Rating:  Summary: Do movies instead Review: Schwarzenegger was the best and most dominant bodybuilder inhistime. I am not trying to take anything away from hisaccomplishments. However, one thing he is not to the masses is an BBinstructor. His training routines and philosophies are flawed and attimes embarassing. It will take an exceptional, genetically giftedperson ... to acheive such a significant build following this book,and there certainly exists a much better means of doing so.The onlymerit I find for the book is the comprehensive list of exercises (mostwhich are unnecessary, but I believe you should be at least aware of)and a brief history of who's who in the BB world (if you are into thatsort of thing).... This will at least point you in the rightdirection. "You wouldn't ask a race horse on how hetrains." Arthur Jones
Rating:  Summary: All the answers you'll need Review: This book is complete in every sense of the word, from the history of bodybuilding to nutrition. It explains how to workout when to workout and how to setup your own personal workout plan. It also tells you how to eat to gain muscle. This book will be in your library for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: Unless you have Ahhnold's genetics - DON"T BUY THIS BOOK Review: The training techniques promoted in this book are training suicide for most of the population. If you are interested in real results look at books by Stuart McRobert and Brooks Kubrik.
Rating:  Summary: best workout book I have ever read!!! Review: Excellent reference for those who like working out. Even if you are just starting out, this book has excellent exercises and it shows how to do them the correct way, to prevent injury and maximize your workout. It has a very detailed history of the sport of bodybuilding. The last chapter explains proper dieting very well, and it seperates fact from fiction. I would also recommend this book to anyone who wants to lose weight- as long as they realize the book is designed for bodybuilders. But I might be somewhat biased because I've always been a big Arnold fan.
Rating:  Summary: The worst thing ever hapened to my live!! Review: Really, if you don't take steroids as arnold did, do you think that you could train six times a week (sometimes even with a two times a day split) without overtraining?? I was one of the stupids who thought that I could, and the result was that a did not gain even 1 grm. I spend three years of my live trining this way until I realized that I was overtraining. I hate arnold since then!!! If you realy want to grow naturally, spend your many on Beyond Brown or Heavy Duty. Any coments feel free to e-mail me at derek_farren@hotmail.com
Rating:  Summary: An excellent encyclopedia - use it like any other reference Review: This is a wonderful refernce if you like to exercise using free weights and get bored with the same routine over and over again. Every excerise you can think of is in here with big, clear photographs and detailed descriptions. Arnold uses the excercises to assemble basic through advanced workout plans that can be used strictly and aggressively, or simply as guidelines. For example, if you don't want to do the clean and press as a primary shoulder excercise in the basic workout, there are a half-dozen other excersises described in detail you can substitute. The point is, there are a lot of ideas that you, your lifting partner, or even your personal trainer might not have thought of. Additionaly, he includes a great section that details ways to impose variations on each of the excercises such as forced negatives, alternate heavy days, super-sets, etc. I have used the workouts as templates for my own program. Arnold stresses a balanced workout, and I think if you keep that in mind while looking at his programs and building your own, you will really get a lot out of this reference. The nutrition section is pretty basic - eat a balanced 40-40-20 (protein-carb-fat) diet, and stay away from excess sugars and junk food. No big surprises. If you're looking for a complete analysis of modern vitamins and nutritional supplements, this probably isn't the book you're looking for. The nutrition section is probably the most dated, but the basic message is simple: along with a lot of heavy weights, stick to whole foods, and drink a ton of water. Maybe you don't want to have a couple of eggs and a 1/4 lb steak for breakfast every morning, but you might not be training for Mr. Universe, either. Again, I think Arnold's point is balance. The key to getting in shape is obviously discipline and consistency - I think using this reference helps because if you get bored doing the same thing for about three weeks (like I do) you can flip through this book and find many many other excercises to maintain a balanced program, but maybe mix it up once in a while to keep the gym interesting. You can also use some of the alternate techniques to put a new slant on your existing workout. This is a very good reference if you enjoy lifting or are just getting started and need a little direction. I flip through a section or two every few weeks just to get some new ideas or reinforce old ones. Take it literally or loosely, just get in the gym or nothing will ever work!
Rating:  Summary: Great book! Review: A must for any bodybuilder! Includes weider principles such as pyramiding etc. Great nutritional information and general tips from Arnold himself! It's hard not to trust Arnold!
Rating:  Summary: it's almost as big as arnold Review: this is an excellent book written by the guy everyone associates with the sport. it has great information on the history of bodybuilding and tips on competing. but you don't have to be a bodybuilder to enjoy this book. i'm not. i'm just a guy who goes to the gym to keep in shape and have the physicality i want. and arnold's book can be a great help, especially if you are like me and get bored with certain exercises easily. the part of the book that really makes it all worthwhile is the section(s) that deal with the different exercises for each body part.
Rating:  Summary: Best bodybuilding book on the market Review: This book is great. It gives you all the basics along with advanced training. It covers the history of the sport,training,posing, and nutrition. By far one of the best books on lifting ever. It is the Bible!!