Rating:  Summary: I Won More Than Once! Review: After visiting Zig Ziglar.com and signing up for a free newletter, I entered a contest. What I won was more than just a free book. It was Mr. Ziglar's "Success for Dummies". No matter where you are in life, if your not satisfied - this is the book for you. He doesn't just entertain and lift your spirits and expectations(and he does this thoroughly), he gives you the pattern to fulfill your plan. God Bless Zig Ziglar - I am now living the plan.
Rating:  Summary: Well rounded approach to success Review: I decided to check this book out of the library at a time in my life when I couldn't decide what I wanted to do in life. I had been out of college for two years, and couldn't seem to find a job in my field since I moved to Ga., despite my interviews. I was exploring different fields related to Special Ed. It sounds weird but, somehow while reading this book, I just knew what I was suppossed to be doing. Due to the series of questions he asked you about your goals. I highly reccomend this book to any one who can't decide where to go in life. Zig, told me that I wasn't really "lost" I just needed to find some direction in life. He was so right! I guess I just needed someone to tell me to wake up and decide what I was going to do with the rest of my life instead fo just subing all the time. Ironically, enough he guided me back on track to Special Ed, when I read the story about the man who found himself going back to the same career he used to do. I guess I just needed someone to tell me that for my life to feel on track, I needed to enroll in the TAPP (teacher alternative program), and be a Special Ed teacher instead of just being the aid like always. I really feel like God wanted me to find this book at this time in my life. True, Zig is relgious, but even if you aren't I feel like anyone could benift from his book. It has quite a few "duh" moments that a lot of people never think of. I have been hearing about Zig ever since I was like 9 or 10 and had always wanted to go to his seminars, but never had the chance. It is so true about what people think about him! Thanks Zig!
Rating:  Summary: Good, but the Christian stuff scares me Review: I really enjoyed reading this book. It is a great motivater and any time I need a kick in the butt or am feeling down I pick up the book and get going. However, I was very put off by his constant references to Jesus Christ. It got a little preacher which put a bad taste in my mouth when I was trying to read the rest of the book. Too bad, otherwise I loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Best of the Best Review: If you're new to Zig Ziglar books and tapes, than this is one I highly recommend for starters. It summarizes all of Zig's 70 plus years of experience and is layed down in a format that is simple and easy to understand. It also includes most of the material that is covered in other of Zig's bestselling books, such as Over the Top, How to be a Winner and so on. It's a book truly worth owning!.
Rating:  Summary: You don't need this book to be a success, but it might help Review: In order to be successful, you need to determine first what success for you is. Don't let yourself be programmed by the consumeristic media about what success is. Zig Ziglar delves into this issue by making the point that success doesn't just mean being successful in one area of your life, like in your career. True success comes from living a well rounded life and being successful in all areas of your life from family and personal relationships, to self image to money and career. I believe that this is a good overall approach to take and I found the book interesting and informative on this front. I personally believe that people often take success too seriously. Self help is ok, but just don't get all bent out of shape about it. Do what you love to do and be the best person that you can be in life. Success is not an event, but a continuing process. Ziglar makes this point in the book as well. The one annoyance I have with this book is that the author uses religion to make some of his points. I am not religious in the traditional sense of the word, and felt that he could have made the same points without alienating people by bringing religion into it.
Rating:  Summary: Earth to Zig... Review: The author states that one can get what one wants by helping others get what they want. He not from big city, is he?
Rating:  Summary: Turn Success into a Habit! Review: The words you say and the words you think do become the life you have. Success principles for all areas of life can be learned by anyone with an open mind and an open heart and Zig Zigler does try to help. In the words of the author: Most people think of success in terms of business and financial wealth but the real key to success means having a balanced life.
Rating:  Summary: Well rounded approach to success Review: This book covers all areas of life that people need to address to be successful. I appreciated his coverage of the importance of spirituality. Although he is a mainstream Christian, he makes clear that spirituality can be found in other religions as well. The only thing I disagreed with were his comments about obedience being vital to success. I don't believe in absolute obedience. Obdience to organizations and authority figures should be relative. For example, if you have a religious authority figure who wants you to do something unethical or immoral, you should follow your conscience and remain obedient to God's law as found in the Bible. Human beings do not deserve absolute obedience as they are imperfect and prone to mistakes. Also, I thought he used too many examples of famous people in sports as positive examples. I do not play golf and couldn't care less about sports, but I still tried to find the positive in his statements (such as the value of personal integrity, the value of working together as a team, etc.) Is the person who is not rich or famous unsuccessful?
Rating:  Summary: Earth to Zig... Review: This book is an inspirational roadmap in a well balanced and successful life. Zig Ziglar draws upon a wealth of personal experience to illustrate the importance of balancing the various parts of out lives to attain to true success, not just material success. The fault I find with this book is that its subject matter is not a good fit for the "For Dummies" format. Success in life is not a subject you can pick and choose, which is the essence of the "For Dummies" concept. This is a good book, but be prepared to read it cover to cover to derive the greatest benefit.
Rating:  Summary: Good book, but not in the "For Dummies" format Review: This book is an inspirational roadmap in a well balanced and successful life. Zig Ziglar draws upon a wealth of personal experience to illustrate the importance of balancing the various parts of out lives to attain to true success, not just material success. The fault I find with this book is that its subject matter is not a good fit for the "For Dummies" format. Success in life is not a subject you can pick and choose, which is the essence of the "For Dummies" concept. This is a good book, but be prepared to read it cover to cover to derive the greatest benefit.