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5-HTP : The Natural Way to Overcome Depression, Obesity, and Insomnia

5-HTP : The Natural Way to Overcome Depression, Obesity, and Insomnia

List Price: $14.00
Your Price: $10.50
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: 5-HTP is an itriguing alternative
Review: As are most people who read this type of book, I am looking for answers about brain chemistry and mood enhancement. I suffer from depression, but have never tried a prescription drug since a brief bout with tricyclics about 15 years ago. This is a great alternative. Nicely written review of the neurological action, and what the substance does. I take 5HTP, and it works somewhat for me. I have had to take it during the daytime, as it causes extremely vivid dreams if I take it at night. I have had no other side effects yet...though I haven't been taking it long. I am always interested when a Doctor puts out a book promoting an alternative method of achieving well-being.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Quality sleep, less Anxiety
Review: I had such a hard time falling asleep, accompanied by debilitating anxiety, until I read this book and started taking 5-HTP. My problem was so serious that I found I was sleeping with my eyes open (Ouch!) The very first night I took it, I slept like a baby. I was unable to take prescription sleep aids and anxiety drugs because of depression and other medical problems. I felt immediate relief with 5-HTP.

The scientific studies referenced in this book made be feel very comfortable in taking 5-HTP. They were written in an easily understandable format. The author basically drew a map of the path 5-HTP takes throughout the body. Well done Dr. Murray!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Incomplete and full of inconsistencies
Review: Nothing new here. Same old stuff you will find in any other book about 5-HTP. Dissapointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Well written book
Review: Regarding the debate between Murray's book and Sahelian's, each has merit. The bottom line is that both books offer considerable information on the benefits of 5-HTP. For many it is proving to be a viable solution to the conditions that plague so many. Murray's book offers substantial information that is easy to understand, but the recommended high initial dosage has worried some consumers. My sister has taken 5-HTP for a while now and is seeing great improvement without suffering from the side effects of the SSRI she had been on previously. A site where she has had great service as well as a variety of product choices is iHerb. She is pleased that they offer several choices of 5-HTP with dosages as low as 50 mg. so she could initially start with a low dosage and then find what works best for her.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good job summarizing the scientific literature
Review: This book has lots and lots of excellent information. 5-HTP really works, as I suffer from depression and now take 5-HTP and it has greatly helped me. As for making one sick as one customer review said; you need to take the enteric coated kind of 5-HTP. This is something that is addressed in the book. Really good!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Incomplete and full of inconsistencies
Review: While this book presents some interesting and possibly even helpful information, Murray destroys his credibility by his glaring contradictions. For example, on page 33 he says, "5-HTP...cannot be metabolized by the liver into kynurenine." Then on page 238 he says, "...if vitamin B6 levels are low, then more 5-HTP will get converted in the liver into another substance, kynurenine."

Another troubling oversight is that Murray's mention of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome is very brief, and is in reference only to the L-tryptophan scare of 1989. He never mentions that 5-HTP has also been linked with EMS. He also states that the manufacturing process of 5-HTP prevents any possible contamination, which simply isn't true.

I read this book hoping to find reassuring information about the safety of 5-HTP, but in light of Murray's poor research, inconsistencies and inaccuracies, it's hard to trust any of the information presented.

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