatar to show human the way back to home. This book is one of the most important books to read for Self Realization and to be with God for ever
Rating:  Summary: Many Christians will feel less empty for reading Yogananda. Review: I read it 20 years ago and have never been touched so deeply by a book before or since. This was the book that answered all the life questions my Christian upbringing couldn't or didn't want to. Yogananda actually helped me to understand and respect Christianity more than any minister had. He confirmed as true the persistent whisper within of something more in life than what we see. His words made me cry with gratitude, and they made me stronger. I felt I had come home and was no longer alone, and that has lasted 20 years. Only read it if you ache for change and truth