Rating:  Summary: The End? Review:
"This is the beginning of the end" Art bell says. He is only an innocent civilian walking home from work one day. When heavy black clouds storm over him, he gets scared,and he runs.
This book by Art Bell tells about the incredible weather patterns that are starting to happen more often in our world. This is probably one of the most chilling books I've ever read because it tells about the end of the world. Some of the weather patterns in this book are amazing.
Art Bell has his own one man all night radio show in Pahrump, Nevada. He has written a lot of books on UFO's and the strong beliefs he has on what's out in the universe.
I don't necessarily like storms, but this book really made me think about the world and how long it may last. So if you don't like hearing about the end of the world this wouldn't be a good book for you to read.
-Zach Ramsey
Rating:  Summary: Motley Fools Review: After reading the book, checking sources, seeing the film more than once I have to say to all those who mock and laugh at the premise of the book that this is not a work of fiction, but, a record of Earth's geological past and what is to come. There have been many, many ice ages in earth's history most lasting for between 100,000 to 200,000 years, so, to those who laugh, do so at your own peril.
Rating:  Summary: An entertaining 'what-if' scenario. Review: As most fans of Art Bell and Whitley Strieber know, this is the book that inspired Roland Emmerich to write and direct The Day After Tomorrow. For that reason alone it is a must read for any disaster movie/novel fanatic. Bell and Strieber use a combination of myth interpretation, amatuer and/or pseudo-science speculation and fictional dramatization of the actual prophesied event to educate/scare the reader with their theory that a single and quite massive 'superstorm' might bring about either a new ice age or global flood. Whichever it might be depends on what time of year the storm is unleashed on an unsuspecting world. Some of the examples sited are a tad suspect. I am fairly certain that Carl Sagan debunked the moon-is-a-broken-off-part-of-Earth theory way back when Cosmos was a first run television series and, while each culture may have a flood myth, this does not necessarily mean that a global flood occurred. Just about every region of the world will flood at some point or another and it is a long stretch to imply that the myths are linked to a single event. The less said about the use of an astrological calender, the better. Nonetheless, if you are as big a fan of Mrrs. Bell and Strieber as I am, then you will probably find this book an entertaining 'what-if' piece of infotainment, but I remain a 'wait and see' skeptic in regards to whether or not said superstorm actually exists.
Rating:  Summary: Y2K?? Review: I haven't read the book, but another reviewer wrote something funny. He refered to Y2k and how people were worried about the end of the world then, and they were obviously wrong. (basically, making his point that the Superstorm idea is just as silly). Well, to that I would only say that Y2k could have easily caused major problems around the world if not for the hundreds of thousands of programmers working for years to solve the problem. So the only reason Y2K didn't "end the world" is because we worked to prevent it!! The same COULD be true for global warming if we don't prevent it. Many socially irresponsible people need a 6000 lb SUV to drive themselves to work. I guess they don't mind taking their chances that all the "left-wing idiots" are wrong. Personally, I wouldn't risk it.
Rating:  Summary: Good as entertainment only Review: Just remember this book is brought to you by the same people that said the world as we know it would end 1/1/2000 when the computers melt down. Y2K came and went and we are all functioning normally, therefore, I can't see how anyone can take anything this collaboration has to say seriously. Maybe if you are into remote viewing, whatever that is.
Rating:  Summary: Infuriating Review: The authors say themselves they are not scientists. So why is there no bibliography to support their case? There isnt even sufficient internal citation. I would estimate that they cited a source only 10 times in the entire book. As it is severely lacking supporting evidence, can any person possibly listen to what these two men have to say?
The book itself was terrible. Taken purely on a fictional basis, I would still give this book one star. The book is filled with glaring grammar and stylistic mistakes that are not acceptable in a published work such as this.
The book is also infuriatingly repetitive. The authors run out of material around page 100 and resort to beating their point into the ground for the next 186 pages. In all honesty, I do not recall a single new idea presented after the 100 page mark.
I was very disappointed with this book and do not recommend it, unless you decide to read only the first 100 pages and conduct your own research.
Rating:  Summary: Y2K?? Review: THE COMING OF THE GLOBAL SUPERSTORM warns of the coming end of civilization following the one-two punch of a global warming followed by devastating ice age. Art Bell and Whitley Streiber suggest that the seeming paradox of intense heat can cause a sudden melting of the polar ice caps, which in turn, can cause a disruption of the North Atlantic Gulf Stream. It is this weakening, they note, that will result in the massive and lightning quick advance of the polar ice to the previously warm Northern Hemisphere. Within days, then hours, the entire North American continent, Europe, Russia, and North Africa will be ripped apart by a superstorm unprecedented in ferocity. This part of their book has just enough reasonableness in its logic to invest their claims with some sobering apprehension. For those who have seen the film, THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, upon which this book is based, were treated to some truly amazing special effects of New York being inundated by a massive sea surge.The problem with accepting their premise is two fold. First, several prominent climatologists have refuted the idea that such a catastrophe could strike within days. These weather experts agree that yes, such a flooding and freezing could occur, but only after thousands of years. What the reader has to face is the hard choice of which set of experts to believe. No one wants to accept the doomsday scenario of Bell and Streiber, so there is the natural tendency to scoff at their claims. Bell and Streiber, to their credit, admit that it would take courage and foresight to accept their thesis. To make their claims more enticing they resort to methods of persuasion that are superficially glitzy but do not fall into the category of hard scientific empiricism. And this brings me to their second problem. Bell and Streiber have written their book as a sort of oddly blended HAB THEORY wedded to CHARIOTS OF THE GODS. In these latter books, their authors posit the existence of previous civilizations that were quickly wiped out by natural phenomena. No reputable scientist can accept a premise that relies on an underpinning of sensational pulpist writing of lost civilization. Further, Bell and Streiber intersperse their text with a fictional viewpoint of a climatologist who passes judgment on the oncoming superstorm. As long as they stick to their hard science discussion of the mechanics of ice flow, their account is oddly compelling. But the fictionalized viewpoints and digressions on lost civilizations intrude to the point that the reader shakes his head and wishes for more prose on ice flow and less on the lost glories of Atlantis. If indeed Bell and Streiber are correct in their premise that the downfall of human civilization is a heartbeat away, then someone else will have to warn humanity in a way that appeals more to the head and less to the heart. The possibility of being right is no excuse for being unconvincing.
Rating:  Summary: It May Be True But It Is Also Unconvincing Review: THE COMING OF THE GLOBAL SUPERSTORM warns of the coming end of civilization following the one-two punch of a global warming followed by devastating ice age. Art Bell and Whitley Streiber suggest that the seeming paradox of intense heat can cause a sudden melting of the polar ice caps, which in turn, can cause a disruption of the North Atlantic Gulf Stream. It is this weakening, they note, that will result in the massive and lightning quick advance of the polar ice to the previously warm Northern Hemisphere. Within days, then hours, the entire North American continent, Europe, Russia, and North Africa will be ripped apart by a superstorm unprecedented in ferocity. This part of their book has just enough reasonableness in its logic to invest their claims with some sobering apprehension. For those who have seen the film, THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, upon which this book is based, were treated to some truly amazing special effects of New York being inundated by a massive sea surge. The problem with accepting their premise is two fold. First, several prominent climatologists have refuted the idea that such a catastrophe could strike within days. These weather experts agree that yes, such a flooding and freezing could occur, but only after thousands of years. What the reader has to face is the hard choice of which set of experts to believe. No one wants to accept the doomsday scenario of Bell and Streiber, so there is the natural tendency to scoff at their claims. Bell and Streiber, to their credit, admit that it would take courage and foresight to accept their thesis. To make their claims more enticing they resort to methods of persuasion that are superficially glitzy but do not fall into the category of hard scientific empiricism. And this brings me to their second problem. Bell and Streiber have written their book as a sort of oddly blended HAB THEORY wedded to CHARIOTS OF THE GODS. In these latter books, their authors posit the existence of previous civilizations that were quickly wiped out by natural phenomena. No reputable scientist can accept a premise that relies on an underpinning of sensational pulpist writing of lost civilization. Further, Bell and Streiber intersperse their text with a fictional viewpoint of a climatologist who passes judgment on the oncoming superstorm. As long as they stick to their hard science discussion of the mechanics of ice flow, their account is oddly compelling. But the fictionalized viewpoints and digressions on lost civilizations intrude to the point that the reader shakes his head and wishes for more prose on ice flow and less on the lost glories of Atlantis. If indeed Bell and Streiber are correct in their premise that the downfall of human civilization is a heartbeat away, then someone else will have to warn humanity in a way that appeals more to the head and less to the heart. The possibility of being right is no excuse for being unconvincing.
Rating:  Summary: A good book, slightly spoilt by psueo-science Review: This book, which sired the recent blockbuster "The Day After Tomorrow", is a well-written and accessible analysis of how global warming may lead to not gradual but catastrophic climate change, potentially destroying much of our current civilisation. Given how the powerful fossil fuel lobby, led by the current US administration, seems determined to ignore such risks to ensure their own short-term profits, it is essential that books such as this exist and are able to present a discussion of wider considerations.
The core of the book is a straightforward presentation of the known facts about global warming, its measured effects on the polar ice sheets, and how that may indirectly cause the failure of the Gulf Stream plunging much of the northern hemisphere into a much colder climate. Worryingly some early warning signs suggest that this may already be starting.
The book then presents a combination of scientific explanations and fictionalised accounts which suggest that such change might not be gradual, but might take the form of a protracted global storm of several weeks' duration and unprecedented ferocity. If this happened in the summer the aftermath would be flooding of biblical proportions. If it happened during the winter it would plunge the world into another ice age.
The authors quote recent scientific evidence suggesting that exactly this happened towards the end of the last ice age, and suggest that the physical evidence is supported by this being an explanation for the biblical flood, a myth shared by many separate cultures.
If the book focused only on these areas it would deliver a clear, powerful message. Unfortunately the authors weaken their message somewhat by also trying to link in some pseudo-scientific stuff about a lost civilisation destroyed by the last such event sending us a message through the zodiac. This is based on the totally discredited ideas of people like Graham Hancock, and sadly taints what is otherwise a reasonable extension of current mainstream science with an unworthy "lunatic fringe" component.
It would have been better to structure the book starting with a very direct account of the proven science, leading into a well-marked extrapolation discussing the "superstorm" concept (using both factual and fictional elements), and ending with the excellent "what can we do" sections. All the pseudo-science rubbish should have been dumped. This would have created a work whose important ideas would have been much more widely appreciated.
I recommend this book, but encourage other readers to apply the filtering that the authors weren't able to impose.
Rating:  Summary: Got to be kidding! Review: Whitley Strieber??? Come on, abductions, implants, etc., this guy is a total JOKE! Now he is an expert on Global Warming? Holy Cow, the only one who is a bigger joke of a jackass is Al Gore, promoting this stupid book (and now an even dumber movie) as scientific fact.