Rating:  Summary: Simply Terrible (and Deceptive)... Review: Somehow this book expects you to distort your vision and flip through the pages of a book really fast and you'll magically absorb 90% of the material. Right...I can assure you that even the author of this book probably doesn't believe his outrageous lies. He even states clearly at one point that "you won't achieve conscious awareness of material that you photoread" until you somehow place yourself in a position where you need to recall the information! That's a great way to get yourself fired! For those of you out there that value your academic and professional career so little that you really want to photoread those textbooks and reports and hope and pray that you "absorbed" the material properly, this is the book and the techniques for you. For the rest of us, try buying a book on time management to clear more time in your day to read what you need to rather than rely on some silly photoreading technique that likely won't be very effective.
Rating:  Summary: don't believe the hype Review: I think photoreading is useful but absolutely does not replace howard berg's techniques. Photoreading I don't care what the commercial says you're not going to flip through at a page a second and remember everything, but what you will be able to do is get alot of important concepts and ideas more quickly. You will be able to write reports faster on non fiction material. A novel you cannot photoread because you're going for every last detail in the book. And even when you do Photoread something you still have to use the other steps in the system. They're lying to you when they say you can photoread non fiction technical computer manuals; it ain't going to happen.
Rating:  Summary: An explanation Review: ...Well I've read the book and done a course. ... In the course the technique is taught in only 10 minutes. For the next 3 days we are practicing the technique mainly just to prove to the audience that it works. The photoreading system can be taught to a child in a few minutes, yet the average adult takes days. This is due to a child will whatever you tell them where as an adult has learned to be skeptical of something out of the ordinary...P>... The last step is to activate all of the info you have collected.
Rating:  Summary: a wonderful book that change my life Review: After I had read the book, my reading speed is increased from 10 min /per page to 1 second /per page. I think I just like alien come from other planet that consume page like a machine. Today, I read 100 books /per week. What a wonderful change !
Rating:  Summary: Photoreading works for you, and only you. Review: This book can give a different perspective on reading and memory. In reading this book, I consistently remember: "every person is different", if you can truly accept, and understand this premise -and follow it- you will understand this book. This premise also holds true for Hypnosis, creativity, meditation, memory, personality and the like. This is why reviews of this book are so varied in their points of view. However, for the vast majority of readers the Photoreading process works as mentioned. I have learned over the years to block others opinions and focus on my own. Many self-help books, memory, reading, there is a heavy emphasis on concentration and focus, this book is no exception. The process of Photoreading takes considerable practice and a consistent attitude. Follow-through is important. If you are troubled with motivation try the "Motivaider," check the Internet, Paul Scheele has been quoted as using this tool. I found the tape courses of deep insight into the course. In the tape courses Paul Scheele tells the student this course is not photo-recall of text, but the absorption of text. I have talked to people who are confused on this point. If you like the book, you may seriously enjoy the taped course, or the live seminars throughout the states. I use Photoreading for skimming, dipping, and grazing text. I find it very useful for this type of reading because there is a lot of bogus reading material. However, when reading for comprehension and recall I read much slower -although fast- in order to have complete and sometimes photographic recall of material. I found that Photoreading helps a great deal when you slow your reading speed, you might find you have much better comprehension of material when practiced many times. The book has many sound, and practical meditation exercises. Paul explains mind mapping as well. The Photoreading course is a stair-stepping progression; it builds on itself over time. Photoreading is one of many memory, and speed reading techniques on the market. Experiment, test, and examine others, only if you have given Photoreading a good deal of practice, with little results. I found this book of much help, but I did find the taped course very beneficial in other areas, such as guided meditation. Use the book, but do not follow blindly, or you will not see.
Rating:  Summary: If you can meditate, you can do what this book says. Review: Halfway through the book. When I originally bought this book all the reviews were split on if photoreading really works. It does but it's not that easy...at first. It relies heavily on your ability to go into a meditative trance to read at absurdly high rates. Many people will sit down and try and think it's full of ... and that it doesnt' work. It works but the key is to not to try too hard. You have to let it happen. Much like how meditating works. You have to let go and trust it to work. The only bad thing about this book is it is alot of info shoved into a book. And the info density is fairly high. It's moderate in reading difficulty but it can be gotten through. How thigns are explained repetitively is because the concepts are extremely simple yet not easily understood. The whole mind system or whatever it's called, basically takes everything you know about reading and throws it out the window, they want you to start from scratch. This is hard because it's become second nature, just like how speech and driving becomes second nature. dont look at a page and see words see patterns of text. The way it actually works in the end via activation is simply by 'reminding' yourself of the info. It's there, you just dont conciously know it beucase you didn't conciously read it. It's like if someone drove you somewhere and then you were asked to drive to teh same location, but with you driving, not them. You sit tehre and go'oh yeah I saw this landmarka dn that one' teh 'oh yeah' part is you reembering, even though you didn't conciously really notice the land marks. Hope this review helps. Your memory will incrase. I see it as your brain adapting, to the new ability to have vastly incrased amounts of info dumped into it. Got more traffic? Build a highway. The only puzzle to this one is; are dormant neural connectiosn activated, or does the brain construct new ones to accomdoate the extra memory bandwidth needed?
Rating:  Summary: A tool for a certain type of reading- not for all types Review: I'd like to remain anonymous because I've said online before (not here though) that Photoreading did not work for me and I probably turned people away from it with my negative comments. I did the tape course about a year ago and came to the conclusion that it didn't work as well as they claimed. Anyway, I just gave my final speech in speech class and I used what I learned in Photoreading to prepare for them all. Before this semester I really had no way (other than pleasure reading) of testing it. I spent approximately 5 hours this semester preparing all my speeches. Everyone else spent between 30 and 50 hours on the 4 speeches we had to do. I've come to the conclusion that Photoreading is for research reading, not pleasure reading. I feel terrible for badmouthing it before and hope someone will listen to me now when I say IT REALLY DOES WORK if you are reading to solve a specific problem or have specific questions you need answered. The book has alot more information than the course. Most of the course is wasted on relaxation exercises and the guy repeating stuff that's just in the book. Reading 1 book at a time is a total waste of time using this system, in my opinion. It's really good for taking on huge projects requiring reading multiple books and searching within mountains of information. Used on 1 book it can be beaten by normal speedreading. When it comes to pleasure reading, forget it. I just wanted to set the record straight. It's a tool for blasting thru non-pleasure reading and I highly recommend it if you're a student or have a job requiring alot of reading.
Rating:  Summary: The book is good once you sift thru the marketing Review: I read every review here and couldn't stop laughing. Photoreading does do something and is definately worth the $(dollar amount). My grades were C's and now I'm easily getting B's and A's with less effort so I'm very happy but it's not anything like they tell you it is. Paul is a cool guy and I think he means well and wants to help people but he took Tony Robbins' idea of modeling just a little too far with this PR course. Every "step" of PR is taken directly from another book and re-named something else. The relaxation process is standard pre-hypnosis stuff, affirmations (more hypnosis), purposes and questions (NLP), photoreading (Mental Photography, Subliminal Dynamics and Brain Management course), Superreading/Dipping/Skittering/RapidReading (standard runofthemill speedreading techniques), Mind Mapping (Tony Buzan's book). There just ain't anything here that's NEW. The Photoreading step really does something but it's not what they say it is. Yes you do get hunches, feelings and intuitive thoughts comming to you after you PR but big deal. You still have to read it all in order to understand those feelings. I think that PR is an excellent study method for students but a poor way to read a book you are interested in. It's great for going thru mountains of information when you know what you're looking for but terrible for reading a book for the purpose of learning new ideas. If you do nothing but Photoread then rapid read books from now on, the $(dollar amount) you spent will be worth it. Running thru the steps has helped my grades and I think SuperReading and dipping is 10 times faster than speedreading. Having all these individual steps together in one book is quite an accomplishment because they all work together (for NLP's auditory, kinesthetic, visual learners) but when all is said and done, if you've just Pr'd/Superread/dipped a book you've not really read all the words and are more than likely missing out of things. I think it's an outstanding study method for something you've READ before and now you're memorizing certain key facts for tests (because that's what I do now) but it's not anything like they say it's like. Syntopic reading is a killer way to do a report though. That chapter alone was worth $100+ to me last semester.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Amazing! Review: This program is fantastic! I have been a very slow reader, 150 words per minute. The whole mind approach has totally revolutionized my reading and my life. I am now reading books that used to take 20+ hours of reading in 2 hours with much greater comprehension. I have tried speed reading and other programs that required tremendous amounts of practice, with very little success. This is totally different. It is very simple, so simple, I think most people will try too hard and miss it. Steve.
Rating:  Summary: so its one or five stars ehh? Review: Well I find it fairly fishy that this book either receives five or one star and none anywhere in the middle (I know Iknow I'm guilty too). I also find it quite interesting that the majority of five star reviews also sound almost exactly like the infomercial that sparked my intrest in this system. Anywho... Try this folks 1) stand in a room with lots of people in it. 2) Talk to someone in the room but within a distance that you can hear others conversations if you concentrate on them. 3) DONT concentrate on them. 4) see if you can remember the conversations of the people you weren't listening too. 5) If you seriously beleive you will be able too.... GO BUY PHOTOREADING you deserve to get suckered (at least its by a good salesman)