In the area between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico lies the most mysterious expanse of water in the world: the Bermuda Triangle. Over the last 50 years, 1,500 people have disappeared here without a trace, and many more have experienced bizarre and inexplicable incidents. Throughout history, ships, planes, sailboats, and flying boats have encountered thick yellow fogs out of blue sky, compasses and other navigational instruments going haywire for no apparent reason, and peculiar unidentified underwater crafts. In Andrew Donkin's eye-opening book, readers will find a section on possible natural explanations for the mystery, and another on "out of this world" theories about what's going down in the Bermuda Triangle. Dorling Kindersley's Level 3 books are designed for children who are reading alone now, and seeking compelling subject matter in a vibrant, easy-to-absorb format. This series uses more complex sentence structures than in the previous levels, and includes information boxes and pronunciation guides to expand young readers' horizons. Doring Kindersley is known for its visual style, using dramatic photographs and illustrations and engaging text to motivate younger children to "learn to read--then read to learn!" (Ages 7 to 10) --Emilie Coulter