Rating:  Summary: Good reference, like the printing Review: Many of the other reviewers here have been complaining about the printing and layout. I rather like the layout and think the printing (at least the black) is superb. I think the paper looks and feels unusually good and wish more books would use something like it.Many of the examples are printed in a dark grayish/steel blue. I haven't fully figured out when they use the blue printing and when they use other methods of deliniating examples. For the most part, I don't find it to be too light as some reviewers have complained, although the quality does seem to vary and in some places it is too light or has spotty inking. Content-wise this is an excellent reference and is hard to beat for all kinds of obscure things you may want to look up while writing. A lot of the beginning of the book will not be useful to most readers. It talks about things like submitting a manuscript and "The Manuscript Editor's Responsibilities". I found this stuff to be somewhat out-of-place in a "style" guide. I found the section on Copyright to be informative, however.
Rating:  Summary: Make Sure You Buy the 14th Edition, First Review: On the whole I greatly enjoy TCMOS (with apologies to anyone who has been using other initials to refer to the same volume). I have been blessed with 20/20 vision but do empathise with the comments regarding the smallness of the text. I didn't really have a problem with the blue text either. Nor did I mind the sections on the author's and manuscript editor's responsibilities, I guess being the novice that I am I don't mind a bit of repetition. Pages 299-308, the section on compounds and hyphenation, I couldn't find a particular suffix that was of particular interest to me, namely -ia. The most famous recent usage of this suffix is probably Dinotopia, and there is always the older dystopia and even older utopia. I'd be happy to be corrected, but I think that the suffix means a geographical place with a certain quality. I thought that with regard to referencing, a few styles could have been named, e.g. Harvard, APA, etc. The coverage of Greek was impressive, including accentuation, and treatment of accents with diphthongs and initial uncials. I did find that the treatment of capitalisation of heaven and hell and other "...divine dwelling places, ideal states, places of divine punishment..." to be quite value-laden. The criteria for capitalisation is quite unclear, but it appears to be based around opinions of whether the place actually exists or not. For a feel on whether I believe in heaven and hell myself, it may be best to see my other reviews. I must admit that it does feel funny using capitals for them here, so I haven't. It's probably enough to say that if some of our seminaries are using TCMOS they may wish to put a sticky note in this page (352; 8.117).
Rating:  Summary: Indispensable! But here's my admittedly idiosyncratic note: Review: On the whole I greatly enjoy TCMOS (with apologies to anyone who has been using other initials to refer to the same volume). I have been blessed with 20/20 vision but do empathise with the comments regarding the smallness of the text. I didn't really have a problem with the blue text either. Nor did I mind the sections on the author's and manuscript editor's responsibilities, I guess being the novice that I am I don't mind a bit of repetition. Pages 299-308, the section on compounds and hyphenation, I couldn't find a particular suffix that was of particular interest to me, namely -ia. The most famous recent usage of this suffix is probably Dinotopia, and there is always the older dystopia and even older utopia. I'd be happy to be corrected, but I think that the suffix means a geographical place with a certain quality. I thought that with regard to referencing, a few styles could have been named, e.g. Harvard, APA, etc. The coverage of Greek was impressive, including accentuation, and treatment of accents with diphthongs and initial uncials. I did find that the treatment of capitalisation of heaven and hell and other "...divine dwelling places, ideal states, places of divine punishment..." to be quite value-laden. The criteria for capitalisation is quite unclear, but it appears to be based around opinions of whether the place actually exists or not. For a feel on whether I believe in heaven and hell myself, it may be best to see my other reviews. I must admit that it does feel funny using capitals for them here, so I haven't. It's probably enough to say that if some of our seminaries are using TCMOS they may wish to put a sticky note in this page (352; 8.117).
Rating:  Summary: The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition Review: Since 1906, the incomparable Chicago Manual has been the reference for writers, editors, copyeditors, publishers, and anyone else working with words. This historic new edition reflects the huge impact that computer technology has had on writing and publishing in recent decades. Novelties include a new chapter on American English grammar and usage by Bryan A. Garner (A Dictionary of Modern American Usage), significant updates of copyright and permissions information, a new typographic presentation of American Sign Language, and an "almost new" chapter on mathematical copy, especially useful for electronic notations. From elements to proofreading marks to bias-free language, the manual provides directions, preferences, and even suggestions to the publishing and writing professional. Chapter 16, for example, concentrates on the two documentation systems preferred by Chicago: the notes and bibliographic system and the author-date system. Chapter 17 concentrates on the style and items of bibliographic entries, notes, and parenthetical citations, while also providing information on interview, audiovisual, manuscript, and legal citations. In comparison, Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations is a useful resource for students, but it does not tackle publication and production issues. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, now in its fifth edition, also omits that information, while the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing, now in its second edition, is more directed to the author's needs. Meanwhile, Chicago encompasses a variety of fields and professions, making this significant revision an invaluable addition to all public, academic, and special libraries
Rating:  Summary: First great reference text of the 21st century Review: The 15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style is the first great reference text of the 21st century. Writers, researchers, indexers, proofreaders, editors, publishers, archivists, and educators will all find common ground in the collective wisdom found here. Those already familiar with other incarnations of this guide will find that is still the authority on a multitude of topics. Most of my initial forays have been in the fifth chapter on grammar and usage, a chapter that exhaustively covers all the parts of speech and provides an excellent guide to word usage. A separate chapter covers all aspects of spelling and the distinctive treatment accorded many works, including compounds. If only the eighth chapter on terms and names could be passed into law, then maybe some of the nonsensical and false capitalization that is applied so rampantly to military, political, scientific, religious, geographic, and government names could be controlled. Still, this information provides those willing to take on the fight with plenty of ammo to do it unreservedly. Likewise, the sixth chapter on punctuation will vindicate language purists who insist (as I do) that we have to uphold our standards and rules for punctuation to avoid anarchy in our writing. A chapter on numbers jumps right into the common fray about whether to use numerals or words, providing myriad examples and not displacing the use of common sense in certain instances. There are plenty of nitty-gritty details here: when to use the en dash with inclusive numbers; how to form plurals of numbers (no apostrophes need apply); what is the correct way to express currency. Chapter 14, which is one of the many sections that reflects how technology has advanced our options and choices regarding printed communications, is essential reading for those in the scientific and technology fields and offers details likely not found in other guides of this sort, such as listing fonts frequently used for mathematical symbols. The chapters on references, documentation, manuscript preparation, and indexing will likely be touchstones for the next decade. In these chapters, as throughout this guide, the articulate discussions of principals, guidelines, and rules are augmented with examples. The examples reflect a wide mode of communications, from print to the Internet. A chapter on rights and permissions ought to be mandatory reading for all college students. It pretty much covers what is and is not legal without smothering one with legalese. Appendix A: Design and Production is not for everyone, but I've always be intrigued by the whole process of making books from the first scribbled outline to the binding process, so I find it an interesting read. And if you need more information, a generous 15-page bibliography offers more resources. This edition is easy to search and use. The typography is more modern and less tiring on the eyes though the light blue type can be hard to read. (Was this "nonrepro blue" used as a countermeasure against photocopying and scanning?) There is also a deft touch of humility here, as noted in the preface: "As always, most Chicago rules are guidelines not imperatives; where options are offered, the first is normally our preference." As hard as it is to give up my well-thumbed, annotated, and tagged 14th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, I know that is well past time I retired it to sit along side my 13th edition. Too much has changed since the 14th edition was published, but not much has escaped the radar of those responsible for crafting this superb reference.
Rating:  Summary: Very fine resource Review: The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) is without question my favorite style manual. The fact that this manual is one of the best of its kind does not seem to be in question for most people. What does seem to be in question is whether or not the CMOS is a fit for an individual's needs. What also seems to be in question is whether or not the 15th edition is an improvement from the 14th edition. In terms of fit, I would say that the CMOS is probably a good fit for advanced writers, editors, and publishers; however, most of these advanced professionals already know this. College students might be better served by a style manual specific to their discipline - for example, The Modern Language Association (MLA) Handbook for English students, or the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) for psychology students. Beginning students might also be better served by a general handbook (such as The Little, Brown Handbook or The Holt Handbook). For office workers, administrative assistants, and secretaries, a better fit might be "The Gregg Reference Manual," which has an emphasis on business correspondence. In each of these cases; however, the CMOS would be a useful backup reference. In regard to the editions, my overall opinion is that the 15th edition is a significant improvement in content to the 14th, and well worth the purchase. The 13th edition was published in 1982, the 14th in 1993, and this 15th in 2003, so the CMOS is updated approximately every 10 years, which feels like a good revision pace to me. The content revisions are summarized on the back cover, and I'll list them at the end of this review. In addition to content, the layout of the new edition is also revised. There is a bit of risk and daring in using a light blue font to distinguish examples within paragraphs, and in using a new font for numbering. The light blue text is a bit hard to read at times, but for the main, it seems to add clarity. The daring numbering font is a bit less clear than the last edition, but probably only a keen font connoisseur would even notice. Content revisions: - Updated Materials throughout to reflect current style, technology, and professional practice - New coverage of journals and electronic publications - Comprehensive new chapter on American English grammar and usage by Bryan A. Garner (author of A Dictionary of Modern American Usage) - Updated and rewritten chapter on preparing mathematical copy - Reorganized and updated chapters on documentation, including guidance on citing electronic sources - Streamlined coverage of current design and production processes, with a glossary of key terms - New diagrams of the editing and production process4es for both books and journals, keyed to chapter discussions - Descriptive headings on all numbered paragraphs for ease of reference - New expanded Web site with special tools and features for Manual users - www.chicagomanualofstyle.org
Rating:  Summary: Still a classic Review: The Chicago Manual of Style has always been a steady companion. It discusses every imaginable style question to the point of exhaustion and speaks with the authority of the nation's largest academic press and the country's most academically serious university. The University of Chicago Press is not burdened by the scholarly dubiousness that plagues the MLA, which happens to publish a competing style guide. This edition of the Manual of Style includes a number of improvements and additions. The Chicago manual has finally spoken on citing electronic publications, and even includes advice on assembling manuscripts for electronic journals. Flow charts in the back give broad overviews of the publishing process. The index seems easier to use than the index in the last edition, and the chapters are arranged more thoughtfully. Most striking upon first picking up the 15th edition is its stunning graphic design--not only is it beautiful, but it helps readability by highlighting examples and making sections easier to find. The manual includes some information on editing foreign-language publications. As always, the manual includes some very subtle humor in its sentence structure, verbiage, and choice of examples. The Chicago Manual of Style is also equiped to be an arbiter of many a college dining hall argument on language, with extensive chapters on grammar and usage. I heartily recommend the Chicago Manual of Style to anyone who ever finds himself with a question on some detail of English style.
Rating:  Summary: Make Sure You Buy the 14th Edition, First Review: The info you want and need is in the 14th Edition -- stick with that one and you'll never go wrong. This is like the "new coke." The 15th Edition seems to be an edition made different if only for the sake of being different (and, of course, to justify making money after a certain amount of years have passed since the 14th was published). I fear for the next generation if the 14th Edition were to become unavailable. I'm willing to bet the 16th Edition will very similar to the 14th, and only include the truly useful from the 15th (of which, I think, there is little).
Rating:  Summary: Chicago Manual of Style-15th Edition-University of Chicago Review: This book is a perfect purchase for the writer or academician
in your house. The work portrays word usage in the preferred
mode(s). Even foreign words are depicted. The authors recommend
when and how to use the language. For instance, there are
times when "about" is preferred to using "approximately".
Strict economy of vocabulary is practiced throughout. The authors
strive for simplicity as a generic goal throughout the text.
Sample letters and letterhead are provided to illustrate the
concepts taught by the authors. The work is worth the price
charged as a reference guide in formal academic writing of
articles, speeches, dissertations and a host of other settings
too numerous to mention here. The topical coverage of foreign
words will help to add depth to your written presentations.
The use of foreign words can be tricky. This work helps to
provide the requisite precision so that you can utilize
vocabulary correctly and in the intended contextual framework.
Rating:  Summary: THE SPINE IS NOT PRINTED UPSIDE DOWN Review: This book is the best. Much better than Words into Type which hasn't been updated since hot type was replaced by computers.