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A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Seventh Edition

A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Seventh Edition

List Price: $110.67
Your Price: $105.14
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A beautiful book in Abstract Algebra
Review: "Abstract Algebra" is one of the most important field in mathematics. This book start with some really interesting & understandable examples. The most beautiful part of this book is the Galois Theorem & insolvability of the quintic(the "final" goal), which the example illustracte many confusing that one may get while reading the theorem. However, I stil wish there are more examples in the end of every important theory & ideas. Besides that, it is a pleasure of reading it!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Problems
Review: A good read for the most part, but misses the mark as a textbook. Too much is unanswered or left as an exercise. The student is left blind and unsteady the whole way through because of insufficient reinforcement of the material. The exercises need to be bolted to the written sections and vice versa. Instead, the exercises look to the next section and and explore without sufficient groundwork. This book COULD be a masterpiece if the author decided to finish it

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Essential Book
Review: An essential part to any mathematician or to anyone who wants to learn about Group and Ring Theory. The prose is sharp and concise. Plenty of examples to faciliate learning of theorems and defintions. It was my textbook for a class and enabled me to master the subject of group and ring theory throughly. A pleasure to own!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Still Using it after 36 years
Review: Having taken Algebra (e.g, using van der Warden, Herstein, Lang, MacLane etc) courses in1950's, I found Fraleigh's delightful and informative book the one I continually refer to (still have my 1968 copy) for 'tune ups'. His style is that of a chalk covered tutor/mentor/ friend standing next to you to grasp inductively algebraic mental metaphors which allow you to further grasp their elaborations from Topolgy to Topos. His humor pervades the book (e.g. p11"..e) Mathematicians are eager to have some ambiguity in their work so that it has a better chance of being right [grin]).

Never having had the honor to meet him in person may I use this review to thank him for his pedagogical gem.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best place to start
Review: I can not improve on the comments made by most reviewers. I took my first abstract algebra course using the 1st edition and found it to be an excellent introduction. I've looked at subsequent editions and see the same high quality and clarity, along with minor improvements in each edition.

If you want a solid intro to the topic, check this book out.

Finally, as usual, there was one reviewer who simply "didn't get it".

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best place to start
Review: I can not improve on the comments made by most reviewers. I took my first abstract algebra course using the 1st edition and found it to be an excellent introduction. I've looked at subsequent editions and see the same high quality and clarity, along with minor improvements in each edition.

If you want a solid intro to the topic, check this book out.

Finally, as usual, there was one reviewer who simply "didn't get it".

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Well-written Book for beginner
Review: I used this book for my 1st Abstract Algebra course. At first, the discussion seemed to be somewhat lengthy but if you can get yourself into the author's style, you will enjoy it. True, it's not a book for those who want a well-structured proof but that won't matter much considering this book is intended to a beginner who take his/her 1st algebra course.

Lots of examples to test your understanding and lots of problems with increasing difficulty. Most of the problems are very stimulating.

Even after I took my second class in Algebra (i used diff book), i often go back to this book to see some additional information. What I like best about this book though is that the author likes to explain things in terms of mappings and, of course, lots of diagram to help you better understand the concept!

If you're a beginning student and considering to buy this book, then go for it - it worths the money! I think i'll bring this book with me to grad school. :) good luck.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Well-written Book for beginner
Review: My undergrad Abstract Algebra I & II classes used this book (or rather the 6th edition which Amazon is no longer carrying). I think it's a very good book with a sufficient number of examples and detailed explanations. The reviewer who stated that this is not a book for mathematicians is correct; this is a book for undergrad students taking their first course in theoretical mathematics. The title of the book, "A FIRST Cource in Abstract Algebra", assumes this which is why proofs and explanations are often incorporated together. I think that most students would appreciate the lengthly explanations and lack of overly technical proofs. Having a good professor to go along with this book, however, is what sold it to me.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Superb explanations, great excercises,not sacrificing rigor.
Review: One of the best mathematics books I have ever read!

If you like pure mathematics, and want a book that helps you learn abstract algebra fast without sacrificing depth, this is it! Easy to read, and the excercises after each section are split into "Computations", "Concepts", and "Theory", and doing them helps to ensure that you have grasped it all and not misunderstood anything. I love this book! And no, this is not an advertisement!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: excellent book
Review: this is the best first book on abstract algebra that i know. while there are books that are deeper and more advanced, this book does a great job of motivating the concepts. try to look in other books and see if they explain why is a group defined as it is. rigor is not sacrificed (although the problems arent that difficult), and explanations are very clear. overall, a great FIRST read after which u might want to turn to hernstein or one of the other advanced books, and understand everything that goes on there. but dont make the mistake of getting a totally abstract and advanced book for a first course - u will probably not get much out of it. especially suitable for self study.
odd numbered problems not requiring proofs are solved, and there is a reasonable amount of examples

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