Rating:  Summary: Couldn't put it down... Review: ...fast enough.The Boss's Survival Guide is fairly worthless tripe. Appears to have been written by a group of tipsy Union reps. Too PC and too anti-Management to be used by any real manager. Gonna supervise a group of tree huggers out to protest at an NRA meeting? This "book" is for you. Otherwise, don't waste your money or time.
Rating:  Summary: Good for new managers- But they don't worry about survival.. Review: ...yet. Most of the problems this book discusses are faced by new managers who do not yet understand the intricasies of managing people and the politics of the office. No manager, regardless of experience ever fully does, but this book is not very insightful for experienced managers. Further, the authors spend a great deal of time discussing HR issues. Those are fine and dandy, but if you don't have turn-over in your department, the recommendations on making good hires and avoiding HR pitfalls are fine, but on a day-to-day basis, they're not that useful. The cover of the book states "Everything you need to know about getting through and getting the most out of every day". The only managers who will find this true by reading this book are HR managers. Still, there are some useful anecdotes and suggestions but in terms of being a desktop-reference for department heads and corporate managers, this book is lacking.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Resource Guide Review: Ever read a business book that stays in theory mode all the time? Drives me nuts. This book was written with the busy manager in mind. Lots of how-to's, lots of real life examples, with plenty of humor to move it right along. Very easy to read. In fact, kind of hard to put down once you start it. Yes, this book hits the basics. My experience is that that's where most managers fall down. This book sends a strong empowerment message - "we have met the solution, and it is YOU". Perfect book for your training or HR team to give out to all new managers. This is one of the few business books that a manager will not only read, but USE, too.
Rating:  Summary: Only for first time managers Review: I am always looking for good advice as a manager. This book is really intended for first time managers who do not have a clue about what it means to be a manager, either in the sense of how to manage or the legal issues involved. Having been a manager for some years I found not one single useful paragraph. It is all basic and not inspired at all. Bottom line: if you have never been a manager, it is not a bad handbook. If you have any real experience as a manager: save your money.... A better choice would be "First..Break All the Rules"
Rating:  Summary: EVEN IF YOU DO HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS - READ THE BOOK! Review: I have been teaching and counselling in business management for thirty years and to this day I still learn as much from my students as they learn from me. Learning is an on-going life process. If does not matter if you are a President, Chief Executive Officer, Manager, or whatever other title you have had bestowed upon you (or bestowed upon youself,) you should still read this book. From top executive to labourer, you will find some very valuable knowledge that will keep you on the path to success. Even if you do, REALLY AND HONESTLY DO, have all the answers, the book is still worth reading for no other reason than the pure enjoyment. The one aspect of the book that immediaately caught by attention was Rosner's wit and writing style. While the book was not written for its humour, the author has such a light-hearted writing style that the reader instantly warms up to Rosner and says, "This guy isn't just 'a wanna-be with an opinion'who only thinks he knows how to be effective; he IS effective!" If you truly want to know what it is all about to be a "boss" and what separates the successful ones from the others who never quite make it, I also highly recommend another five-star book (actually worth a lot more stars than five), "First Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently" by Marcus Buchingham, Curt Coffman - it is a real treasure to behold!
Rating:  Summary: Every Manager needs this book as their "Bible"! Review: I have read several books on management in my time and only a small handfull have true insight. This book rates among the best. It's clear, consise and, for a book on business, clearly enjoyable to read. It's packed with valuable information that every manager should know. I plan to keep it handy as a constant reference guide and make it required reading for my entire management team.
Rating:  Summary: Politically correct garbage Review: The Boss's Survival Guide adds nothing to the existing literature, demonstrates a nauseating politically correct viewpoint where only women can be harmed, and where information is actually clearly presented, is only useful for the neophyte manager who has been living in a vacuum all his life. I am sorry I wasted my money on this book. As I promised the author in an email, I threw the book into the nearest garbage truck.
Rating:  Summary: Good for first time managers Review: The Boss's Survival Guide is at best an average book. It appears to be merely a superficial compilation of newspaper articles from the past several years. In addition, the authors are annoyingly "policically correct" in their use of grammer and in the first paragraph of page 383, they clearly show their anti-gun bias. Also, in the section on sexual harrassment, the authors omit two necessary items: 1. That sexual harrassment can only occur between individuals that work for the same company (this is mentioned nowhere), and 2. What compensation would be due to a MAN that had been unfairly accused (and perhaps disciplined or fired)of sexual harrassment. The authors, in their politically correct manner, go into depth on what would be due a WOMAN that had been sexually harassed. I was on the Amtrak on the way to work when I finished this book. .... More average, run of the mill books from polically correct newspaper columnists I don't need.
Rating:  Summary: A message from a co-author Review: The journey of this book began when I received a surprising email from Mike J., a former Fortune 500 company supervisor. (As an internationally syndicated columnist who gets thousands of emails, this remains one of the most memorable.) Mike wrote, "In my opinion, I would not want to work for me." Right then and there I made a commitment to write a book that would give bosses the tools they needed to navigate the minefield that is today's workplace. I teamed up with two of the best brains in the field of human resources: Allan Halcrow, former publisher of Workforce, the leading HR magazine in the U.S. and Alan Levins, a senior partner of the largest U.S. management and labor law firm, Littler Mendelson. We decided to do something truly radical--to address the most vexing 65 management and legal challenges that a boss faces in ENGLISH (what a concept!). In 5 to 7 pages for each issue, we offer an overview of the issue, action steps, tips for staying out of jail and real world examples. Amazon described the Survival Guide as, "The perfect book for new supervisors as well as seasoned bosses, and many people are already buying it for their entire staffs and departments." We are proud to be a #1 Amazon business best-seller and that James Dagnon, Senior VP of Human Resouces at Boeing has called the Survival Guide, "a book that should be on every manager's desk."
Rating:  Summary: The Boss's Survival Guide by Bob Rosner, etal Review: This is a 'Must Have' book for anyone trying to make their way through the nervewracking maze that is Management today. I was pleased to have my questions and concerns addressed seriously, with sound advice, without being bored out of my head by a stuffy writing style. I laughed... I cried... I got the help and direction I was looking for and actually enjoyed the process. Mr. Rosner has great insight and compassion; meeting Management Dilemmas head-on, without flinching. It's obvious that he and his co-authors know their business. Buy it... Read it... Live it. You will be VERY glad you did!