Rating:  Summary: This Book dictates my life Review: As many thousands of souls have already learned, this book may be the finest peice of literature you will ever read, topped for myself only by Master's notes on the BG. I would like to add, however, for those unfamiliar with the underlying issues of this book, that yes, this is supposed the original, but being published by Crystal Clarity and the Ananda organization I would be wary. Take note of other long time memebers' comments on the oroginal version versus edited, and remember that the person who republished this version was kicked out of SRF by Master's board of directors, namely Tara Mata, for illicet conduct and for what most would deem as high treason against the teachings and Master Himself. It is all Master's words or course, but support His work, not a Judas'.
Rating:  Summary: Autobiography of a Yogi Review: This eddition is with excellent photos and other reference. If one can afford it, then it is worth purchasing. Afterall it is really a collector's edition. If you have already read the book and is in love with it then go ahead and purchase this edition. Also you may purchase Kriya Yoga lessons from SRF. I consider this book as blessings.
Rating:  Summary: The BOOK that is Chinging Spiritual Attutudes. Review: If you are looking for clear, meaningful answers to many of lifes most profound questions. If you are looking for the most advanced methods of meditation and prayer. Or if you need inspiration and motivation to grow spiritually. You will find it in this book. If you want Yogananda's most complete editions, look for the ones with the orange cover from Self-Realization publishers - which also includes the 49th chapter. As well as changes the author and his appointed editors in chief made to more fully represent the real Yogananda. The master Master himself saw fit to improve this representation of his teachings making these changes with each new edition. The true teaching of Paramahansa Yogananda has been retained in the latest editions intact. All who are seriously interested in a more accurate picture of Global Spirituality both now and in the past, will find this autobiography a treaure trove of wisdom and enlightenment. You will also get a clear picture of what the truly essential elements are which link the worlds great religions. Don't make the mistake of only reading it once! You will be more inspired and informed with each new reading...
Rating:  Summary: This book has saved my life Review: At first I thought this book was too good to be true. I had been raised by parents who had no spiritual path, and I ended up as an athiest. In 1990 I had had enough of life and wanted to end it: I was seriously depressed about the meaningless of life: What is there to live for if at the end of life there is annihilation? Are pleasure and power and achievement, and acquisition of material possessions, the best that life has to offer? But, as is written in this wonderful book, "pain is a prod to remembrance," and I started my search for truth. This book was given to me in 1992, and not only has it changed my life, but it has saved my life. In this book Yogananda provides a clear concept of God and describes the purpose of life, which is to find God within ourselves. Yogananda describes a God worth seeking, more than anything else in all the world. He says we are given free will that we may choose to unconditionally love God rather than desire anything this world has to offer. But this is not the distorted image of God that is so often promoted here in the West, rather it is a God of unconditional love, a God who, when known, will more than satisfy our cravings: God is Bliss! And we can know Her! Yogananda not only provides the concept of a God that we all can cherish, but introduces a scientific method by which we can know Him. Yogananda, in his other writings, promises that if we practice the techniques of Yoga for seven years, we will never give them up: we will be "held" to the spiritual path by our own Self-Realization. When I first started on this path, I had my doubts, but I said to myself, "I will continue to practice these techniques until I prove them wrong, and if they do what Yogananda says they do, I will have gained much." Since then, I have experienced wonderful changes in my consciousness, and God and Yogananda have given me so much more than I thought possible. The techniques that Yogananda teaches through the Lessons really work, and they work well, even if at first you practice them poorly and only for a little while (the greatest secret to the effectiveness of the techniques is God's hidden blessing, although you must do your part before the blessings can be received). These techniques and the understanding Yogananda gives are priceless gifts. The Scientific Healing Affirmations alone, found in another of Yogananda's books, have saved my life. I have been extremely sensitive to electromagnetic fields, and through practice of these alone, I have been saved from death from radiation exposure (I work at a Naval Base where radar is exposure is an almost daily occurrence), and someday I expect to completely overcome the sensitivity. More importantly, my happiness continues to increase year by year, as I deepen my attunement with Yogananda, and as my meditations increase in length and depth. What more could I ask for, than to have a Friend constantly watching over me, blessing me? Although I am still at the beginning stages of learning how to relate to God as my Beloved, there is no doubt now in my mind that all of what Yogananda writes in Autobiography of a Yogi is true as this truth has become manifest again and again in my life. Life is still challenging (I doubt there will be a time when it is not), but is so much more joyful than I could have ever imagined. If God is truly Love and Bliss, then couldn't a book by a man of God express that? Yes, indeed!
Rating:  Summary: The book which has opened eye of my soul. Review: I have repeatedly read this book and found that this is the only book I love to read. It is new for me everytime I read and gives a tremendous perception about life, rughtiousness and even about God. I am following Path of my Grudeva from the very first day when I recived and read this book.Everyone should go through this book.
Rating:  Summary: A true Global - Ecumenical View of Spiriutality! Review: This classic Autobiography of a Yogi has changed the lives of millions of sicere and serious seekers since its first edition over 50 years ago. The author immediately began revising this work in each following edition, and left instrucitions for further enhancements of his works. Unlike many other sacred writings, the eastern traditions are so not concerned with words being the same, as much as the meaning and essence remaining true to the authors intentions. The God-Conciousness of the author alone determines how much any work can claim divine authority. And as these works are edited and translated, the challenge is to retain the accuracy of the teachings given by the author. Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers have done this most effectively. And in the most recent editions you will see the real Paramahansa Yogananda. He established the Self-Realization publishers as his only official source of his best and updated works. And as the path for those interested in seeking self-realization. This Autobiography was chosen as one of the best 100 spiritual books of the 20th century by an independent panel of journalists/scholars. And has frequently appeared on best seller lists. If you are interested in seeing what India has been giving the world through Jesus, Pythagorus(and other Greeks), Krishna, Yogananda, Babji, and many other great ones - it is here in a balanced and clear presentation. The emphasis of this work is not to convert you to a new religion, but to give you a more meaningful and motivating understanding of your own life and search for truth. As well as motivating all persons to make this a world of peace and light through a more harmonious awareness of the value of all spiritual paths. This Autobiography is an indispensible repository of wisdom and encouragement for the students of comparative religion and spirituality. May this be the biginning of a more profound and meaningful adventure of your inner life. Dr. Robert Muller, former United Nations Assistant Secretay-General said; "The hope I gained from these great men and my exposure to the Autobiography of a Yogi to the ideal of both an individual and a global spirituality has profoundly canged my outlook......." [from the forward of, A World in Transition (c) SRF Publishers. Learn about the Master-disciple relatinship and the value of meditation and prayer in our lives. Learn about the eternal unifying values that unites all religions in a common and indispensible fabric of light. Learn about the inspiring lives of the many saints and prophets who are continually coming into the world to reveal this light and show us the way to higher consciosness. Also recommended from the same publisher; A World in Transition, Enter the Quiet Heart, Wine of the Mystic, Man's Eternal Quest, Journey to Self-Realization, God Talks with Arjuna [Bhagavad Gita], Finding the Joy Within You, Inner Peace (a guide to Meditation). and more
Rating:  Summary: Read the 1946 edition - Yogananda's own words Review: This is one of the classics of spiritual literature. Because so many editing changes were made, many of them long after Yogananda's passing, I would recommend the 1946 edition published by Crystal Clarity Publishers. It's with the blue cover. You can also tell it's the real thing because later editions even changed Yogananda's name (and forged his signature in the frontispiece!). You can be sure this was done without Yogananda's approval! I found this earlier edition to have more of the true poetic style of Yogananda, and none of the dogmatism that was interjected into later editions. His original Whispers from Eternity is also a spiritual classic.
Rating:  Summary: 1946 edition was changed by Yogananda. Review: Paramahansa Yogananda, the great world prophet who wrote the Autobiography of a Yogi. Trained Tara Mata and Mrinalini Mata as his editors in chiefs. But before he left, he was the one that began the trend of making changes in the Autobiography. His successors also made other changes as more understanding was gained on just what his central teaching was really about, and from instructions left by Him. This 1946 edition is not Yoganada's best and final work, this will become clear by reading the latest editions of his works published by Self-Realization Fellowship. The only organization started by Yogananda as the central place from which he wanted all of his work and teachings to be disseminated and published. Reading the "originals" may seem romantic and dogmatic. But the real Yogananda will be found in his later editions, which are enhanced by his ever growing consciousness. Beware of those who would insist on the master's "originals". A word which seems to be misunderstood by its promoters. That original edition was not even entirely edited by Yogananda, but by Tara Mata. Like a great artist giving His masterpiece the finishing touches, his later works become better and better. Thus He also revised other works as time permitted. Also recommended; Inner Peace; Wine of the Mystic; God Talks with Arjuna(Bhagavad Gita), Only Love, Finding the Joy Within You; Man's Eternal quest, Journey to Self-Realization, The Divine Romance. Whispers from Eternity, The Science of Religion.
Rating:  Summary: The original 1946 edition will win your heart Review: I've read Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi many times, but it wasn't until I read the original 1946 edition by Crystal Clarity, Publishers that I stumbled across many of Yogananda's original teachings that have been erased by the Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers long after his death. In the 1946 original edition, you can read about Yogananda's aims and ideals for world brotherhood colonies as a solution to societal ills, his desire to spread "kriya yoga" to all sincere truthseekers, and his many powerful words which echo his love for all mankind and ALL people, despite their religious affiliation. There is a special vibration in the original that you won't find in later editions. Read it yourself, and see for yourself if you don't somehow "feel different" reading Yogananda's own words, un-tainted by any additional hyperbole meant to "rope you in" to any particular organization. Yogananda's words are non-sectarian, universal, meant for any and ALL OF US. This book will change your life and give you hope, no matter where in the world you live. I cannot recommend any other book that expresses so completely the secrets of the universe, life, death, and reincarnation so beautifully and truthfully.
Rating:  Summary: Beautifully written and very original Review: This book is very beautifully written and really establishes contact with the reader - simple, clear and co-ordinated. I am very grateful to Yoganandaji and his gurus for making public the supernatural experiences he and other Yogis have had and for making it very clear that unless man enters the state of nibhikalpa samadhi, he is not free from delusion(maya). Although I have never had a supernatural experience, maybe it is just inexperience! Maybe all this is true. Whatever be it, this book is reason enough to give spiritual practice a serious thought.