Rating:  Summary: Sincere but dare I say... slightly silly? Review: Paramhansa Yogananda (born Mukunda Lal Ghosh) was a devout Hindu and founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship, a society devoted to Kriya Yoga, a form of meditation. This autobiography was originally published in 1946 and immediately became a spiritual bestseller. Full of mystic wonders and miracles it is told with a sincere faith - but there is more than one way to interpret the events related!Ghosh was born in very comfortable circumstances; his father was an executive in the Bengal-Nagpur Railway. According to Yogananda he demonstrated his spiritual superiorities at an early age - during spats with his sister! Unconscious sibling and parental rivalries recur throughout the book. Upon the death of his mother, Ghosh obtained a pension (by fraud!) and made his way through a parade of saints and wonderworkers to the ashram (seminary) of Yukteswar Giri (Priya Nath Karar). The future Yogananda was mercilessly ridiculed by his fellow chelas (students) as well as the acerbic guru. At one point he watches in mystification as Yukteswar 'predicts' the theft of a cauliflower from Ghosh's belongings. To Yogananda's continuing puzzlement Yukteswar's psychic abilities proved insufficient when faced with more mundane missing items... Later Yukteswar becomes besotted with a young chela Yogananda describes as handsome but worthless - ignoring the more deserving Ghosh! Eventually the chela over-abuses his indulged position and the broken-hearted guru turns to Ghosh with tears in his eyes, saying: "I will leave it to you to instruct Kumar to leave the ashram tomorrow; I can't do it!" Then Yukteswar's mother visits the ashram: Yogananda observes that she is "a woman of very decided opinions." Later she scolds her son: "Sri Yukteswar backed away without further argument... I was touched at his great respect for his mother even in her unreasonable moods... There was a charm about the trifling incident; it supplied a sidelight on my guru's unusual nature, inwardly humble and outwardly unbendable." Yogananda's life was replete with miracles, and I can't resist mentioning two more: on one occasion, he had to give a speech, but was worried that his English wasn't good enough; afterwards his friends said the speech was just fine! On another occasion it was predicted that he would someday like strawberries and behold! By mashing them with lots of sugar they became quite tasty! Yoganada's story is also leavened by outspoken Indian nationalism and occasional Moslem-bashing. Nevertheless he comes across as sincere and likable. A fascinating tale!
Rating:  Summary: A lively way of introduction to spiritual traditions Review: I have not read the recent (revised editions of the book). I have read this book atleast 10 times, in the last ten years. I find that there are already 63 reviews of the book, in amazon.com. I am not surprised. The author has written in a lively form. It has a collection of stories ( real-life). He has a lot of humour. I am a hindu from south india. Before reading this book, I have read books about Ramakrishna and Vivekanda. I have noticed the struggle in Vivekanda between rationalism developed through western education and complexity of Ramakrishna's mysticism. When I was young ( high school), I believed Ramakrishna. When I came to college, I rejected Ramakrishna as unsound man and pitied that Vivekanda could not preserve with his western education. After my post-graduation, I came across this book ' Autobiograbhy of a yogi'. It helped me a lot to understand religion within the social context. The important point he continues his education and completes because of his guru's command. People who read the book ' Kali's child' are encouraged to read this book. For people interest in science only, one draw attention to the chapter on Bose. The book should interest someone who wants to have a view of alternate culture, even if not interested in spirituality.
Rating:  Summary: The most amazing book I have ever read! Review: "Autobiography of a Yogi" was recommended to me some twenty years ago by a friend. So many chapters struck a chord deep inside--in my opinion this is the true way to find the truth. I'm reading it again (for the fourth time) and I find something new and exciting everytime I do so. It has made me see unlimited possibilities for this earth and its people that no other book has come close to matching. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to read and understand what our true natures could and should be on this planet!
Rating:  Summary: Inspirational Review: Serving with spiritual means and guidance it is inspirational with the teaching's of wisdom. Wisdom is the foundation in the spiritual world. ALSO RECOMMENDED..."The Third Time IS Now" & "Conversations with God"
Rating:  Summary: A GLOBAL REVELATION FOR THE 3RD MILLENIUM Review: As a long time student of comparative religion the discovering of this spiritual classic "Autobiography of a Yogi" set my thinking and life experience in a very new and unexpected direction. Until I became familiar with the great avatar "Paramahansa Yogananda" my superficial philosophical adventure seemed fulfilling enough. Now I am seeing the deeper aspects of the spiritual life and many new understandings and revelations are being opened to my consciousness. I also read the original edition of this book, which I find somewhat incomplete, as Yognanda himself began seriously revising this book with each new edition. So the reader will get the most complete and most accurate teachings of this great Yogi from the latest editions published by Self-Realization Fellowship publishers, via Amazon books. I highly recommend this edition to all truth-seekers and students of comparative religion as a major key to unlocking our past conditioning and broadening many narrow views that we become attached to in our earlier development. Here is a balanced and insightful approach to world religion and spirituality that gives true ecumenical recognition to all the worlds major saints and prophets. This spiritual classic will contribute much to bringing harmony, peace and mutual respect to this world of so many varied belief systems. The author, with his unique blend of wit, wisdom, insight and intuition has shown us the primary elements and truths that are the foundation of all religions. He does this without criticism, judgement, or error. His is the same eternal message that was given the world by other great saviors such as Krishna, Buddha and Jesus. I have no doubt that millions of lives have already been changed by this sacred literary revelation................ This is surely the work of a God-Realized bieng, a wonderful experience awaits the sincere reader. Don't make the mistake of only reading it once!!! LIST OF SUBJECTS: Author's early life... Meeting your Master... The Master-Disciple relationship... The Science of KRIYA YOGA... Meditation and prayer... Lives of many modern Eastern and Western Saints.. Law of Miracles...how they work... Principle of Raja Yoga... How great masters teach their disciples... the inner meaning of Christ and Krishna... The Astral world... Reincarnation and Karma... How to find your true Path... Travels in India... The Spiritual heritage of India... the Importance of Yogananda's founding of the Self-Realization Fellowship as his only authorized channel for His writings and Kriya Yoga............ Footnotes on yoga and religious history.. Mans purpose and goal in life.......... AND MUCH MORE------------- ALSO RECOMMENDED: Man's Eternal Quest... Divine Romance... Journey to Self-Realization... The Science of Religion... God Talks With Arjuna(Bhagavad Gita)... Where There is Light...
Rating:  Summary: Inspirationally moved Review: This book has opened my eyes (all three of them) to a whole new realm and has broadened my perception to the greatest extent. I, too, found myself making notes in the margin and underlining certain sentences because the book was rich with extra-ordinary occurances which serve as spiritual guidelines.
Rating:  Summary: Reconciled: Truth, Religion and science Review: A true account of an aspiring yogi who achieved what he longed for- ultimate bliss. The absoribing life story, accounted at times day-to-day life in detail of an Indian youth in search for truth. His master explains to him scientifically the elementary truth behind religion. I now see the missing link between religion and science. Scientists should read this book, whether or not they believe in religion. This book had a profoundly changed my perception of life.
Rating:  Summary: Awarness into Self-Realization Review: My best friend and my brother belong to the Self-Realization Church. I've been there a few times over the years. On the suggestion of my brother and friend I decided to read this book. What wonderful stories he tells. Some of them seem almost unreal. As usual, when reading a book I highlight parts I like. One that sticks out is when he says "Thought is a Force". We have heard it time and time again we are what we think we are. This goes deeper into the ways in which a self-realized Yogi can manifest many things. Some of it was a little complicated for me to read. I must not be that self-realized. But its a start by reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: possession of a lifetime. Review: Autobiography of a Yogi is the most treasured book one can ever possess.It gladdens and purifies the soul to the deepest core of its being.Coming across this book has been the most wonderful experience of my life.Paramhansa Yoganada has inevitably become an indelible soul ever residing deep in my heart.O how I wish to paint his image in the enless sky so that he becomes a picture for every eye to capture.Its a great blessing to have this book ..........In great reverance I bow to the beloved master.......
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book, revised and refined in later editions. Review: Of course this is a supurb book! Paramahansa Yogananda wrote it! However, Yogananda himself revised it in later editions. He chose editors, (monastics) who were spiritually in tune and intuitively guided by him to make later revisions. To think that an "Avatar" (an Incarnation of God) such as Yogananda, would allow his words to be perverted is to doubt that He was in fact an Incarnation of God. The purpose of this book is to entertain, spiritually educate and to inspire it's readers to meditate on God. Trying to ascertain whether or not it is EXACTLY what Yogananda said is to miss the point of the book entirely. Any authorized edition of "Autobiography Of A Yogi" will supply what He desired for it's readers, simply, a deep desire to know God. Yogananda's organization "Self-Realization Fellowship" is still run and always will be run, by those He chose to head that organization. They continue as always, through close attunement with Him, to edit His many books, lessons and still unpublished writings and lectures for future generations of truth seekers to use for continued inspiration to find God in their daily lives through deep meditation on God. Yogananda once said,"You will not find God in books", but you will find this book to be one of the most facinating and inspiring adventures you will ever read! Most readers can't put it down until they're finished! You'll find that the later editions are very fine indeed. The inexpensive edition is just as wonderful and just as inspiring as the more expensive editions (it's small enough to take to work with you and since you're probably going to loan it, or give it away to a friend, you won't break the bank on your first one)! Buy the special edition for your permanent library because you'll likely want to read it over and over and over again! Read any of them, but if you want the best, the best advice would be to go directly to the source and try the latest edition from Self-Realization Fellowship.