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Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage

Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage

List Price: $14.00
Your Price: $10.50
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Review: Amazing courage in the modern age!

Dr. Carlo and Martin Schram describe the difficulties in first developing measurement tools for a mobile phone radiation research and then tells reader about the shock of the results: headaches, lymphoma in mice, cancers, leaks in blood-brain-barrier. Also, there is scientific who-is-who and looks behind the curtains of big money politics. It's all about $$$$.

Book contains both political and technical plot and is a bit "jumpy" at times but the beef is clear - electromagnetic radiation is dangerous to living organisms. Excellent pictures of brain tumours caused by cell phones and radiation penetration graphs in human skull.

At the end Carlo gives health recommendations for the consumers, the mobile phone industry, the scientific, medical and public medical officials and government.

This book should be a required reading for all who are exposed to the radiation - we all are even if we didn't want to! More than 500 million cell phones are being used today and they don't work without the base stations. The adverse health effects from microwave radiation is happening as we speak. The risk is imminent and the consequences will be devastating.

Spread the word, indeed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Can you hear me now?
Review: Cell phones have become an integral part of American (and increasingly the world) society. They are ubiquitous in the business world and day-to-day life activities. The authors discuss in detail the risks associated with cell phones, particularly those of the digital variety. They tell the all to common tale of industry PR "spin" vs. public safety and common sense. While it may not be correct to state that cell phones cause brain cancer, the preliminary indications and not heart warming.

Thus far clinical studies have shown:

1) Cell phone radiation penetrates deep into the developing brains of children.

2) Cell phone radiation results in chromosomal damage to blood exposed to wireless phone radio waves. There is a link between chromosome damage and brain cancer.

3) Cell phone radiation breaks down the blood brain barrier. Think of the blood brain barrier as an immune system for the brain. As it breaks down, other environmental toxins more easily enter the brain and cause damage.

4) A number of studies showed a statistically significant correlation between brain cancer deaths and cell phone use.

5) Cell phone radiation can cause pacemakers to malfunction is they (pacemakers) are not properly insulated from cell phones that are within 6 inches of the pacemaker.

The above are based on elaborate human, animal, and laboratory experiments that examine the effects of cell phone radiation. The experiments in the book focus primarily on cell phone use - when the phone is near the head. If cell phone radiation is able to penetrate the human skull, the effects may be even more dramatic on soft tissue such as reproductive organs that may be continuously exposed to radiation by a phone carried in a pants pocket.

Based on the scientific evidence in the book you should avoid using a cell phone or being around one to be perfectly safe. Since that is not likely, the following precautions can be taken:

1) Despite the aggressive marketing practices of the industry towards children, keep cell phones out of the hands of your kids, they are particularly susceptible to the radiation generated by cell phones.

2) Use a hands free model and keep the phone away from your body.

3) If you put the phone up to your ear, point the antenna away from you.

4) If you have one of those cool little phones with a built in antenna, the whole phone is an antenna and you are getting a heavier dose of radiation. GET A HEADSET OR A DIFFERENT PHONE.

5) A cell phone has to pump out more radiation when the signal strength is low, try not to use the phone unless the signal strength is near 100%.

Initial studies show a clear link between cell phone radiation (especially associated with digital phones) and adverse health effects. In the next 10 to 20 years the effects will become apparent with the general public serving as the test subjects. Tread carefully on those wireless stocks over the long term, and take precautions today so you don't become a statistic. Many thanks to Dr. Carlo and Martin Schram for timely well written book packed with critical info for all wireless customers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Can you hear me now?
Review: Cell phones have become an integral part of American (and increasingly the world) society. They are ubiquitous in the business world and day-to-day life activities. The authors discuss in detail the risks associated with cell phones, particularly those of the digital variety. They tell the all to common tale of industry PR "spin" vs. public safety and common sense. While it may not be correct to state that cell phones cause brain cancer, the preliminary indications and not heart warming.

Thus far clinical studies have shown:

1) Cell phone radiation penetrates deep into the developing brains of children.

2) Cell phone radiation results in chromosomal damage to blood exposed to wireless phone radio waves. There is a link between chromosome damage and brain cancer.

3) Cell phone radiation breaks down the blood brain barrier. Think of the blood brain barrier as an immune system for the brain. As it breaks down, other environmental toxins more easily enter the brain and cause damage.

4) A number of studies showed a statistically significant correlation between brain cancer deaths and cell phone use.

5) Cell phone radiation can cause pacemakers to malfunction is they (pacemakers) are not properly insulated from cell phones that are within 6 inches of the pacemaker.

The above are based on elaborate human, animal, and laboratory experiments that examine the effects of cell phone radiation. The experiments in the book focus primarily on cell phone use - when the phone is near the head. If cell phone radiation is able to penetrate the human skull, the effects may be even more dramatic on soft tissue such as reproductive organs that may be continuously exposed to radiation by a phone carried in a pants pocket.

Based on the scientific evidence in the book you should avoid using a cell phone or being around one to be perfectly safe. Since that is not likely, the following precautions can be taken:

1) Despite the aggressive marketing practices of the industry towards children, keep cell phones out of the hands of your kids, they are particularly susceptible to the radiation generated by cell phones.

2) Use a hands free model and keep the phone away from your body.

3) If you put the phone up to your ear, point the antenna away from you.

4) If you have one of those cool little phones with a built in antenna, the whole phone is an antenna and you are getting a heavier dose of radiation. GET A HEADSET OR A DIFFERENT PHONE.

5) A cell phone has to pump out more radiation when the signal strength is low, try not to use the phone unless the signal strength is near 100%.

Initial studies show a clear link between cell phone radiation (especially associated with digital phones) and adverse health effects. In the next 10 to 20 years the effects will become apparent with the general public serving as the test subjects. Tread carefully on those wireless stocks over the long term, and take precautions today so you don't become a statistic. Many thanks to Dr. Carlo and Martin Schram for timely well written book packed with critical info for all wireless customers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: About Time
Review: Congratulations to Dr. Carlo for having the guts to try to stop an upcoming epidemic of fallout from cell phone use. Human bodies did not evolve with this kind of exposure to these kinds of electromagnetic frequencies so it so makes sense that the dangers that Dr. Carlo points out would, in fact, be likely.

Read it and spread the word!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: With thanks:
Review: For writting on a subject which seems to elude the truth everytime it is brought up publicly. It is refreshing to see that, even though the "scientific jury" is still out on this issue that the proceedures which have taken place to date are finally out in public. This is a story of yet another industry giant group claiming righteousness and doing it by spin which will ultimatley back-fire. Where are the CEO's of the members of the CTIA - they should scould Tom Wheeler for his "holier-than-though" attitude. Wheelers own book protrays him as a pathological opportunist willing to change the rules to fit his own agenda. I applaud Dr. Carlo and Martin Schram for stepping up to the plate to write this and Carrol Graf for publishing it. Read Wheelers book and then read Carlo's and you will find that the CTIA is more than likely "Spinning" out junk.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Having worked with wireless technologies for over 30 years, I am an expert in the subject and can verify that the contents of this book are true and undisputable. If you use any form of wireless technology, especially cell phones, you must take the necessary precautions! One thing that the vast majority of people don't understand is that, when cell phones were analog, there was a greatly reduced risk of radiation danger. The reason - analog radio waves are found in nature, i.e. they are natural. The real risk and danger is that today, all cell phones being manufactured are digital and transmit digital signals which are never found in nature because they are man-made. This type of unnatural radiation going through the body is flat-out dangerous and a very high risk to your health. Want to know what's even more scary? There is really no way to protect yourself from the millions of digital wireless cell phone signals passing through your body every day. You are not protected in your home, your office, or even in a bunker. The only type of building that may be able to ward off these digital demons are totally metallic buildings because they tend to relect radio signals. Beware!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Having worked with wireless technologies for over 30 years, I am an expert in the subject and can verify that the contents of this book are true and undisputable. If you use any form of wireless technology, especially cell phones, you must take the necessary precautions! One thing that the vast majority of people don't understand is that, when cell phones were analog, there was a greatly reduced risk of radiation danger. The reason - analog radio waves are found in nature, i.e. they are natural. The real risk and danger is that today, all cell phones being manufactured are digital and transmit digital signals which are never found in nature because they are man-made. This type of unnatural radiation going through the body is flat-out dangerous and a very high risk to your health. Want to know what's even more scary? There is really no way to protect yourself from the millions of digital wireless cell phone signals passing through your body every day. You are not protected in your home, your office, or even in a bunker. The only type of building that may be able to ward off these digital demons are totally metallic buildings because they tend to relect radio signals. Beware!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Radiation is definently emitted from all cell phones!!!
Review: I would have to say this book gets all the facts about radiation. I reccommend anyone who has a cell phone or knows somebody that you love that uses a cell phone get this book. It is very useful and mind blowing. Cell phones can give you cancer and cause brain damage. Im not saying to throw away your cell phone now, because I still use mine with cell phone accessory that blocks 96% of radiation. I reccommed everybody get this accessory (...) and BUY THIS BOOK!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Radiation is definently emitted from all cell phones!!!
Review: I would have to say this book gets all the facts about radiation. I reccommend anyone who has a cell phone or knows somebody that you love that uses a cell phone get this book. It is very useful and mind blowing. Cell phones can give you cancer and cause brain damage. Im not saying to throw away your cell phone now, because I still use mine with cell phone accessory that blocks 96% of radiation. I reccommed everybody get this accessory (...) and BUY THIS BOOK!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Important book for anyone who uses a mobile phone a lot
Review: Seems everyone in Europe is born with a mobile phone sticking out of their head. And in some parts of the world, it's easier and cheaper to get a mobile phone than a hardwired phone.

Every news story I read is says "mobile phones cannot be shown to have ANY relationship to brain cancer" but can you trust the few studies they quote? Is it possible this billion dollar industry is seeking to silence the author rather than to allow impartial research? Better to read this book and look at the evidence that Carlo presents and decide for yourself.

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