Rating:  Summary: Enjoy Review: This book is a loaded weapon, which has to be carefully studied and handled before daring to practice with it, at the risk of being seriously injured. But as any good weapon, once mastered, it will allow you to both defend and attack from the safe distance of security.
Rating:  Summary: Essential for some!!! Review: You will cherish this book if you like books that open your eyes, that are very politically Incorrect, books that seem to say finally what noone ever had the guts to say, books like "The Will to Power", "Antichrist", "Atlas Shrugged", "The Fountainhead", "Fire in the Minds of Men", "Christianity Exposed", or "The Illuminati Manifesto"........................
Rating:  Summary: Engaging, however occasionally contradictory Review: This book is highly engaging and has some interesting stories, however many of the laws (as mentioned in another report) are quite contradictory. This book calls them "laws", laws are unbreakable rules, they are more of general guidelines. The book never tells the fact that people are different and that 1 (or 48) rules cannot be expected to work on all people. One rule mentioned is crush enemies conpletely or they'll seek revenge, not all people are vengeful. Do you ever seek vengence on those who send you spam beyond blocking their email? On the other hand the book, when the book is not condradicting itself, does give excellant stories of how many of history's most powerful attained their stattus and how many who did not heed to the laws met their dimise. All in all the book is good and somewhat insightful. If you've read many other books on attaining power you don't need this one, but if this will be your first then it is worth your money.
Rating:  Summary: Don't believe the hype Review: Seems like this book is plenty getting mixed reviews. This is a book that will be a godsend for some people, and make others want to write a 'displeasing' letter to the publisher! I don't think random peoples' reviews should play a part in whether or not you buy this book (negating my whole review...lol) but you should read what you can, and decide for yourself. I found the transgressions and observances of the laws not nearly as valuable as the keys to power. The keys to power is where the true applicable knowledge in this book is. The observances is for 'showing off' if you ask me... I feel this book is an great offensive and defensive tool for all the small interactions you have with people you aren't emotinally involved with. Many of the rules don't apply to people you actually care about, just those 'aquaintances' who you wish to benefit from. enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Unethical and boring history book Review: You looked at the slick table of contents with each law neatly summarized and now you're all excited and ready to buy this book. Not so fast! Click on the "look inside" link and look at "Law 26 - Keep Your Hands Clean" about using others as scapegoats. Are you still thinking about buying this unethical book? Read the excerpt for Law 1 - the whole book is full of boring history - not just Law 1! Unless you're a history book loving nerd, you'll end up taking a nap after 3 pages! If you do follow the book's advice, you'll be on your way to join the ranks of such powerful people as Pol Pot and Joseph Stalin.
Rating:  Summary: A Book For The Most Special of People! Review: This is one of the coolest books I have ver had the pleasure of reading. It is very insightful and intelligent, with more than a dash of evil thrown in. Oh, and it is very fun. It isn't the kind of book the sheepish masses can get into, but for those select few, with the brains and the initiative to put this sacred tome to good use, it ia a true gem!
Rating:  Summary: why this is excellent and worth every penny Review: Have you ever ? have you ever felt that you did not get credit/success/kudos that was due to you ? perhaps a boss or a colleague or even a 'friend' pulled a fast one on you. if we were able to think of achieving something as a 2 step process 1) to put in effort and deserve something; and 2) to make sure that you get what you deserve this book is essential for STEP 2 i.e. to be able to get what you deserve. i personally had got tired of missing out on what i deserved. there are so many examples of getting swindled or missing out on something that you will learn/realise/recognize. you will definitely become an expert at STEP 2 - gettin' what you deserve. GOOD QUALITIES 1) fables,quotes,stories in red along the columns illustrate the point. 2) covers the wisdom of a very long series of strategists/politicians 3) there are points that will make you want to kick yourself - because you did the exact same mistake or did not realise what someone else was pulling. 4) even points that people will call immoral - and that is one of the main criticisms of this book - will make perfect sense once you read it - but please read the whole chapter before complaining about morality 5) please do not pretend you live in a utopia - power struggles are everywhere - you can either choose to use this book to arm yourself and plunge in OR protect yourself (and what belongs to you) from people who can't wait to exploit you WARNING This is not a ten commandments type of book - you cannot go out and start following the 48 laws without using your common sense and personal value system as checks/guides, else it might very well harm you Conclusion i'd like to end by saying that this book is like having a discussion with the shrewdest and wisest statesmen and strategists of past ages and learning from their experiences. do not miss this opportunity. If you live in an ideal/dream world then give it a miss - ignorance is bliss. If you live in the real world - BUY THIS BOOK NOW, YOU WILL THANK YOURSELF FOR BUYING IT.
Rating:  Summary: The Must-Read/Must-Have Book For Everyone Review: This is easily one of the top two or three books I would recommend every person read (and re-read) out of the thousands of books I have read in my lifetime. It the the quintessential masterpiece regarding many forms of power. Rather than simply provide the author's opinions and perspective, each law of power is supported by concrete historical examples that are fascinating to read in their own right. I cannot emphasize enough what an entertaining and helpful book this is.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Review: This book is an absolute must read. The concepts are not difficult to grasp or understand. The book takes you into a world of real life scenarios, these situations do happen, it makes no sense to act naive. We all want power, of some sort and we all envy those who seem to get ahead in life What I particularly like are the references in history and the numerous quotes, fables and sayings.
Rating:  Summary: Too many laws Review: This book is OK and interesting, but many laws are just repetitions or just not laws: every field of knowledge cannot have more than 10-15 of them !