Every partner company of Cisco Systems needs a number of Cisco-certified people on its staff. While the basic Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam will satisfy basic Cisco requirements, the Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA) indicates more rigorous training and greater capability. Job applicants with CCDAs will outshine CCNAs every time. CCDA Exam Certification Guide will help you earn your CCDA rating, obviously, but goes beyond mere test preparation by explaining the concepts that govern the behavior of Cisco data networking equipment. Look in this book--authorized by Cisco, and written with the help of a number of its employees--for the background material you need in order to make sense of product manuals and command-line help. The authors begin each chapter with a quiz that's meant to gauge your understanding of a subject (IPv6 addressing, for instance) and thereby help you spend your study time wisely. A reader who commits to working through a particular chapter is first presented with increasingly detailed information, beginning with general concepts and theories and ending with specific product details and procedures, where they're applicable. Chapters end with quizzes that contain questions in the style of the exam, and the book's final 10 percent or so is devoted to case studies that illustrate how the CCDA techniques taught elsewhere might be put into practice. Overall, CCDA Exam Certification Guide comes across as a careful and comprehensive treatment of the published CCDA exam objectives, and a volume that will reward diligent study. --David Wall Topics covered: The subjects covered on the Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA) exam (640-861). These include design methodologies, LAN and WAN design principles, addressing and routing, and integrated security.