Knowledge of Windows 2000 will always be marketable, and a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) rating will help you prove you know your way around Microsoft-standard networks. MCSE Windows 2000 Core Four for Dummies contains four books, each dedicated to helping you untangle the requirements of one of the four required MCSE tests. MCSE Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure for Dummies decodes Active Directory and its related services. MCSE Windows 2000 Server for Dummies deals with services configuration. MCSE Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies has to do with the workstation end of the Windows 2000 system. MCSE Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure for Dummies teaches network topology, cabling, hardware, and data communications theory. As a package, this boxed set costs about a third less than its component books purchased separately. Its bargain price alone isn't enough to justify purchase of this set, but that in combination with its high quality is more than adequate rationale. The Dummies format (which emphasizes short, quickly absorbable passages of text) works to maximum effect in communicating theory and technique to readers. Even confusing subjects--Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) is an example--are explained both completely and concisely. Sure, you'll need practice and probably a Windows 2000 reference--these are not encyclopedic reference books--to pass the exam, but the books in this set will help you fill the gaps in your knowledge. --David Wall Topics covered: The published scope of the four required MCSE exams, which test the candidate's ability to design and configure local and wide area networks (LANs and WANs) under Microsoft Windows 2000, implement Active Directory schemes on those networks, and provide services to network users.