Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece of World Literature Review: Machado de Assis is probably one of the most underrated authors literature departments around the US-and other countries-have (not) encountered. He is an absolute requirement for anyone who wishes to consider him/herself well-read. Called "Othello of the Southern Cross" by Helen Caldwell (who wrote the excellent The Brazilian Othello of Machado de Assis-A Study of Dom Casmurro, Berkeley:University of California Press, 1960) this narrative is, among other things, about a man's weakness and fear before the possibility of living life fully (see chapter called 'Are you Scared?). There is a fascinating element of vicariousness- the way Bento Santiago (Saint and Iago, as Caldwell cleverly points out) projects his guilt, sexuality, desires and ambition upon Capitu, and Escobar... For those who missed the point (reader from NY- give it another try) I recommend a different approach, a different translation, or perhaps a course in Portuguese...(why not? Discover a rich and abundant culture!) This is true art.
Rating:  Summary: Very interesting reading Review: This is one of the best novels I have read. It has everything to enjoy a nice reading.The situations are very descriptive not only of the 19th century's Brazil, but even of the present Brazilian culture (don't get me wrong, I don't mean the characters, but the interactions); the analysis of these situations goes into reflections about the humans (feelings, memories, decisions,...); the author even builds a well-driven relation between him and the readers, be them women, men, or specific people. The one I read has notes from the editor that helps to understand more the author's "intentions" and the background of the novel itself. I recommend you this one. Finally, the Portuguse edition was useful for me to study the language while enjoying a good reading. I got a high amount of vocabulary and expressions.
Rating:  Summary: The Imperial Canon Review: We must be attained to truth in order to create a really universal brasilian literature; excuse me the prostitutes of the literary status quo, but Dom Casmurro is not a great book in order to be enlisted as a piece of the Weltliteratur as designed by Goethe. Under the look of millions of variables in level of superficial structure, this trivial narrative plays, in its profound stru cture, the ritual of the eternal victory of the richer over the poorest, maniqueistically, without any greater discussion, AB OVO. Machado de Assis, like other famous brasilian writer once said, was a "betrayer of the black people". Even being neger, Machado renegated his own race and mother - he let her real mother die in a Rio de Janeiro's favela without even visiting her - just to try a place on the short and elitist literary circle of his time. Machado de Assis may have his positive points as brasilian writer, but he is not compared to the thumbnails of Shakespeare or Cervantes, who he tries to mimic on Dom Casmurro. Machado de Assis is considered the greatest writer of Brasil just because he well served (and is still useful) to the interests of the oligarchy and richer elite of our country, Dom Casmurro is but a lie blinded claped by critics sodomized by the political orders of a retrograted state, these claps are blindly followed by we, the people, who is not incentivated to really try really great books. This critic of mine is not the only one, I invite you to read the books of Doctor Flávio Kothe, whose critics are more detailed and also studies the social-economic status of Machado's time; The opinions of Dr. Kothe are academic and well observed, and recognized, a proof of this assertion is that he is winner of important prizes, included one for the translation for german to portuguese of the book "Das Parfum", of Sussekind. DIXIT.
Rating:  Summary: Othello? Review: When a novelist writes from the perspective of an omniscient narrator, it at least creates the illusion that we're hearing a full and fair version of events. But it is a peculiarity of first person narrative that some of the very best and some of the very worst novels which use the technique leave us wondering what the story might sound like from the perspective of a different character. We all assume that Sam Spade and Phil Marlowe are reliable sources on the events they relate, but even if we trust Ishmael, don't we wonder what Ahab's version of the great novel Moby Dick might be ? And when it comes to a dreadful novel like Barbara Kingsolver's Poisonwood Bible, one of the most noticeable flaws of the novel is that the villain of the piece is unfairly vilified and we're left wishing he had a voice. Several authors have actually used this idea as a starting point, and in novels like Wide Sargasso Sea, Jack Maggs, and Wicked, have given us alternate versions of classic stories from the perspective of a different character (N.B., yes I'm aware that the source novels for these three are not all told in the first person). These derivative novels are not necessarily effective, Wicked is the only one I'd recommend, but they do reflect a general recognition that, as in real life, even in a fictional story, the narrative of a participant must be suspect, and that our reliance on that narrator may leave us with mistaken impressions. This concept resides deep within our culture: what, after all, is the New Testament but God's recognition that Man has his own side of the story ? In Dom Casmurro (which translates roughly as "Lord Taciturn"), the aged narrator, Bento Santiago (or Bentinho), relates the story of his romance with Capitolina (known as Capitu), his childhood neighbor and sweetheart, in 1850's Brazil. For love of this girl he schemes his way out of seminary and the priesthood, despite his mother's vow that if God would make her child healthy she would see that he became a priest. Though the breaking of this vow is troubling, and Bentinho seeks to rationalize it away, the memoir seems essentially to be a love story. Bentinho and Capitu marry. He has a successful law practice. He's devoted to his mother throughout her life and remains great friends with Escobar, whom he met while attending seminary. After considerable effort, Capitu bears a son and the loving couple's lives seem complete. But gradually certain comments and asides begin to intimate that all is not as it appears. A darkness begins to cloud the previously sunny story. Bentinho reveals a jealous side to his character; at times insanely jealous. He hints that his story is building towards a tragedy. Finally, he even starts to openly identify with Othello. As this transformation proceeds, the reader begins to question the reliability of Bentinho's narration. In particular, thinking back on his descriptions of Capitu we become suspicious of his motives. He has mentioned things like her being more mature than he at the time of their initial courtship, and several remarkable instances where she was able to deceive her parents effortlessly, while he had great difficulty doing the same. It becomes more and more noticeable that Capitu, though the book becomes an indictment of her, is never allowed to defend herself. It's almost certainly reading too much into the novel, but I was struck by the fact that on two occasions Capitu actually writes out words, and that they form a kind of palimpsest in which she sends the reader a secret message : when they are first courting she scratches : BENTO CAPITOLINA on a wall; and then later, after quizzing him about his devotion to her, she crawls one word in the dirt : liar. Perhaps this is Machado's way of offering us just a glimpse of Capitu's defense, a coded message that Bentinho is lying about their relationship. At any rate, the novel is marvelous--sly, witty, and insidious. Machado subverts the first person narration and creates tantalizing, unresolvable doubts in the reader's mind. It's no wonder that he is considered Brazil's greatest novelist and Capitu its most beguiling heroine; like the Mona Lisa, much lies hidden behind a masterful portrait. If, like me before I happened to pick up a copy of this book, you've never heard of Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, do yourself a favor and seek him out. He's well worth the effort. GRADE : A+