Rating:  Summary: This Stuff Works!! Review: As the CEO of a Corporate Training Business, I have watched our business grow exponentially as a result of the work I've done with Jan & Stacey. I've read a lot of books about selling and marketing, but this one worked. Not only that, it was simple. I kept thinking there must be more, but it's that easy. Divided into three parts, the book takes the essence of the work that Jan & Stacey do in their workshops and makes it available to everyone. If you think you've read all the books you care to on Sales & Marketing, there's one more...THIS ONE. I bought 25 just to give to our business associates and partners.
Rating:  Summary: A Unique Marketing Approach Review: Having been in business for over thirty years, I was surprised to learn of an approach to better marketing that I'd not heard before. I am clearly convinced that by adopting the Strategic Synchronicity philosophy all companies can improve their effectiveness, and, more importantly, the bottom line. I am still amazed at the pure simplicity of the approach: but then aren't the best ideas always the simplest? I am hoping Hall and Brogniez will give us another book on applying the same principles to other aspects of life; relationships, self-improvement, personal growth, etc. I have no doubt that "The Power of Strategic Synchronicity" will be just as effective in life applications as in business. I wish I'd a thought of it first!!
Rating:  Summary: Supercharge your business by attacting perfect customers Review: I can't begin to tell you the number of books I read each month covering the topics of branding, marketing, advertising, ecommerce, client building and sales. This book managed to get away from all the matters normally discussed in collegiate texts and boil down business development to the nitty-gritty...attracting the perfect customer for YOUR business.I read the book outloud to my pregnant wife and openly discussed the merits of each chapter and exercise to see how our individual businesses would be affected. The authors say that once you've established a Strategic Attraction Plan, you could see results within 48 hours. For me, try 24 hours. I put together an email for my past clients which was personal, devoid of sales generation speak and asked them to tell me how to help THEM succeed. The result? Customers suggesting products they would buy. Customers telling me success stories they had with my products. Customers buying greater-than-average orders of my product. Read the book. Distill the information. Do the exercises. I have no doubt that this book will enable you to figure out how to increase the sales of your company, how you establish and build a rapport with customers and more importantly, establish abundance in all that you do.
Rating:  Summary: I love this book! Review: I had a hard time putting this book down! I found it easy to read, very well written, and POWERFUL. The same day that I created my strategic attraction plan as outlined in the book, I began seeing results that evening at a function I attended; results that were directly stated in my attraction plan. The book is written in a way that makes so much sense, I knew it would work and that it was the approach I want for launching my business. "Attracting Perfect Customers" definitely gave me a new and exciting perspective on what I can create for myself and my business!
Rating:  Summary: Attracting Perfection in Life!!!!! Review: I have found this book to be powerfully amazing. I'm using it to attract foster parents to my organization and the results are phenominal. It's also a little wild - I've started to attract perfect sales people too.
Rating:  Summary: Supercharge your business by attacting perfect customers Review: I intruct an eight-week marketing class and I usually talk about this book as part of class one or class two. I've had hard-nosed marketing executives and sales experts flip out at how simple and amazing Stacey and Jan's concept is. It just makes total sense. You're missing a huge part of marketing if you don't have this book and use it often.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant!! A must-have for marketers Review: I intruct an eight-week marketing class and I usually talk about this book as part of class one or class two. I've had hard-nosed marketing executives and sales experts flip out at how simple and amazing Stacey and Jan's concept is. It just makes total sense. You're missing a huge part of marketing if you don't have this book and use it often.
Rating:  Summary: Full of fluff Review: I was very attracted to the title of this book, but I could not find anything in it that was fresh, helpful or concrete. The tone of the book is cloying and New Age-ish. And to top it off, the book ends with 18 pages of advertising for the authors' friends and colleagues. All in all, a HUGE disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: The Enlightened 80/20 Rule Approach to Doing Business! Review: I've had a few weeks to let this book sink in and I must say that I'm very impressed with what these authors have written. Basing a business approach on the Law of Attraction may seem a little new-agey to some hardened business people. But a great gift of the New Age thinkers is the betterment of our society and living with integrity. Being a former business owner (and present-day self-help author), I can really appreciate the concept of attracting the best customers and the best employees. The recommended strategy of finding out what makes people tick, looking for room for improvement, finding out what others expect of you, and having more than one plan are clearly defined in the "Strategic Attraction Process." These authors understand another gift of New Age thinking and that is the concept of manifesting results. That starts with ideas, thinking, attitudes, identities, standards and beliefs. This foundation is thoroughly covered in the "6 Standards of Strategic Synchonicity." But my favorite part of the book is where they talk about the "21 Daily Tips." Here is a simple treasure chest of ideas for stimulating the attraction process. Some enlightened goodies include: * Let your perfect customer know they are perfect * Expect breakthroughs to look like breakdowns * Share, share, and share yourself * Break bread with a competitor * Accept that you don't know * Make irresistible improvements I could go on and on about this book. It all boils down to approaching business from a higher place and enjoying the benefits of giving your passion to the value you produce. Becoming an enlightened business person is a great way to live your passion! This book certainly helps in your quest.
Rating:  Summary: This book delivers on its promise! Review: It's hard for me to put into words how much this book has changed my life. By decalring exactly who I wanted my perfect customers to be, I attract them to me. More rewarding than the increased sales is the fact that I get to truly be myself in my work, and get more cliens, respect, and money doing so. What could be more perfect than that?