Rating:  Summary: The Prayer of Jabez: Breakthrough to the Blessed Life Review: This is a brilliant and insightful book that is written by someone whom is living a yeilded life to Our Lord and Saviour Yeshuah The Messiah, this book has really helped me achieve a far more closer relationship with The Father and Creator of us all, and lets me know that we all can be used of Our Father far more than we can imagine or think and be highly effective in sharing Our Fathers love in the many circles of life we travel and live in. I brought copies of this book for all of my adult children and told many friends about it.
Rating:  Summary: To all those who give Jabez a bad review! Review: Oh ye of little faith. Mr. Wilkinson simply quotes scripture and how God honored the prayer of a poor man named Jabez. Is that so wrong? No. In fact, that is why 9 million Americans have purchased this book, is because watching God honor a poor man is quite delightful. For a common reader to purchase such a book the simply quotes an honorable blessing like that of Jabez and then read it in the hopes of becoming honorable in the eyes of the Living God is a testament to that person's personal journey with the Lord. For a shallow thinking person to catch the first glimpse of something so popular that it may outsell Harry Potter, Who Moved My Cheese, Clancey, and Grisham and then to throw Jabez out without considering God's honorable message in his Word, would be to miss God's own word itself. May the readers of Jabez continue to find their Living God who wants to bless them and who does promise in His Word to listen to them. Who knows, in the 9 million that have purchased it, maybe there have already been some "sceptics" who have prayed the prayer as I have, and found God Almighty blessing their socks off. Read this book, then read your Bible, then pray to God himself, and watch your life unfold a story you never knew was possible. He will do it. He already did it with me, a simple and poor man of no means, but of big heart. I love those who read Jabez and prayer God will honor all of you who read it.
Rating:  Summary: As C. S. Lewis once said, few people fail at Christianity... Review: As C. S. Lewis once said, few people fail at Christianity because few people have really tried it. I sometimes think the movements that embrace popular Christianity,... this Jabez fetish, the Promise Keepers and so on (See how God can change your life in one easy step!!!)--are the equivalent of spiritual vaccines,...they introduce us to a minor strain of the concept of Christianity so that we are immune to the real thing. Isn't... it funny that a faith that posits that God had to incarnate himself in human form so as to suffer earthly death as a means to save our souls can suddenly offer guaranteed results (Early on in this little tome Wilkinson states rather baldly this is a prayer God always answers.... Oh, really?) and the spiritual equivalent of better-than-market returns with virtually no pain, no effort and no need for introspection, piety or, indeed, any real expression of faith? H. L. Mencken once observed that no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. Mr. Wilkinson is proving that the same apparently can be said about underestimating the shallowness of the spirituality of the American public as well.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Example of Faulty Exegesis Review: I will not waste space critiquing this sorry excuse of a book here. See this comprehensive page instead: http://homepage.mac.com/bereanbunch/jabez.html Let me summarize by saying: - most Christians lack the biblical discernment to know bad teaching when they see it; - most Christian book publishers are in it for the $$$; - most seminary training is ultimately useless if they can produce writers like Wilkinson who has such a bad grasp of hermeneutics and theology. Save your money and read Douglas Jones' hilarious parody, "The Mantra of Jabez" instead.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: This book was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It goes into one of the hidden secrets of the bible, often over looked. The Prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9. Its amazing how in depth he took that one verse. Great book for all Christians and non.
Rating:  Summary: A Practical Book on Prayer Review: This is a practical book on prayer. Sometimes, people don't know how to pray or how to talk to God. Jesus gave us an example that we could repeat in the "Our Father". Bruce Wilkinson has found another prayer in the bible, the Prayer of Jabez, to help us talk to God. This is a wonderful book for someone who is new to a spirital life. It is simple and easy to understand. I recommend this book for anyone who wants to learn how to pray.
Rating:  Summary: My Prayer Review: Enjoyable and enlighting. Sometimes simple concepts are the hardest to obtain. The Pray of Jabez lays it out in a simple matter of fact way. I would recommend this book anyday and have.
Rating:  Summary: Surrender is the theme of this book. Review: Although Bruce Wilkinson uses an obsure scripture to teach and challenge the body of Christ to pray, the theme of this teaching is surrender. Point one: "Bless me indeed in any way YOU want to, Lord." This is a "my hands are off and I am available for you to pour yourself through me" statement and request. Point two: "Increase my ministry in any way You want to, Lord" is another INVITATION from the servant to the Master to allow living water to flow thouogh the vessel to others. The idea here is not "make my ministry bigger so that I will get the big benefits materially or anyway but spiritually. If God chooses to bring blessings of the other kind, that is His choice, but not the intent of the prayer at all, and if it is, God would probably pick up on that. Point three: "Keep your hand upon me, Lord." This is a very sweet and intimate request asking for the guiding hand, healing hand, disciplining hand, and comforting hand of God to rest on his child and servant. Point four: "Keep me from evil, Lord, that I may do no harm and cause no pain." Christ himself taught us to pray, "Lead us not into tempation." This request shows the servant's awareness of his own falibility, but also his desire to "above all, do no harm." I found the prayer to be a teaching tool and use it in my own life. Followers of Jesus often tend to feel thier own inadequacies very keenly and don't realize how precious they are to God. The PRAYER OF JABEZ helps to break though some of those limits by encouring the person to ASK, but with an attitude of surrender.
Rating:  Summary: Substitute 'us' for 'me' in prayer Review: In the Lord's prayer, Christ never used 'me', only 'we' or 'us'. He was teaching, in this simple way, how to be a real community. If you want to be a blessing for others, make a corporate prayer for everyone's good according to God's will. Also, He honored God first in His prayer, another lesson for us.
Rating:  Summary: Have Critical Thinking Review: I was at a conference last week, in which Bruce Wilkinson was one of the speakers. That was my opportunity to find out if he was really preaching the so called ¡¥success gospel¡¦ or simply being faithful to his call to be God's disciple. I found out that he is genuine and I have also got a lot out of his teaching. The prayer of Jabez is actually a big challenge for anyone who prays that way¡Xalways willing to run an extra mile for God. Some people just don¡¦t want to be ¡¥responsible¡¦ for their life. They want to reserve an excuse for their own failure by leaving it to God¡¦s choice. It¡¦s called being ¡¥irresponsible.¡¦ In fact, God has already chosen, even before the creation, to bless us. It is our choice to claim that blessing. Of course it comes with a price tag. The one that was blessed with 10 talents has to work harder than the ones that were blessed with 5 and 1 (Matthew 25:14-30). This book is for those who want to be blessed with 10 talents. It¡¦s not for lazy bones. It will be unfair to judge Wilkinson¡¦s teaching wholly based on this tiny little book and say that¡¦s all he teaches about the Bible. After all, the Bible is not for studying, it is for changing lives. The Bible says, "Knowledge puffs up!" If his interpretation of the prayer touches people lives and changes them for eternity, it has served its purpose. I know there are many scholars and born-again Bible ¡¥learners¡¦ who can analyze the whole Bible and have memorized it, without letting their lives changed by it. Jesus called this hypocrisy. This book is a success because God uses it to change lives. Judge for yourself and the best way to do it is by reading and testing it out yourself!