Most people name public speaking as their greatest fear--it outranks even death for that coveted position. If you're like most, your knees turn to water at the prospect of standing before your fellows and giving a speech, but it needn't be that way. Preparation builds confidence, and confidence is all it takes to win over a crowd. The Speaker's Lifetime Library will help you prepare for any speech on any occasion with its four extensive sections: "The Speaker's Reference Guide," "Apt Comparisons," "The Day and Date Book," and "The Special Occasions Book." The first is a collection of more than 150 sets of definitions, quotations, aphorisms, anecdotes, and facts about subjects such as computers, motivation, and youth. ("If youth be a defect, it is one that we outgrow only too soon." --James Russell Lowell) "Apt Comparisons" lists metaphors, symbols, and opposites for almost 1,000 common words; it is followed with a long section detailing great events for each day of the year--even February 29, when the first Playboy Club opened in 1960! The large volume is topped off with speech ideas written for over 50 different occasions. Whether you're opening an art gallery or speaking at your sister's wedding, you'll find the Speaker's Lifetime Library invaluable in shaking the jitters and bringing down the house. --Rob Lightner