Rating:  Summary: This book is a MUST for LSAT Review:
I read many LSAT books and this is the best one that I have ever learned.
This book is an excellent investment on my LAW book shelf.
Rating:  Summary: Should be better Review:
I'll be short. I found this book poorly written and poorly organized.
Rating:  Summary: Gives FALSE CONFIDENCE and OVERCOMPLICATES Review: After reading all the good reviews, I was VERY upset with what this book did to my performance, and it is way to expensive! IT SLOWED ME DOWN AND OVERCOMPLICATED my games approach. It filled my head with too many terms and information that was not helpful during the 35 minutes they give you for games on the LSAT!On the positive side, this book would be good if it was only meant to give you a history about what happened on the LSAT Logic Games sections during 1991 thru 1999, and if you could travel back in time and get one of those games the book explains. The majority of the book merely describes the general categories games fit into, with only a small amount of helpfull strategy advice sprinkled in here and there. Most of the strategies were obvious, like drawing a diagram and re-writing out the rules with symbols. (look at the table of contents if you don't believe me) While describing the basic game categories (most of which are obvious if take a few practice LSAT's) the book spends lots of time teaching you neat 'gee-wiz I'm smart' nicknames and labels the author made up to describe the relatively obvious concepts and ideas. Unfortunately, a lot of my study time with the book was memorizing all the authors cute nicknames and labels for the catagories and concepts. (would you like to borrow my flashcards?) Too bad NONE of that terminology is used on any LSAT I practiced with, and too bad the LSAT DOES NOT award you points for knowing what catagory a game fits into. For each game catagory it simply describes what types of relationships exist, most of which will be obvious if you just take a few practice LSAT's. FOR EXAMPLE: The chapter on grouping games, which the book emphasizes as one of the two most important catagories, teaches you that these games are about figuring out which variables can be together in a group! (oh really?) The rules of those games make that obvious if you can read!! Like: 8 people will be divided into two committees, with four people on each committee. Beyond that it just spends a few pages confusing you with gee-wiz terms that won't be on the test. If you are smart enough to get into law school, you can easily figure out almost everything this book tells you simply by buying and practicing with a few LSAT tests. All the information this book packed into my head made me overconfident because those gee-wiz terms gave me a sense that I had an inside scoop on the test. It also SLOWED ME DOWN on test day. I wasted time trying to figure out how the book would describe the games I had to do, rather than just doing them. If you are serious about doing well on games, spend your money on practice tests rather than this book. With a little practice, you'll easily figure out most of what this book tells you.
Rating:  Summary: WONDER TOOL FOR THE LSAT! Review: Are you smart? Were you shocked at how fundamentally simple you felt in the presence of the logic games section? Read on. Of 77-78 possible points on the other three LSAT sections, I typically score 70-72, not a slouch performance. On my first LSAT pre-assessment GAMES section I answered 12 (half of the possible) with only two correct answers. You want to talk about a reality check?! The sheer magnitude of the failure crushed me. So I did what you've likely done - purchased "Master", "Princeton", "Kaplan", "Kaplan 180", blah, blah, blah, ad infinitum. Most give obtuse instruction for someone with my GAMES ability. I needed remedial help from step one with a "1-2-3 learn and apply" appoach. This is where the "Bible" shines. By using accessible language for someone from a non-logic background, it guides you step by step into full comprehension of games principles (through the most complex and universally applicable) and, most importantly to me, to practical application of those principles by drilling in practice exericses. Included are full (read:complete) explanations of all answers for the times you say, "huh?". Remember calculus? You kind of understood the fundamental principles, but the ceaseless practice (homework) made you proficient. Same thing. No need to have the esoteric comprehension of a logician when you can apply and win. After all, isn't law about practical application of principles? (Aspiring judges primed to write opinions and set precedents please do not respond.) If you are already scoring 20 points in the GAMES section or possess a preternatural ability to manipulate these questions in mental space, forget this book. Pick up "Kaplan 180" and enjoy your Yale scholarship. For the rest of us, the "Bible" is REQUIRED reading.
Rating:  Summary: the best Review: Based on my reading of reviews of various study guides, and of the "teaser" sections of many study guide websites, as well as on my personal experience with several guides, I must say that the Logic Games Bible is easily the best of its class. Stated briefly, the LGB helped me bring myself from a state of near panic to the 99th percentile among LSAT testers. The advantage of LGB over the competition is threefold: - an emphasis upon a simple, analytic approach to understanding problem types. - realistic and efficient diagramming strategies appropriate to each game type. - lack of "tricks" and "shortcuts" for "beating" the LSAT. Taking the analytic section of the LSAT involves a good deal of logic, some art, and intensive practice. The LGB gives the student a start on the correct approach without proffering false promises of acing the test through non-existent "secret strategies." If you are having no problem with the reading comp and logic sections of the test, but the analytic section is proving to be a bugbear, then I would suggest that you stick exclusively to the Logic Games Bible in conjunction with the LSAT preptests (for practice).
Rating:  Summary: An Incredible Resource Review: Before finding this book I was hoping to cut my losses to just 9 questions missed on the games section. It was very frustrating because I am extremely strong on the other LSAT sections and it seemed as though the games had the power to really sink my score. Not so anymore. I now believe I am quite capable of hitting every game and missing less then 6 questions on the entire section. I am now aiming to consistently miss 3 or 4 questions max per games section, and believe this is a very reasonable goal. It also takes pressure off of my performance on the other sections. I have spent about 3 weeks emersed in this book, and this past weekend I finished a couple games in under 6 minutes with every question right. Give yourself a chance. I was stinking up the first couple of shapters, and almost felt like I was a lost cause, but I went through the first 2 chapters 3 times and actually learned a lot from redoing games over and over again. By the time I reached the grouping games I realized I was getting better at them. Generally, each game has a major constraint of some kind that can easily be overlooked, but if indentified can allow the game to be solved in sufficient time. The book gives you very solid strategies for breaking down the games that will better enable you to identify these constraints. My advice for a successful games performance is to work through this book thoroughly, then practice on MANY real tests with the techniques learned in the book. If you bomb a game on a practice test, be sure to identify the strategy from this book that would have allowed you to complete it sucessfully. You should find that with time you naturally come up with the right strategy for any game you encounter. You may find that following the book will slow you down at first, but I would not worry about time until you have the methods down. I am finding that I can put most games now in context to something I have done and I am becoming adept at using strategies I have learned from past mistakes. As with any resource, you may find that some modifications will suit you. I find that as long as I have a strong initial diagram, I dont have to diagram for many of the questions as i can just do the work in my head. I also made some slight modifications to a few of the rule symbols. Do what works for you, but give this book a chance. If my games performance can get better then anyones can! You should also find that your short term memory improves with frequent games practice, this will allow you to keep better track of rules in your head. I thought that the years of excess had taken a toll on my short term memory, but it seeems to be waking up nicely. best of luck. this along with practice tests and possibly the Nova book for some basics on reading comp/logic reasoning are probably the best way to spend your money. I have found the Kaplan and Princeton Review books to be pretty useless. I actually took a Kaplan course when I took the test about 6 years ago and it was a complete waste of time and money. Did nothing to improve my score.
Rating:  Summary: You need this book to get into law school. Review: Everyone reading this page is doing so for a reason: You are scared of the "games" section. You need to do well on this section in order to gain acceptance to law school. This book will undoubtedly make the difference between success and failure. If you devote yourself to this "Bible" you will be able to attend the school of your dreams!
Rating:  Summary: BAD BOOK Review: Five Words of Advice: DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK! I've read my share of books on the LSAT, and this is absolutely the worst. I feel that people would be better off buying any other book on this subject. I am a bright, nimble individual, quick on the uptake, and I read books on logic games and LSAT questions because I find them stimulating and enjoyable. Most of the time. In the process of reading this particular book, however, I felt as if my brain was being wrung out like a mop. The goal of such books should be to help people think clearly and score well on the LSAT, not to muddle their thinking, not to twist and tangle the fiber of their brains. Lord, it was painful for me, but I read this book all the way through, and I'm just thankful my wits are still intact. I'm slowly recovering from the ordeal, and as part of the healing process, I am writing this review so that others might not make the same mistake I did.
Rating:  Summary: If You are Scared by Logic Games Get This Book! Review: For me, the worst part of the LSAT was the logic games section. I purchased several other books including Kaplan and Princeton Review before buying this book. This by far, was the best resource I could have invested in for the Logic Games Section of the LSAT. I can't imagine having taken the test without the aid of this book. It wasn't a page turner, but I worked my way through each chapter carefully and ended up doing much better on the Logic Games section of the LSAT than I ever imagined possible. If you are anything like me and are CONFUSED and frustrated by the logic games and about to give up, buy this book, work through it carefully, take notes, and you will notice a huge difference in your performance. Following the advice in this book was the single most important step I took in improving my score, and I recommend this book to anyone who wants to get a good LSAT score and is willing to invest some time and energy in methodically applying the techniques that are outlined in the book to their practice tests and studies.
Rating:  Summary: Buyers beware! Review: From personal experience, I strongly caution anyone from dealing with PowerScore.
I bought two books from them, Logic Games Bible and Logical Reasoning Bible. During shipment, my plans changed as I decided not to take the LSAT. Upon receiving the books, I called PowerScore and asked for a refund. They informed me that absolutely no refunds on books are given once shipped. Needless to say, I was disappointed to hear this. I don't remember seeing this on their website, yet it is posted but it is not obvious when buying online and checking out. Most, if not all, reputable retailers will refund your money, usually within two weeks or 30 days of purchase. I believe PowerScore is not a reputable retailer. Refunds for items mistakenly bought or not used is a valid "consumer protection" policy. PowerScore does not abide by this policy. I will not do business from any vendor that I believe is not reputable and PowerScore falls into that category. Buyers beware!