Rating:  Summary: Sluggish and slow Review: I am a believer, and I have been challenged by the Left Behind series to be more diligent in my Bible study and prayer life. However, with each new book in the series I feel that more words are used to cover less ground plot-wise. It's as though someone - the author, the publisher, I don't know who - is stretching this story out as far as it can possibly be stretched. Even the font size is bigger, and there are fewer lines per page! TWELVE BOOKS? Please, it's a great story, but someone, for some reason, is going overboard. I guess as long as people (like myself) are hooked and buy the latest installment, the series will go on. Maybe the next book will negate all of my complaints by resolving Hattie's dilemma(PLEASE!) and including more than one major plague and one major event.
Rating:  Summary: ANOTHER RIVETING BOOK FOR LAHAYE & JENKINS Review: The latest book in the Left Behind series was well worth the wait. A real page-turner, just as promised. What I find even more fascinating is the way Jerry Jenkins and Tim Lahaye have captured and adapted the book of Revelation. The Word of God is sometimes hard to swallow for those who aren't accepting of what harsh realities are to come upon those who don't accept Christ before his return. The series is not about making millions of dollars selling books. Instead its a way of appealing to millions of people all over the world, Christians and non-Christians alike, to urge everyone to turn to Christ, the only savior of this world. Though many mistake this series for a fictitious thriller, things really could happen much like the authors write. It is scary - but its based on God's word from the book of Revelation, based on truth...it is truth!
Rating:  Summary: They've assassinated the series! Review: Please, Jerry, Tim, it's time to move on. You've wrung as much from this bleak concept as you possibly can, and the sponge is dry. If you need inspiration, go read Glenn Kleier's THE LAST DAY. There is no better crafted a Judgment Day story than that. And while you're biting your nails over it, check out the depth of plot, characters and prose. THAT'S a novel with substance. No more pablum, please!
Rating:  Summary: A true eye opener for all. Review: I have read all of the books that have been printed from the Left Behind through the Assassins. These books are listed as fiction but are they really? I believe these men have hit on a truth following scriptures that we in our daily life and schedules would not have imagined how all of these events might occure. I have read and studies the book of Revelation several times. I understood the words but really did not think them our in how would they actually take place if they were to happen within out time. There books follow the events as the might happen through the lives of several. Thanks to these books I have a much deeper understanding of the end of time and just how they might appear to us. I can not recommend these books hightly enough to any Christian reader. I also shared these books with my priest who also read them and was well pleased with how they follow scripture. I would like to say much more but would rather not spoil the interest of those who have not read these books. I can only say I am anxious for the next book to come out, hope these men write fast!
Rating:  Summary: GREAT!!! The best yet of the series! Review: "Assasins" kept me on the edge of my seat! It is full of suspense from cover to cover. This book brought back the warmth and depth of the characters that I feel was lost during the "Soul Harvest" and "Appollyon" search,escape, and rescue scenes. New people are added to the story. You get to know them and like them. The antagonists are hated even more. You will literally CHEER when a major event happens to a major creep--(I'm not tellin'!)
Rating:  Summary: What a disappointment to see a good series decline Review: What happened to the strong start of a wonderful story? LEFT BEHIND was so wonderful, yet there was a slow decline in quality and substance as each subsequent book came out. It is so evident that the authors are now trying to make money versus make a difference, and that really saddens me. It seems to me that the authors shouldn't DECIDE ahead of time how many books they want to stretch this story out to be, but should write as many books as are needed to tell the story well. If the next book, which I will read because I've gone this far, is as pitiful as this one, I will stop, because I really don't want to support this type of blatant commercialism supposedly done in the name of my Lord. And what a tacky cliff-hanger ending. I advise the authors to get back on track or lose the wonderful witness that was established in LEFT BEHIND. If you'll pardon the comparison, this was what happened to Stephen King - his books went from riveting to trash as he tried to crank out as many as he could with no substance. I never picked up another one once that happened.
Rating:  Summary: Very great on the anticipation of more novels to come. Review: No strong opinion, just very well done. I anticipate great things with the rest of the series. I believe there are to be 11 total. The last Title is to be The Glorious Appearing.
Rating:  Summary: Poor plotting, with some snide cultural commentary. Review: I won't rehearse the other objections that many have made about weak characterization, dialogue and plot, but I do want to comment on what feels like some unfair attacks on issues of immorality. Every so often the authors throw in a remark about how there are so many brothels around now and that there's so much hedonism and sexual licentiousness. But consider the situation from the point of view of the average impoverished third world citizen. If there are disasters destroying your country, then women may turn to prostitution out of economic necessity, not out of malicious intent. Furthermore, how likely is it that a world wracked by disasters would still have the economic infrastructure to support a pornography industry such as portrayed in this book? It doesn't seem plausible. Another thought: One would imagine that if the world was really as devastated as this series makes it out to be, there would hardly be the kind of access to technology that the characters seem to enjoy. The world has been hit by earthquakes and all sorts of other stuff, yet everybody seems to have the latest computers and cell phones and internet access in order to be able to find these Christian websites and such. How likely is that? People in a state of emergency and worldwide crisis are more concerned about essentials like food and water and housing. Imagine if last week's earthquake in Turkey was global. I don't think the survivors would have the leisure time or resources to be having global galas and surfing the web.
Rating:  Summary: CAN YOU SAY CLIFF HANGER? They did it again! Review: Anyone who is a fan of the Left Behind Series can still repeat with confidence its slogan: "THE FUTURE IS CLEAR..." In their latest book, ASSASINS - Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins have once again pulled off another "crystal clear" vision of what is our "future." Whether this is your first introduction to the "Trib Force," - the unlikely mix of heroes to cheer for in this series, or if you have been rooting for them since the first book made it's debut, you can't help but put on your spiritual gear, hold your breath, and take off with Rayford, Buck, Tsion, and the rest as they embark on this their darkest spiritual adventure of the series. Based on the realities and possibilities of this world and its future, as well as the Revelation of St. John, this novel is solid from start to finish. Be prepared to run, jump, laugh, scream, console, cry and pray for these characters as they confront their own personal demons, and the man who is Nicolae - the Anti-Christ! A GREAT READ!
Rating:  Summary: This book alone would not be enough to capture my interest Review: I have read and thoroughly enjoyed the previous books of the Left Behind series, but found Assassins to be sluggish. As I read this story, I couldn't help but feel that it had been written by a different author. Its style is not consistent with the other books in area of character development. I felt as though I was turning pages to give me a mere "update" into their perilous situations. Rayford's moodiness, Leah's brash personality, Buck's indifference to his family, Chloe's disappearance into the woodwork all left me bored. The authors, however, did a good job of stringing me along to the next book with the last few chapters. The ending provided some hope that the next book will have some answers, action and get back on track with character development. The subject matter here is incredible!