Rating:  Summary: God, Christ, Gurus Review: As a child I was always fascinated by the pictures that were in this book. When I came of age and my father told me that he felt it was time that I read a book that would give me all the answers that I would ever need, I did not know what I was in for. Yogananda, a man that had command of a language that was not even native to him, wrote with such eloquence and beauty...with all the fervor of his soul. The stories of him and his guru, amazing stories of Babaji, and stories of his search for God will change your life forever. It will make you want to search for God, and feel that he IS actually within YOUR reach (which he is). Yogananda tells us that all of us can be self-realized if we make the effort now. Now, each and every time that I pick up this book to read it again, I learn something new that I may have missed (it's significance). If you are searching for something and you just don't know what it is, read this book and I'll guarantee that you will find it within these pages. By far, in my opinion, the most touching story is when Yoganandaji met his guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar. Read on... --Jai Guru
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Book I Have Ever Read or Will Ever Read Review: I've read this book 5 times. This book, I feel, comes closest to describing a) where we came from b) why we are here and c) where we go after we leave. Athiesm has some good points. But if we are "concious meat", then where does the conciousness go when we die and are just meat? This postulates that a state of mind or conciousness can dissapate into a "peaceful nothingness". This is in direct contradiction to Newton's Law of Conservation. I have seen the silver star that Yogananda talks about in the book. It is surrounded by a gold ring and lies in a field of blue. The five-pointed star seems to flicker at the exact rate of twice a second. I've seen it 30 to 40 times, and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I have talked to many other yogis who have seen the exact same thing. I am not very advanced spiritually. I called an SRF counselor many years ago and simply asked him how somebody as messed up as me can have these experiences especially since I am not schozphrenic and have never seen the silver star while drunk. He said that spiritual development is contingent on how much you love God. Everything else is superfluous. Well, I love God more than anything! And I love my Sat Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, more than anybody. Please buy this book. But with one warning. All of the miracles are indeed true. But since the entire universe is indeed made out of light, nearly every manifestation will someday be able to be explained. When you analyze radio waves, we can come up with explanations. But they are really more far-fetched than anything in this book. Oh! The SRF monks keep telling me something else. Even though we feel that our way is the best way, it is not the only way. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and even some athiests(! ) can reach God faster than any Self-Realizationist. Simply because they are following spiritual laws. I am very grateful to Self-Realization Fellowship and the fifty or so monks that I have talked to on the phone. I am especially grateful to Brother Bhaktananda who has helped me so greatly. He knew Yogananda when he was still in his body. And he never looked down on me for my clinical depression or my alcohol abuse. He simply kept reminding me, "We are all praying for you, Bill." I am very grateful. Some yogis can see the silver star with their eyes open! I can only see it with my eyes closed doing a certain yogic technique. It's between the eyebrows. Kindness seems to be the pathway to such advancements. And I am not kind yet. I have to go to Recovery, Inc. for the depression and temper. Then I can go faster. Maybe some of you can go much faster. Good luck and buy the book from Amazon.com.
Rating:  Summary: This book has changed my life! Review: This is more than a book. You have to try the concentration and meditaion techniques that Yogananda has left for us. You will feel something undecribable.You will feel God, believe me.
Rating:  Summary: The power of God is here Review: Reading Yoganandaji's Autobiography was singlehandedly the most inspirational and life-changing event in my life. This book spoke to me as no other book has or ever will. It spoke to me deep in my consciousness and was the catalyst for great changes to come into my life. It gave me direction, inspiration, hope, and a path to follow. It introduced me to the realm of spirituality and with it began my search for God. I cannot begin to explain the profound changes that have taken place in my life because of my encounter with the Autobiography, but what I can say is that everything I live for began with this book. I have given this book to quite a few people to read and none of them embraced it like I did, but I am convinced that if it is read with an open mind it has the power to change lives. I can only hope you may find here all that I did and more. The AY is truly a spiritual treasurehouse that will open unforseen doors in your life and guide you through them.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Fascinating! Review: I read this book last summer, I read an older edition though. My dad bought this book in the 70's. So, anyway, I read it and it was very inspiring, and spiritual. I think that it was somewhat hard to get through the first couple of chapters, but if you make it through those you will finish it with no problem. It was hard for me to put it down at times. Very captivating! So, if you ever get the chance, buy and read it! Namaste!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book I Have Ever Read! Review: Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi" is undoubtedly the best book I have ever read. The first time that I read it, I was so mesmerized by it that I had a hard time to put down the book until I had finished reading it. Since then I have reread it a few times. The book, you may say, touched my very soul. After reading the book, I signed up with Self-Realization Fellowship, Yogananda's Los Angeles based spiritual organization, to receive the weekly Lessons that the great saint had left for us before he left his body. What those lessons have done for me, there are no words to express. This book is also a great contribution to the cause of world peace and understanding among the people of different faiths and creeds; the abstract concept of world brotherhood becomes more real and immediate a concept after reading this book. I would recommend anyone who has not read this book -- no matter what his or her creed maybe -- to order a copy right away; this may be the best investment in one's life!
Rating:  Summary: SPIRITUALITY AND KRIYA YOGA REVEALED ! Review: Until this amazing book was placed in my hands (literally)a few years ago, I was not aware that there were such beings and modern day Avatars as "Paramahansa Yogananda". It also made me much more aware of India's major role & contributions in the worlds' spiritual development. Even though I had been enjoying the rewarding study of comparative religions for a number of years, this fact was not previously as clear to me . However, the careful reading of this 20th century spiritual classic "Autobiography of a Yogi", set my thinking and life experiences in an entirely new and unexpected direction, which definitely brought them to a more profound and meaningful depth of awareness. Now I am seeing the deeper aspects of the spiritual life in a more effective and practical way, and many new understandings and revelations are being opened to my consciousness. This is definitely a life-changing classic of spiritual literature that is difficult to compare with anything I've previously seen. It is like living in different dimension, where common sense and balance, greater appreciation of other faiths, as well as really new approaches give one the tools to work with that are rare finds. This presentation of truth is extremely motivational for ones ongiong self-improvement. As Yognanda himself began seriously revising this book with each new edition (a trait I admire in any author). The reader will get the most complete and most accurate teachings of this great Yogi from the latest editions (which includes the 49th chapter and many other improvements by the author and his successors), published by Self-Realization Fellowship publishers, via Amazon books. Not only is this book a good introduction to understanding world spirituality better, it will also take one all the way to Self-Realization. I seriously recommend this edition to all truth-seekers and students of comparative religion, as a major key to unlocking our past conditioning and broadening many narrow views that we become attached to in our earlier development. Here is a balanced and insightful approach to world religion and spirituality that gives true ecumenical recognition to all the worlds major saints and prophets. This spiritual classic will contribute much to bringing harmony, peace, and mutual respect to this world of so many varied belief systems. Paramahansa Yogananda, with his unique blend of wit, wisdom, insight and intuition shows us the primary elements and truths that are the foundation of all true religions. He does this without criticism, judgment, or dogmatism. Many readers tell me that his message and presence are distinctly evident even after having been translated into other languages. This is the same eternal message that was given the world by other great saviors such as Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Sankara, and Jesus. The author's life is also a testament of all that He wrote about, it just doesn't get more real than this. I have no doubt that millions of lives have already been changed by this sacred literary revelation................It is especially interesting to note that the Autobiography of a Yogi has been appearing on Best Seller lists for over 50 years. E.g. Los Angeles Times in the fall of 1997, at Amazon.com online bookseller it was the best selling book in the field of religion for 1998. Through this divinely inspired spiritual classic, which is having a profound global effect in man's evolutionary spiritual journey, a wonderful experience awaits the sincere reader. Don't make the mistake of only reading it once! Partial LIST OF SUBJECTS: The author's early life... Meeting your spiritual Master... How the Master-Disciple relationship works... The Science of KRIYA YOGA (the science of consciousness raising through energy control - Pranayama)... Meditation and prayer... Lives of many modern Eastern and Western Saints visited by the author.. Law of Miracles...how they work... Principle of Raja Yoga... How great masters teach their disciples... the inner meanings of Christ and Krishna... The Astral and Spiritual worlds... Evidence of Reincarnation and Karma... How to find your true Path... How to get more out of your own faith..........Travels in India... The Spiritual heritage of India... The Science of healing and miracles. The Importance of Yogananda's founding of the Self-Realization Fellowship as his only authorized channel for His writings and Kriya Yoga............ Footnotes on yoga and world religious history.. Mans purpose and goal in life....... AND MUCH MORE----- ALSO RECOMMENDED: A World in Transition......Sanctuaty of the Soul..........Man's Eternal Quest... Divine Romance... Journey to Self-Realization... The Science of Religion... God Talks With Arjuna(Bhagavad Gita).. Enter the Quiet heart.......Finding the Joy within You........... Where There is Light... --This text refers to the Quality Paperback edition Published by Self-Realization Fellowship.
Rating:  Summary: Who needs a guru? Review: This book is rather slow going particularly in the beginning. Be patient and you will learn a remarkable story of a man from a place light years away. Yogananda's story centers on his relationship with his guru and strict adhearence to the discipline of yoga. There are several amusing stories of saints who could perform miracles along with anecdotes about Indian history and culture. Yogananda has a lot of passion about what he says. I personally don't like to be told what to do -- no guru for me. I also think that most people's ability to reason using cognitive problem solving skills is a miracle in and of it's self. Yoganada demands that human reasoning be put aside if we are to believe. If you are a romantic this book is worth while. If you reject authority -- no guru for you.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring beyond anything else I've encountered Review: Paramhansa Yogananda's life is so fascinating and inspiring that I had difficulty putting the book down. All my questions that arose while reading were answered, either by the footnotes of by Yogananadaji himself. This is a must read for any spiritually questioning or spiritually doubting person.
Rating:  Summary: AN ECUMENICAL AND BELIEVABLE WORK Review: Here is a real spiritual reference treasure to anyone with sincerity, intelligence, awareness, and an open mind. It will openly explain as few other writings the inner workings of God's great universe, both seen and unseen. It comes from a good source when one considers the innumerable spiritual giants that India continues to produce. Yogananda's mother and father were very spiritually advanced beings and show a beautiful and ideal family relationship of love and maturity. His mother passed on at a young age but his father continued to lovingly care for the family and eventually retired from the Bengal-Nagpur Railway with a well-earned, normally received pension. One of the outstanding god-men described in the book is Swami Sri Yukteswar. Since we have so many wonderful records of Yoganandas love and wisdom in America, this is a wonderful testimony to the illustrious stature of Yukteswar. One of this books greatest appeals is that it Bashes no one, and expresses the beauty and validity of all religions and prophets in true ecumenicity.