In 1993, Anthony and Paul Tedesco published one of the first 'zines on the Web--the Trincoll Journal (HotWired was the other). Now, a mere seven years later, the Tedesco brothers have produced the "first-ever database of pay-and-policy information for more than 200 paying online markets." Whew--we've come a long way, fast. The Tedescos' Online Markets for Writers is an indispensable resource for anyone wanting to write for the Web, not to mention anyone wondering how to recycle all those yellowing clips. While some of the book's listings are more thorough than others, all include basic contact information, and most describe a given publication's editorial needs. The best listings offer pointers from editors, as well as inside scoop from contributors (it would be nice if there were more of the latter). Duly armed, you'll know what you're up against when you submit to Epicurious ("We have never accepted an unsolicited submission"), ("It will be a rare exception if we respond at all"), or Business Week Online ("Not worth all the aggravation," says one writer). Accompanying the listings are hints on writing for the Internet (make it short and personal, and provide links); profiles of Internet writers and editors; a sample Internet writing contract; the contract the National Writers Union would like to see used; and the Tedescos' 10 favorite places to be published online. At book's end, online writers and editors divulge their favorite Web sites--as if we needed more excuses to procrastinate. The problem with all this burgeoning technology, I hear you thinking, is that so much of it is fleeting. By the time a book like this is released, half the data is obsolete. Perhaps. But the Tedescos are one step ahead of you. They plan to update the book via a free e-mail newsletter. --Jane Steinberg