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Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorists

Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorists

List Price: $12.00
Your Price: $9.00
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Painfully Biased and Inacurate
Review: While Netanyahu comes of as surprising intelligent in this book, he also takes the oppurtunity to really push the Israel Agenda. His biases are extremely transparant in this book with absolutely no atempt to be objective.
His main conclusion in this book is that Terrorists hate freedom. While he makes a somewhat convincing case for this point he never truly addresses root causes in any of the terrorist groups he focuses on. Much of his points ultimately end up being propaganda, most of the world renowned intellects such as Chomsky, and others have completely rejected these frivilous ideas.
Netanyahu claims terrorists attack Israel because they dislike the open and free society that Israel is, he claims that Islam is at odds with these ideas, tactfully avoiding many other issues such as Israels continual land reclaiming in the region. In the end this is a political war, not a religous one, over land, not ideoligy. Whether one side is right or wrong is going to be endlessly debated, but this is not a war over conflicting life styles it is war as I mentioned over the control over key land.
Reading some of the reviews of this book it is really sad to see how easily people buy into such a baseless book. There are many interesting and illuminating books on terrorism, this is not one of them.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Intriguing Israeli Insights on Confronting Terrorism
Review: (I give it a 3.5/5.0) Netanyahu offers some intriguing Israeli Insights on confronting Terrorism. He shows America/West can confront terrorism vis-a-vis the anti-terrorism security model that Israel has. However, most Western nations are in a totally different strategic geosituation than Israel. Netanyahu and the right-wing Likud Party doesn't take terrorism lightly. His basic premise is that you have to be firm and tough on terrorism. There is obviously much America could learn from the Israeli experience with regards to security in airports, customs, government buildings, etc. However, America isn't so apt to run the Bill of Rights through a shredder and trade in its precious civil liberties in the interest of fighting terrorism. Moreover, the law that governs the Middle East is a crude lex talionis, retaliation in kind, which draws no distinction between civilians and combatants. The Israeli response to terrorism frequently matches that of the terrorists. Say the terrorists bomb Israeli civilian target, Israel in turn lobs a cruise missile or artillery shell into Palestinian territory. The book offers an interesting Israeli perspective on fighting terrorism, but the core of its methods and strategy may not be applicable to the West and the United States.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Faces the problem head on! Highly recommended.
Review: A first class book befitting the present climate following the September 11th terrorist attacks upon the US and the Palestinian terrorist upsurge against Israeli civilians in the Mid-East.

Most people will be aware of Benjamin Netanyahu's history as a former Prime Minister of Israel, but few are aware of his service as a soldier in an elite anti-terrorist unit in the Israeli army. Netanyahu having considerable experience of fighting terrorism on the diplomatic, political and also military battlefields.

Netanyahu pulls no punches in his direct, vigorous assault upon terrorism. This latest edition being published since the aforementioned terrorist attacks and includes reference and comment in relation to them.

Anti-terrorism measures voiced by Netanyahu are weighed against the question of civil liberties and he also projects his views on the rise of Militant Islam and the nuclear threat provided by terrorist entities.

The author candidly and honestly declares his opinion that, what is at stake today in facing the present upsurge of terrorism and fundamentalism, is nothing less than the survival of our civilisation. He advocates that any such talk in apocalyptic terms which might have been irrelevant exaggeration some ten years ago, is now becoming an accepted fact of life.

Despite such a shocking affirmation, the former Israeli PM expresses confidence that the threat can be successfully tackled if the enormous reserves of power and facilities at the disposal of the West are appropriately and quickly marshalled.

Netanyahu believes that no international terrorism can flourish without the support of sovereign states. He maintains that the latter train, arm and indoctrinate the terrorists within safe havens provided by these regimes, who more often than not share their agendas, dispatching these groups or individuals to serve as their proxies of terror.

The views of the author have been proved true and accurate time and time again as the 'war against terrorism' continues.

One need look no further than Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and the Palestinian territories. Fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups are granted freedom to operate and receive the financial and political support from all these entities. Not to mention Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

Arafat's rule in the Palestinian autonomous areas has seen the freedom and approval for the running of summer camps in Gaza where Palestinian children are openly seen receiving training to become suicide bombers, with undisguised instruction in the merits of martyrdom and the methods of murder. Yet the world looks on with apparent or wilful impotence.

The author proclaims that 'the success of terrorists in one part of the terror network emboldens terrorists throughout the network'. Enough said.

Netanyahu adds that such small groups and
individuals '...nullify in large measure the need to have air power or intercontinental missiles as delivery systems for an Islamic nuclear payload, as...they will be the delivery system'.

The world would be foolish to ignore such a warning and it's potential consequences, especially with the hindsight of September 11th.

The author asks the question, "..do we rally to defeat this evil, while there is still time, or do we press a collective snooze button and go back to business as usual ?"

He continues to assert that, whilst the fight against terrorism might inflict some innocent civilian casualties, this in itself does not constitute a 'terrorism' of it's own, as some would argue.

Such casualties,he states, are entirely unintentional,indeed regrettable, but are tragedies by comparison and appropriate measures must be taken to minimise them.

To the contrary, terrorists do not unintentionally harm civilians! They deliberately murder, maim and menace civilians...in fact as many as conceivably possible!

It is Netanyahu's opinion that NOTHING can justify terrorism. No cause, grievance or agenda, irrespective of the opponent, state or race.

He asserts that any cause that uses terrorism to advance it's aims must NOT be rewarded, or seen to be rewarded...or accepted.

The recent climate of trying to equate or describe some terrorists as 'freedom fighters' is like a cancer to such commendable anti-terror standards. Those promoting such a questionable policy must have their own agendas closely scrutinised, as they perhaps have a 'goal' of their own.

The author quite rightly affirms that the situation cannot be dismissed that a militant terrorist state could SOON use it's 'proxies' to threaten or even launch a nuclear, chemical or biological attacks with apparent impunity.

Nor can the prospect be ignored that a militant regime would commit 'collective suicide' for the sake of a fanatical ideology. Such a scenario would inflict hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of civilian casualties.

Therefore the author is clear in his stand that EVERYTHING must be done to prevent such regimes (eg. Iraq, Iran) from developing such weapons or neutralising those already in their possession. Netanyahu suggests that a coalition be built around this very mission.

Although not a large book, (some 150 pages in the paperback version), it packs a considerable punch. Highly recommended read !

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hard solutions for a deadly problem
Review: As a former Naval Counter-terrorism analyst, I look for books that provide factual material without a sugarcoating of political ideology. Prime Minister Netanyahu has well accomplished this feat within this book. By using both personal experience and historical perspective, PM Netanyahu provides a step by step program for the isolation and eventual defeat of terrorist organizations. He provides heretofore unknown facts that gives an insight into the mindset of the terrorists and those that fight them. This book is a 'must read' for any student of International Politics, Terrorism, those wishing to learn the truth of international terrorism

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Intelligent read, but sad
Review: Fighting Terrorism, is an excellent guide to the world of terrorism and its implications for our future world.

Benjamin Netanyahu was speaking about terrorism long before September 11, long before the world was ready to listen to his warnings of a militant Islam at war with the civilized, liberal, modern world. He spoke about terrorism when it was seen as just an Israeli problem, a problem much of Europe including France and Germany were very happy to exploit to their own advantage, treating Arafat as a statesmen and country builder, instead of one of the crucial links in the world of Islamic terrorism.

A good part of the world watched as militant Islam allied with the far left tried to destroy and undermine Israel, thinking it was a problem for the Jews to solve. Now, as Jihad and its hatred of the West, shows its face in Spain, India, Russia, the Phillipines, the U.S., and many of the Muslim countries, the world will see that Israel was in the forefront of this clash, and that it is a clash of liberal, constitutional Westernized societies versus the dark world of religious authoritarianism.

The Jihad against Israel is not because it is a Jewish state, but because it is the only open, constitutional, Westernized society in the Middle East, and thus threatens the authoritarian Muslim world by its individualism: free press, constitutional rights, rule of law, social and sexual freedoms.

Fundamental Islam and its belief in the subordination and sacrifice of the individual for a higher cause, symbolized in its use of homocide bombers to murder and slaughter innocent civilians, is intent on imposing itself on free liberal societies, and establishing a Taliban-like world where pleasure and self-interest will be crushed and erradicated.

Israel was one of its first victims, but now when France,
Spain, Russia, and Germany see their own buses, trains, and public places being blown up by people recruited, trained, and payed by Islamic terror in the name of reclaiming Islamic glory, I wonder if they will still call Hamas, Hizbullah, and Islamic Jihad, freedom fighters?

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Democracy and Terror
Review: I was never a big fan of Netanyahu, but I think he has a point. We have to begin to face the changing realities of the world. Freedom and liberty are wonderful, but let's remember something else: Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. That line from the Kris Kristofferson song 'Me and Bobbie McGee' (made famous by Janis Joplin) illustrates what we may have if all we do is focus on freedom.

I would rather by stopped at roadblocks and asked for my national ID then have terrorists deliver a suitcase bomb into Washington DC, or New York City or Cleveland and take out millions of my fellow Americans not to mention no too few friends and relatives.

The only constant is change and being able to adapt is what makes us humans last. If we want to dig in our heels and pretend like this is the 1940's that is fine, but we may pay bloody dear for it. We didn't have mass international airlines and suitcase bombs and the Moslem Brotherhood based all around our cities in the 40's; now we do.

It's time to make changes to the constitution. # 1. Time to outlaw Islam (as an organized religion); time to round up fundamentalist moslems and ship them out. Time to realize how much is at stake.

Suitcase Nuclear bombs Do Exist. Nuclear bombs exist in Pakistan in a country full of anti-American, Islamist, terrorist elements. Its just a matter of time till we face hell. Let's tighten up our infrastructure and keep out as much danger as possible.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A no holds barred battle plan
Review: I was surprised to learn that Netanyahu's brother was none other than the leader of the Enteebe raid, who died fighting terrorists. Netanyahu clearly outlines the genesis of terror in both domestic and international fronts. Also, he dispells the myth that terrorism is an act of isolation; this is cruical for his argument for regime change. Last, he shows the clear and present danger that weapons of mass destruction posse in the hands of terrorists.

Originally writen in 1995, Netanyahu updated his foreword for the implacitions of Sept. 11. His insights suffer though, from his assumption that 9/11 truly changed the ethos of America. While it is undeniable that America sees terror in a new light, the election so far is focusing around all social issues and with the democrats claiming that terror is either no longer an issue, was exarrgated (tell that to the victums) or made up. We in America need to wake up and see that there is a war going on that well determine the world our children live in.

So far, the president has proven himself in effective fighter in the war on terror but it is yet to be seen if America will finish the course and end the threat of state spounsered terror.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An ideal model for foreign & domestic policy, post Sept. 11
Review: In this book, Netanyahu outlines the major forms that terrorism can take, and the policy decisions that counteract each of them. It is especially useful given that Israel fights battles not unlike the ones America is fighting today. I think the major drawback of this book is the lack of cases (there are only a few, with more emphasis on policies) which would definitely make the read much more entertaining.

I do not necessarily agree with Netanyahu's politics, but I found in this book a fresh source of ideas, with no political leanings.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The leaders of the world should listen to this man
Review: No one knows more about the war against terror than Benjamin Netanyahu. As a soldier in the Army of Israel he was involved in operations against international terrorism, including the rescue of the passengers from the Sabena Airline hijacking.He suffered a most painful loss when his older brother one of the great soldiers and potential leaders of Israel Yonatan Netanyahu was killed while leading the rescue operation at Entebbe. He has written about and studied the subject for years. And when he was Prime Minister of Israel he managed to reduce Palestinian terror to a relative low point. In this small work he outlines the dangers facing the world from international terrorism. And he gives productive ideas on how the West, and the free nations of the world can combat Terror and preserve their freedom. He points to the enhanced danger facing the world from the new kind of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, and indicates how important Iran is in the terrorist network. The intensified effort of Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, is perhaps the greatest terror threat facing the world today.
This book is a must read for all who would understand the dangers facing the West today.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: God Bless Netanyahu and Israel: They know How to Win
Review: This book is the game plan for killing the terrorists before they kill us. Netanyahu's credentials are superior to most of those who write on terror.

Too many terror "experts" are professors, desk jockeys, reporters with lots of stamps on their passports, and arm-chair generals who are out of the information loop and jealous of those in the loop.

Netanyahu is different. This American reader will take a Likud Party guy like Netanyahu as a friend of America any day compared to the meely-mouthed "cycle of violence" preachers. Israel knows better even than America about terror. MEASURED PROPORTIONALLY BY POPULATION, ISRAEL HAS HAD DOZENS OF 911s.

I've had my fill of people who are always bitching about the Israeli Lobby in the US and Jewish neo-conservatives, always bitching about how our friendship with Israel is causing more terror. THESE NEW ANTI-SEMITES ARE APPEASERS AND COWARDS. DON"T THEY KNOW WHAT SAVAGE BEASTS OF PREY THE TERRORISTS ARE!?



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