Genealogy Online presents a lot of information, much (but not all) of it having to do with finding facts about family lineage on the Internet. Mostly, this is a directory of big genealogy Web sites, newsgroups, mailing lists, and commercial services. It's also an introduction to Web communities and the tools you need to participate in them. These are the things you'll need to understand in order to extract and contribute information about your heritage as part of the Internet community. Elizabeth Powell Crowe covers RootsWeb, the ROOTS-L mailing list, AfriGeneas, and the remarkable online genealogy resources maintained by the Mormon Church. She also pays attention to the Golden Gate forum on America Online and some of CompuServe's genealogy forums. There's some coverage of standalone family-history software like Family Tree Maker and some useful information about genealogical concepts like Ahnentafels numbers. Genealogy Online would be better if it included more information about obscure Internet resources sites having to do with particular families or small ethnic groups. There are enough of these to make an annotated directory worthwhile. The author also could dispense with most of the general Internet how-to information, which occupies a lot of this book. --David Wall