Martha Williamson, the executive producer of the hit television series Touched by an Angel, found herself in a spiritual dilemma when she began planning her wedding. Although she saw numerous books that told her how much money to spend and how many guests to invite and offered mind-boggling check lists, she could not find a book that talked about how to create a wedding that celebrated the union before God. What soon became clear to Williamson is that she wasn't interested in elaborate theme weddings, staged performances, or even tasteful displays of wealth. She wanted to create a wedding that invited God's presence. "Because when God is there suddenly all your priorities are in order," she writes. This is indeed an excellent resource for getting prenuptial priorities straight. Chapters include "The Myth of the Dream Wedding" and "I Don't Want a Religious Wedding," where Williamson explains that God can be present even without a religious structure. In "Dousing Old Flames and Severing Soul Ties," Williamson discusses letting go of those deep ties to old lovers in order to be fully present with your new beloved. These are the kind of warm and honest discussions we might have with our dearest, wisest aunts. Fortunately, Williamson is here to hold the hand of every bride who is looking for more than prom-glitz and theme galas and is instead seeking a more authentic and sacred union. --Gail Hudson