Dungeon Keeper may have a lot in common with other adventure games, but this time, you are the monster. Your goal is to conquer the countryside, grab all the gold, build the biggest and best dungeon, and kill all those pesky heroes. Torture them first, of course. It would be a shame to ruin such wickedly madcap atmosphere with too serious a treatment, but worry not: Bart Farkas makes his strategy guide as enjoyable as the game itself. It's structured like the curriculum of a school for dungeon keepers. You will learn how to build your career, hire the best help, and work smarter, not harder. The résumés of your potential evil employees, for example, are a riot. But Farkas doesn't let the jokes interfere with solid, easy-to-find guidance. The book is loaded with strategic tips and charts full of the information needed to make wise choices. One of Dungeon Keeper's greatest strengths is that it can be customized to play however you like, so there's no single way to beat a level. Still, the tips and information here will help you plan effective deviltry--and may give you some ideas that hadn't occurred to you before.