Rating:  Summary: My eternal companion!! Review: Hi All! What should write about this book??? I am not getting the matching words to explain the thrill & joy that I experience whenever I even visualize this book.... I could not keep track of how many times I have read this book .... Whenever I feel free from wordly duty I read this book, it make me forget everything. India has given so many things to the world in the area of spirituality and I found that this book is one of those best things. This book gave me the insight to look in other religions.Whenever I pick up this book I just open any page and start reading...... each and every word, line and page make me cry with joy!! This book has transformed millions of lives. I believe if a literate person hasn't read this book he has not utilised his this life to know and experience something special . This book doesnot require a person to be religious to read this. Just I cann't say more than .... "This is the best book ever written to change a person's state of being." -arvind
Rating:  Summary: A Wild Account through India & Spirituality Review: This book has been my reference for so many things. A baptized Catholic, I was at first skeptical of this teacher of the East. He has answered so many spiritual questions and presented a real life example of how to live like the great masters such as Christ or Lord Krishna. I am the happiest I've ever been in my life. My family and friends notice my new spin on life and wonder where I have recieved such wisdom and peace. I tell them to read this book. Even if you aren't interested in the spiritual aspects of life, this book is sure to be an adventure into the mystic world of India through the eyes of Paramahansa Yogananda. I found myself laughing from joy and crying with happiness throughout the pages. If you read anything in this lifetime, give this book a chance. You will not regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Light & Love Review: This book can change your life. Answers many questions. Left me feeling the light and love. Love and bliss to you all.
Rating:  Summary: My Favorite Book Review: This book inspires, enlightens, and even amuses. Yogananda's story is not just his, but all of ours- the search for truth and enlightenment. This book is at the top of many people's 'my favorite book' list, because it addresses the universal longing of the soul. I much prefer the original, first edition published by Crystal Clarity, Publishers (the blue cover)- this is the only version guaranteed to be Yogananda's actual words- uncut, unedited, unchanged.
Rating:  Summary: Enlightening, Enchanting, Exhilirating Review: Sri Paramhansa Yogananda ji presents his experiences in such a way that when you read through the book, you feel that spiritual charge flowing through yourself. When he writes about his various meetings with the spiritual souls and their way of living, you feel that you are availing the golden opportunity of meeting them. He writes with such conviction, that you have to sit up and think about the purpose of your and my being here. Why are we all here? What do various things that we come accross signify. When you read through the book, it is but unavoidable to actually get involved into what he writes. Each writeen word adds new dimension to what is being explained. His description of his spiritual experiences can find no match (at least I feel that) with what others might even think to write. It is evident from what he writes, that he himself was a man of great spiritual experiences. Such that might not even have heard about earlier. A great book... Worth numerous readings... Even if I pick the book up today and read some parts of it, I literally feel the spiritual charge flowing through me. Anyone who reads the book just can't help becoming an ardent reader of Guruji's books. He is a fabulous writer and what he writes is still more bewildering. Happy reading...
Rating:  Summary: AN ALL-TIME CLASSIC! Review: What is there left to say of this great and important classic of spiritual literature that hasn't already been said? This is a must-read for anyone who has ever questioned the existence of God. Paramahansa Yogananda's beautiful prose speaks volumes of his intoxication of God, and of his selfless and unquestioning devotion to his lineage of gurus. He is truly a bhakta of the highest order in the guru-devotee tradition. His love for God inspires me no end. If there is only one book you need to read, then this is IT! Read it and rekindle your love for God now.
Rating:  Summary: WARNING: This is NOT the Ben Kingsley version! Review: I inadvertantly purchased this audiobook, believing it to be the much lauded version narrated by Ben Kingsley. IT IS NOT - don't get the abridged version if you are buying based on the reviews provided here. There's alot missing from this version - and it does not flow like Yoganandas original. Also, the quality is not as good as the $79.00 version. After buying the "real" Ben Kingsley narrated version, I can assure you that it is worth the price!
Rating:  Summary: Autobiography of a Real Yogi Review: This book is very pleasant to read if one is interested in in Hinduism, mystics or Yoga. So one can already recommend it. It's the spritual success story of an indian yogi who later on founded the Self-Realization Fellowship in the USA. He had an extreme dedication for the topic and encountered inumerable saints and miracles. He is part of the Kriya-Yoga tradition of Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar, whos disciple he was. The Kriya-Yogis emphasize a special meditational technique, which they do not teach publicly. So the reader is left alone with what Yoganandas actual practice was. The book is a classic, and I found no spritual aspirant who has not read it, so I read it too and it was definitely worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: A book that will make you see the universe in new light Review: You will be amazed by this book, and it will be difficult to put it down till you've reached the final page. No wonder even ex-Beatle George Harrison recommended it to his friend. Also, Paramahansa and his teachers were part of the people in the Stg Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band portrait! Yes, the Beatles loved Paramahansa too! This is Paramahansa Yogananda's autobiography. A life filled with encounter with India's spiritual men, saints and teachers, not to mention lots of extra sensory events. Lots of unusual events there, some like a person being in 2 places at one time (bi-location), levitating saints, non-eating saints etc. Paramahansa's teachings, along with Ernest Holmes (I also strongly recommend Holmes' classic 'The Science Of Mind') have really influenced my view on life. No man can live like an island. We were not put on this earth, lonely and helpless. There's always an invisible counterpart/intelligence/energy guiding us. Many years ago I used to be a 'logical man', who didnt believe in God. But one day I prayed very sincerely ("to God if he exists") for an answer to a problem, and I got a miracle answer just hours after that(a 'coincidence' that's 1 against a million!) Getting a miracle answer like that shattered my old prejudice (lack of open mindedness to accept a possibility of an Infinite Intelligence (God)?). Read this book to find out more about the 'super-natural'. Paramahansa explains how and why it happens. Read with an open mind, my dear skeptics. Truely, is the world we see all there is?
Rating:  Summary: This book changed my life.... drastically. Review: Autobiography of a Yogi is easily the most influential book I have ever read. I first drank in its pages almost 20 years ago. A whole new world opened. Until then life had seemed empty and stale. With a wrong decision or two I could have easily ended up as a junkie. But with the bright insights from "the AY" everything suddenly made sense. In my experience, there is no better introduction to the yoga science of the Orient than this spiritual classic. And it not just theory and fancy language. The actual method to solve life's mystery is brought within easy reach. Now, thanks to Yogananda, I always carry my portable paradise with me and my feet are firmly set on the path toward Self-realization. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. :) Read this book! You'll thank your lucky stars...