Rating:  Summary: Michael Lewis lets us down Review: Two things struck me about this book: 1. The style is so pretentious 2. We really found out very little about Jim Clark.Lewis seems to be so proud of with his own writing style; we keep reading about the "New New Thing" and the "Serious American Businessman", but in the end find out so little about Clark. Would have been a great short story.
Rating:  Summary: As seminal as Liar's Poker Review: I loved Liar's Poker, I love this as much. It is both a great read and an important source of info for tech investors. It even works as a self-help book if you've too little VISION in your life.
Rating:  Summary: Fun Story Review: Not nearly as good as Liars Poker, but it seems like Lewis really knows the major trends - bonds in the 80s and tech in the 90s. Wonder what hes working on now...
Rating:  Summary: National Anthem Review: The importance of The New New Thing is not as a biography. This book is, at heart, an allegorical diary of a time in economic history which needs telling. Think of it more as a loose diary of a fascinating period where wealth dreams came true for a wide range of people. The central character is simply the extreme dream, required for the book to provide a compelling story line. Many more books are / will be writen of this time. Few will be as fun to read.
Rating:  Summary: Upgrade Review: I wrote my previous review prior to reading the final two chapters. Big mistake. The last two chapters make the book. Charming. If it's not true it should be. Think tuba.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting and funny Review: Lewis writes with a great,sarcastic sense of humor while describing the Silicon Valley technology boom in laymans terms. His account of Jim Clark is very fascinating too. Lewis, like Tom Wolfe has a great ability to laugh and make fun of people who take themselves too seriously. It could be considered a must read for anybody involved with high tech / internet.
Rating:  Summary: Hard to believe it's non-fiction! Review: What a great read! If all non-fiction technology were as much fun as this, it's all I'd read. The use of the yacht throughout the story keeps the book reading as part adventure yarn and lets Lewis move the plot along. Certainly for those folks doing serious web investing this book will give you pause - is there a there, there? Buy it, you'll read it in a weekend.
Rating:  Summary: Business, History, and Biography in one. Review: The New New Thing focuses just as much on the players that made Silicon Valley in the last few years and the business trends that have evolved and helped many to become the new super-wealthy as it does on Jim Clark. Many could take this just to be a biography of Clark's life and career. Let's not lie: mostly, it is. The author seems to have the same kind of admiration for Clark that Gail Wynand displays for Howard Roark in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. However, in between the constant and, I'll admit, compelling (read this in one day) story line, there are concepts to understand, and a history to comprehend. Definitely a recommended read for the businessman or computer geek.
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't catch my breath! Review: I enjoyed "A Man In Full"-partly because the main character is hopelessly technologically ignorant. I enjoyed "The New, New Thing" for the opposite reason. Everyone, if they are honest, feels a thrill over money-obscene gobs of it that requires real effort and creativity to spend it all in a lifetime of excess. Great book. Get ready for change accelerating beyond any of our wildest expectations. Think you have a handle on change? Double your estimate and be wrong twice! Read this book! Jerry Furland, author of "Transfer-the end of the begining..."
Rating:  Summary: Not Another _Liars' Poker_ Review: I was excited to pick up this book, as I have enjoyed Michael Lewis' past works. However, although this book is a fast read and well-written, it never truly explores the motivations behind Jim Clark and those who choose to follow him. We learn about some interesting quirks of Clark, but never get far beyond that.