It's trendy these days to decry a lack of loyalty among employers, employees, customers, and even investors, and blame it for everything from drops in business profitability to the decline of civilized society. But Frederick F. Reichheld, a Bain & Company director emeritus, insists that loyalty lives--and, in fact, remains a major reason for the success enjoyed by some of the leading names in both the Old and New Economies. Loyalty Rules, his follow-up to 1996's The Loyalty Effect, shows how practices that built such relationships in organizations like Harley-Davidson, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, Cisco Systems, and the U.S. Marine Corps help improve the atmosphere for all concerned and aid in producing better bottom-line results. The bulk of the book focuses on specific, real-world applications of Reichheld's Six Principles of Loyalty: in "Preach What You Practice," for example, he outlines various ways that "loyalty leaders" can articulate relevant concepts while clarifying "how these same philosophical foundations are ... not just feel-good platitudes." Reichheld also includes sample questionnaires from his Acid Test Survey, a critical part of the prescribed diagnosis-and-remedy program that is freely available on the author's Web site. --Howard Rothman