Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey/ good story Review: The story of this book is interesting because it talks about gods that are most powerful gods in mythology. I had never listened about those gods.The story of the gods talks about "Zeus" the god of the gods.The Odyssey talks about heroes of the mythology of greek one of the heroes is "Odysseus"he fights in a war and Athena fight with him. This is something about the Odyssey.
Rating:  Summary: the odyssey a interesting book Review: the odyssey is a interesting book. i did like that book because the experiences that odysseus pass in those 20 years, that he fight with cyclopes, and others monsters that was my favorite part. i think thatn i will read that book thousands of time because it talk about problemsthat people have in life and a normal person have.
Rating:  Summary: the ancient greek epic story Review: i think that this book is a really interesting book because it has alot of fiction and it makes a really interesting thought in your mind of what the ancient greek was once like.and part of this things it still exist because in some movies it tells you a lot of this things that still exists for example the temples some are in ruins but they are still there and if you read this wonderful book "THE ODYSSEY" it would make a clear picture of how this things once look like so if you are going to read this book i really recomend it to you so you can have a clear picture of the ancient greeks.
Rating:  Summary: dont never give up. Review: I learn of the odyssey its that if you want something, you could get it if you figth for it, like odyseus figth for go back to home , hi figth with all the goods who impide him to back home and he never give up hi all the time have hope and he make it , and he demostrit that nothing its imposible and you cant do all the things that you want figthing , with hope and thusting in your oun , no matter what the people things , its your life and its your objective, i learn to, that when you love somebodie no matter what hapen, you figth to see that person, becouse you really love him(her) and you want to be all your life with that person, in your home or an any other place but be with that person or with your family. Thats what i learn about the odyssey.
Rating:  Summary: The odyssey"a entrentaiment history" Review: I think that this book is very inmportant and interesting, because in this book said about things that are exitings(for me) because in one part of this book said that odysseus fight with the cyclops , or when odysseus was in a storm with his raft, or when odysseus was atraped with a girl that ask to odysseus- your wife is more prety than i- and other thing is that this book said about things that are invented for the of greek's minds that is this a mitilogycal hitory, and this book will be in the minds of all the people in special in the minds of greek people because this book is more using in the places of the greeks and this book have many fantasy because said about monsters and thing that not exist in real life like the cyclops, like other monsters than never was exist in the real life, with this book i can sais histotys to my sons when i will be old and if i go to the university , if i need this book in the university i don't need read this book , because i read this book in the 9th grade.
Rating:  Summary: my recomendation for this great book Review: Well, I really recomend this great book because it involves you on the history, some times it touch your heart or feelings;in this book are so much universal themes like union, love and respect. This book touched my heart by telling the hard life of Odysseus and his family suffering for his ausence. It is admirable the patience of Odysseus to let his people recognize him. Also i think is sad by how can those that you love can forget you and keep on with their lifes. I would like to have this intelligence, i really think we would be better if we take his example. This great book has been read by all around the world, and it is considered one of the most clasical books of the time, and now that I have read it I can say that now I know why is it so known and respected. I recomend it to you because it makes you grow and also leaves you some learnings that would help you on a future in your life, or in the life of someone near you, also those that you love. Well, I leave you giving you all the best of me for you to read it. I hope you liked my description and get you interested on it. THANK YOU FOR YOU TIME,God bless you all.
Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey Review: I think that the odyssey is a verry interesting story becauze there participe Gods with the people in the world.And this story is interesting becauze there are persecution,drama,and is a epic story becauze in there are some heroes that help to grow the story. There are many universal values like the courage,union between the people,loyal with the people and the last one but the most important respect to other paople.
Rating:  Summary: The Cool Odyssey Review: MY opinion for this book is that it is a cool book because it has alot of adventure and action with alot of imagination.I really like the setting of ths story becauseit takes place in a cool island
Rating:  Summary: "a great book" Review: This book is really interesant, in this story i learned a lot of things, one of them is that always fight for whatever you want and never give up like odysseus, that he want to see his family again and he never give up,until he achieved.I like the adventures he had, and in all of them he was very brave and he always find a solution on whatever problem he had, that's another thing that i learned and that i admire from him. In conclusion i think all people would read this book because you learn alot of values if you put attention on what you are reading, i recommend this book to people who really likes to read.
Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey/ good story Review: The odyssey is a good story because I learn alot things about this they are the valors about the goods.I like the part when they have to can figth with the oters persons for can come back at his house.My opinion about the odyssey they are a important story for you can read and you can like for you can read.But you need to can read because they have alot things to can you read and you learn a importants things for the odyssey.This story they need to can have a good place for the univers and they have a goods persons in the odyssey.