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Coping with Prednisone : It May Work Miracles, But How Do You Handle the Side Effects (*And Other Cortisone-Related Medicines)

Coping with Prednisone : It May Work Miracles, But How Do You Handle the Side Effects (*And Other Cortisone-Related Medicines)

List Price: $13.95
Your Price: $10.46
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Must reading for anyone on long term prednisone theraphy!
Review: A heartfelt thank you to Eugenia Zukerman and Dr. Julie R. Ingelfinger. I read a review of your book "Coping with Prednisone" in the Sunday Parade magazine. Immediately ordered same from Amazon.Com. Ms. Zukerman is the FIRST person I have discovered who suffers from the same disease that I do: Eosinophilic pneumonia, (aka Pulmonary Infiltration with Eosinophilia, or P.I.E.) I was diagnosed in 1987 and in reading Ms. Zukermans account, it could have been me writing the story, almost line for line. I also suffered with the battle of understanding what the Prednisone was doing to me, physically and emotionally, while it was doing it's wonder job of making me better. I thought at times I was crazy, until I begged one of my doctors to get me some help.... "information about side effects of Prednisone". He copied several pages of information from the hospital library, (for doctors only), but at least I had something to compare to, even though it was written in medical terms. I have felt for years that if a patient is on long term Prednisone therapy, detailed explanations should be furnished to the patient, as the side effects of the drug are so varied and at times most devistating. I have been on Prednisone for 12 years. I have learned to live with the side effects, but at times it is extremely difficult. For me, it has become a "trade-off". The prednisone is keeping me alive, so I must accept what else it is doing to me as payment. I have been an M.S. patient for 28 years and in 1991 was diagnosed with S.L.E. (Lupus). However, the Eosinophilic pneumonia has been the most difficult and devistating disease of the three. Unfortunately in my case, the eosinophilic infiltrates only stay at bay when the dose is 5mg. or higher. 60mg. needed to control a major flair of the eosinophilia. I would appreciate very much if Amazon.Com would forward this letter to Ms. Zukerman's publishers and request that they send it along to her. It is very comforting to know that one other person has this rare malady and has experienced many of the same things that I have. I wish I had had this book to read in 1987. It would have made coping with prednisone so much easier!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A necessary resource
Review: Considering my own love/hate relationship with Prednisone, I was very interested in this book, which was a delight to read. I still can't believe the huge lack of information available on steroids, considering its widespread use, and the personal nature of this story is very engaging. The two authors are sisters, Julie a doctor and Eugenia a professional flutist who develops a rare lung disease that requires steroid treatment. There is an excellent question and answer formatted chapter between the two sisters and an excellent chapter on the psychological effects of the medication, with Eugenia describing how she felt on the medication and Julie describing physically why she felt that way. Since Eugenia works in television as a cultural commentator she was especially concerned about changes the medicine might affect in her appearance, and her sister gave her excellent nutritional and exercise advice that is repeated in the book. I do need to point out, however, that Eugenia could 1) afford the more expensive food items, 2) had the time/energy to prepare them, and 3) could physically exercise. For others, including myself, who take Prednisone during a massive physical crisis, bedrest and debilitating pain/lack of energy necessitates us eating what is on hand or someone else buys (usually prepared foods) and exercise can be an impossibility, hence the typical Prednisone weight gain. This book is still a must-have for anyone personally dealing with this medication or with a loved one taking steroids.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fear Not. There's Life After Prednisone
Review: Dealing with Ulcerative Colitis is not very fun. At times, I suffer from severe flare-ups, which means my large intestine bleeds enough that my regular medicine is not sufficient. I am prescribed Prednisone therapy in such situations. This is a very potent steroid that usually calms my problem within a couple of weeks. However, the drug has serious side-effects.

I've been on Prednisone therapy three times at least in the course of the last two years. The side-effects affected my daily life much more than the illness itself.

This book has helped me overcome my fear of the steroid-induced side-effects. A month ago, I was absolutely resolved not to let my doctor prescribe this steroid ever again. My choices were few. He said: "Prednisone immediately or hospitalization". Today, after reading this book, I am actually grateful that the treatment exists. I do not fear the side-effects anymore. The book gave me sound advice in fighting and controlling the impact of the side-effects. I'm now feeling much better and actually enjoying the temporary high induced by the treatment.

By applying the simple advice in this book, I managed to significantly reduce the impact of the side-effects I experienced in previous treatments. These include: Fatigue, mood swings, body-wide acne, skin infections, weight gain (I actually lost weight), depression, anxiety, sleep depravation, profuse sweating, high-blood pressure and severe muscle cramping.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: please save your money
Review: From the description I had expected a lot more from this book.
Maybe 5 pages of useful information that a prednisone user wouldn't know. Nothing you coudn't get with an hour search on the internet. She hit one thing dead on the head,there isn't enough useful data on the subject. That includes her book. Other than a lot of spoiled rich girl musings on how terrible her 10 month (gasp!) run on prednisone was ,there really was nothing to add that isn't readily available already. The rest was just filler. Making a book out of a two page outline. I felt ripped off.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: For long term pred users, this book is a MUST
Review: I bought this book when I was frustrated with the effects of prednisone. I have cystic fibrosis and asthma, and have been on steriods off and on, but most recently 8months straight- with no end in sight. I happen to be a registered nurse, so many of the medical information was not new to me, but was straight forward and easily understood for the average person. I enjoyed reading though that I am NOT alone in the side effects - and more importantly tips to cope with them. The author was not on prednisone year on end, and her condition stablized to where she no longer needed it, HOWEVER- her insight was valuable. The only way I could see this book being more helpful would be if the patient was a long term steriod user - with a chronic illness.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must Read
Review: I have ITP....a blood platelet disorder and am on steroids. Steroids do many strange things to the body. This book was an unbelieveable mirror of my side effects on and coming off Prednisone. I found myself talking to the book saying right on, you got it, and thank you for acknowledging my pains.
I can't speak for everyone, because everyone experiences different things with this steroid, but, I can tell you that the information will not hurt you and most of all the message that all this is temporary and can be beaten with some coping skills will make live on Prednisone far better. I've read chapters of this book 4 times to keep reminded of my plight...I am a chronic ITP patient.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I thought I was alone in my Prednisone Side Efeects
Review: I was looking for a book to help explain the side effects from the prednisone, that I've been on for the last 14 year's due to asthma that I have had my entire life. None of the doctor's were willing to give up the answer for some unknow reason. When I started read this wonderful book I said to myself, Oh My God, someone actually wrote a book on everything I was wondering about. The more I kept reading the more I understood how to deal with this awful but life saving drug. I wish I could say thank you to Eugenia and Julie in person. I belong to two asthma chat groups online through the internet. I have recommended this book to everyone. And mostly everyone has baught the book. Although I may never be able to get off steroids, as I've been told by my doctor's at least I have a better understanding about Prednisone. I recommend this book to everyone with asthma and other illnesses that require prednisone. It's the best book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must Read
Review: My husband was put on massive doses of prednisone without being told what side effects or consequences the drug would bring. The doctors who prescribed the medicine didn't even know what to expect. My husband had horrible side effects. Finding this book was a life saver for it verified and explained every symptom my husband experienced. We no longer felt alone, someone else knew and described what he was and would be going through. We are thankful this book was written for it gave us laymen knowledge of this horrific/wonder drug, and how we should handle the side effects. Needless to say we immediately sent a copy to his doctor as well. If you are on even the smallest doses of pred. this book is a must read.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Bible of Prednisone
Review: My husband was put on massive doses of prednisone without being told what side effects or consequences the drug would bring. The doctors who prescribed the medicine didn't even know what to expect. My husband had horrible side effects. Finding this book was a life saver for it verified and explained every symptom my husband experienced. We no longer felt alone, someone else knew and described what he was and would be going through. We are thankful this book was written for it gave us laymen knowledge of this horrific/wonder drug, and how we should handle the side effects. Needless to say we immediately sent a copy to his doctor as well. If you are on even the smallest doses of pred. this book is a must read.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Worth buying but falls short of the true "Long Term" story..
Review: This book was heavy on the experience of one individual and her search for hope. She articulates her fear vividly as well as the prednisone mental turmoil that many experience. The story of her husband's and physician sister's experience with her treatment was supportive if tedious. Why does a book about prednisone go into changing from her specialist to an important New York doctor?
Recipes and suggestions for avoiding the apparently unavoidable side effects in many instances were not particularly helpful unless you can live on lemon juice and bad dietary advice although there were some enlightening observations.
The most worthwhile part was sketchy. It was about the interactions of other medications with prednisone along with some information about absorption rates and other common over the counter and prescription medications that can slow absorption. There are also charts to allow the reader to put steroids in perspective as a family of medications.
Incomplete information concerning other aspects of diet and exercise were helpful but begged for more information.
The focus was on a recovering patient. Nothing was noted about the effects of very long term use and the time frame in which to expect various side effects along with their eventual outcome.
This book was worth the nominal cost.

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